Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 84 - Bug Badge (1)

"Ralts, Confuse Ray." Sam ordered.

"Surskit, dodge and then Ice Beam." Viola countered.

The battle started and both gave commands to the pokemon. Ralts sent out a sinister ray towards Surskit but it dodged and spew Ice Beam towards Ralts.

"Ralts, Teleport." As soon as Sam's voice fell, Ralts teleported away at a very quick speed. The special training improved Ralts teleport speed by leap and bound.

"Keep using Ice Beam." Viola commanded Susrkit to keep using Ice Beam towards Ralts but it kept dodging by teleporting away. So a weird scene portrayed on the field in which Ralts kept teleporting and Surskit kept chasing it using Ice Beam.

But after a while, Ralts slipped on the field and got hit by Ice Beam. Ralts stood up confused but saw that the whole field had a thin layer of ice on ground surface.

"Ralts, flaot in air using psychic and use confusion." Ralts sent a telekinetic force towards Susrkit and Susrkit became confused after getting hit. Viola tried to bring back Surskit to its senses but it was useless.

"Keep using Confusion from different position." Sam commanded. Ralts then kept using Confusion while teleporting to different places all over the field without giving Surskit a chance to react.

Surskit fainted after repeatedly getting hit by Confusion. Viola took back Surskit and said, "I never saw someone solve the ice layer on ground so quickly. But don't think it is over. Comeon Vivillon."

'System, show their stats.'


Pokemon - Vivillon

Type - Bug , Flying

Ability - Compound Eye , Friend Guard(locked)

Level - 17

Items - None

Moves - Tackle , String Shot , Poison Powder , Stun Spore , Harden , Protect , Gust , Sleep Powder , Struggle Bug , Infestation , Psybeam


Type - Water

Ability - Torrent , Protean

Level - 15

Items - None

Moves - Pound , Growl , Bestow , Camouflage , Mind Reader , Mud Sport , Toxic Spikes , Water Sport , Bubble , Quick Attack , Lick , Water Pulse


"Froakie, take some of the fubbles and attach them to your hands and feets." Sam ordered Froakie as soon as it came on the field.

"Why does Sam replaced Ralts even when it has not fainted?" Serena asked Vivi.

"That was because it is Sam's style. He mostly never let a pokemon fight unless he is sure to win. Other reason, I knew when I had asked him in past. He said that a pokemon has limited stamina no matter hiw powerful it seems, putting too much stress on it to continue battle may lead to internal injuries for a pokemon which is not good for their further growth. In Ralts case, it had already defeated Surskit and had consumed a lot. Even if it continues to fight Vivillon, it is not possible to defeated it so it was better to let Froakie fight it." Vivi explained to Serena.

"Yes, if you want to become a good trainer, you should observe more of Sam's habits of taking care of pokemon." Vivi said.

"Vivillon, Gust." Viola ordered.

"Stick to the ground with the help of your frubbles." Sam said.

Vivillon kept fanning its wings at high speed to make Froakie unstable but Froakie stayed on the ground with the help of frubbles that it has attached to its hands and feets at the beginning.

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