Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 69 - Status

Pokemon - Charizard

Type - Fire , Flying

Ability - Blaze , Solar Power( locked )

Level - 56

Items - Charcoal

Moves - Scratch , Growl , Belly Drum , Counter , Ember , Smokescreen , Dragon Breadth , Fire Fang , Metal Claw , Slash , Sunny Day , Thunder Punch , Fire Punch , Flamethrower , Dragon Tail , Brick Break , Shadow Claw , Iron Tail , Air Slash , Wing Attack , Scary Face, Solar Beam , Steel Wing , Bulldoze , Fly , Rock Slide , Fire Spin , Inferno


Pokemon - Draceon

Type - Dragon

Level - 54

Items - Dragon Fang , Scope Lens

Moves - Tackle , Tail Whip , Covet , Double Kick , Sand Attack , Twister , Quick Attack , Baby Doll Eyes , Swift , Charm , Dragon Claw , Dragon Breath , Water Pulse , Brine , Facade , Substitute , Bite , Fire Fang , Thunder Fang , Ice Fang , Assurance , Mega Drain , Dragon Tail , Aerial Ace , Take Down , Protect , Muddy Water , Dark Pulse , Dragon Pulse , Solar Beam


Pokemon - Exeggutor

Type - Grass , Psychic

Ability - Chlorophyll , Harvest(locked)

Level - 55

Items - Aguav Berry


Pokemon - Kabutops

Type - Rock , Water

Ability - Swift Swim , Weak Armor(locked)

Level - 54

Items - Mystic Water , Leftovers

Moves - Scratch , Harden , Bubble Beam , Icy Wind , Rapid Spin , Absorb , Leer , Iron Defense , Hail , Ice Beam , Rain Dance , Rock Tomb, Mud Shot , Aurora Beam , Sand Attack , Knock Off , Endure , Rock Polish , Aqua Jet , Earth Power , Stone Edge , Mega Drain , Aerial Ace , Scald , Metal Sound , Giga Drain , Drain Punch , Take Down , X-Scissors , Ancient Power


Pokemon - Gengar

Ability - Cursed Body

Level - 53

Items - Black Sludge , Toxic Orb

Moves - Confuse Ray , Lick , Astonish , Clear Smog , Haze , Perish Song , Hypnosis , Mean Look , Payback , Spite , Curse , Hex , Toxic , Shadow Punch , Night Shade , Sucker Punch , Fire Punch , Ice Punch , Thunder Punch , Shadow Claw , Psychic , Dark Pulse , Shadow Ball


Pokemon - Mewtwo

Type - Psychic

Ability - Pressure , Unnerve

Level - 62

Moves - Disable , Confusion , Psywave , Safeguard , Laser Focus , Gravity , Swift Future Sight , Psyshock , Ice Beam , Hyper Beam , Thunderbolt , Earthquake , Shadow Ball , Flamethrower , Aerial Ace , Energy Ball , Stone Edge , Poison Jab , Foul Play , Iron Tail , Dragon Pulse , Moon Blast , Aqua Tail , Signal Beam , Aura Sphere , Psych Up , Miracle Eye , Drain Punch , Fire Punch , Thunder Punch , Ice Punch , Psycho Cut , Zen Headbutt , Gravity , Power Swap , Guard Swap , Hidden Power , Solar Beam , Brick Break , Rock Tomb , Rock Slide , Recover , Toxic , Hail , Sunny Day , Rain Dance


Pokemon - Mew

Type - Psychic

Ability - Syncronize , Administrator

Level - 63

Items - Twisted Spoon

Moves - Pound , Transform , Work up , Calm Mind , Mega Punch , Rest , Psyshock , Hidden Power , Payback , Sword Dance , Metronome , Taunt , Psychic , Grassy Terrain , Sunny Day , Rain Dance , Hail , Sandstorm , Barrier , Aqua Tail , Bounce , Covet , Drain Punch , Dragon Pulse , Zen Headbutt , Ancient Power , Amnesia


Type - Dragon , Flying

Ability - Air Lock

Level - 66

Items - Scope Lens

Moves - Twister , Scary Face , Bind , Roar , Dragon Claw , Hidden Power , Protect , Aerial Ace , Ancient Power , Crunch , Sky Drop , Air Slash , Iron Tail , Dragon Tail , Rest , Bulk Up , Solar Beam , Extreme Speed , Dragon Pulse , Dragon Dance , Fly


Pokemon - Dialga

Type - Steel , Dragon

Ability - Pressure , Telepathy

Items - Adamant Orb

Moves - Scary Face , Dragon Breath , Metal Claw , Iron Defense , Ancient Power , Dragon Claw , Hidden Power , Protect , Rest , Slash , Power Gem , Metal Burst , Iron Head , Earth Power , Dragon Pulse , Aura Sphere , Iron Tail , Magnet Rise , Stomping Tantrum , Roar of Time , Flash Cannon


Pokemon - Palkia

Type - Water , Dragon

Ability - Pressure , Telepathy

Level - 64

Items - Lustrous Orb

Moves - Scary Face , Dragon Breath , Water Pulse , Rain Dance , Ancient Power , Dragon Claw , Hidden Power , Protect , Rest , Slash , Power Gem , Aqua Ring , Dragon Tail , Earth Power , Dragon Pulse , Focus Punch , Aura Sphere , Liquidation , Aqua Tail , Spacial Rend , Hydro Pump


Pokemon - Giratina

Type - Ghost , Dragon

Ability - Pressure , Telepathy

Level - 65

Items - Griseous Orb

Moves - Scary Face , Dragon Breath , Ominous Wind , Calm Mind , Ancient Power , Dragon Claw , Hidden Power , Shadow Ball , Protect , Slash , Shadow Sneak , Destiny Bond , Pain Split , Dragon Claw , Earth Power , Aura Sphere , Energy Ball , Shadow Claw , Shadow Force , Hex , Fly , Hyper Beam , Thunderbolt , Flamethrower , Ice Beam


Pokemon - Kyurem

Type - Dragon , Ice

Ability - Pressure

Level - 64

Items - Razor Claw , Razor Fang

Moves - Dragon Rage , Icy Wind , Imprison , Hail , Dragon Claw , Hidden Power , Ice beam , Protect , Ancient Power , Hyper Voice , Zen Headbutt , Blizzard , Roost , Safeguard , Psychic , Fly , Ice Fang , Sunny Day , Flamethrower , Fire Fang , Heat Wave , Solar Beam , Fusion Flare , Blue Flare , Ice Burn , Dragon Breath , Rain Dance , Thunderbolt , Thunder Fang , Thunder , Fusion Bolt , Bolt Strike , Freeze Shock , Slash , Scary Face , Glaciate , Dragon Pulse , Noble Roa

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