Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 90 - Sky Trip

Giratina soon reached high in the sky and only fuzzy figure can be seen from the ground. But still few trainers who were in vicinity took pictures of Giratina when it was going up. The good thing was that none of Sam, Vivi or Serena came in any of the picture taken. What no one knew was that two different pokemons took notice as soon as Giratina came out of Small world but upon seeing that Giratina did not do anything they took back their attention. As Giratina had yet to fully grow up it didn't notice that it has just gathered the attention of two big existences.

Vivi and Serena were very happy that they got to see such spectacular scenes from high sky. Both of them kept looking here and there on the back of Giratina.

"Sam, what pokemon is it that we are riding now? I have never seen or heard about it." Serena asked.

"You can try to find but I am not going to tell you." Sam said.

Sam and girls talked about some random stuff and then the gurls went back to enjoy the view. Sam ordered system in his mind.

'System, show stats of my pokemon.'


Pokemon - Froakie

Type - Water

Ability - Torrent , Protean

Level - 15

Items - None

Moves - Pound , Growl , Bestow , Camouflage , Mind Reader , Mud Sport , Toxic Spikes , Water Sport , Bubble , Quick Attack , Lick , Water Pulse


Pokemon - Ralts (female)

Ability - Synchronize , Telepathy (locked)

Level - 18

Items - None

Moves - Growl , Ally Switch , Confuse Ray , Destiny Bond , Misty Terrain , Confusion , Double Team , Teleport , Lucky Chant , Calm Mind


Pokemon - Ralts(male)

Type - Psychic , Fairy

Ability - Trace , Telepathy (locked)

Level - 18

Moves - Growl , Confuse Ray , Disable , Mean Look , Momento , Shadow Sneak , Confusion , Double Team , Teleport , Lucky Chant , Calm Mind


Pokemon - Fletchling

Type - Normal , Flying

Ability - Big Pecks , Gale Wings (locked)

Level - 16

Items - None

Moves - Tackle , Growl , Snatch , Tailwind , Quick Attack , Peck , Agility , Flail


As soon as they reached the mid area of Santalune forest, Sam told Giratina to land down as he did not want anyone to see them with Giratina. Griratina used Ominous Wind to surround Sam and others and landed in the forest. Some trainers who were near took pics of Giratina landing down.

Sam and girls climbed down as soon as possible and then Sam sent Giratina back to the Small world. Some trainers followed the landing path of Giratina and came near Sam and girls but the didn't found Giratina. They only found Sam and girls there but they thought that they were similar to them as they came to see that pokemon. Soon everyone dispersed and Sam and girls went towards the Santalune city.

They reached the city by the nighttime and went to the pokemon center. They found a lot of people near the large screen in the hall watching the pics of Giratina which were taken by the trainers near Aquacorde city and Santalune forest. They were tagged as pics of mysterious pokemon.

There were rumors spread out that a mysterious pokemon is sighted in the southeastern area of kalos and it also bought many aspiring trainers who want to catch it to the Santalune city as it is the biggest city which is near the spotted area. Along with the pokemon contest which will be held tomorrow, there were a lot of people present in the Santalune city now.

There were shortage of rooms in the hotels and pokemon center in the city but good thing was that Sam had already booked the room at pokemon center in the morning so they don't have to sleep outside tonight.

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