Restart Meimao

Chapter 116

Blue light flashes, intertwined with light and shadow.

The distant spatial distance turned into countless points and lines, the world became an abstract three-dimensional structure, Joson was like a fast-moving point of light, shuttling through the longitude and latitude of the earth, the void opened, he stepped out, a large snowflake and howling cold wind came into view.

In a short time, he came from the other side of the ocean to the other side of the earth, Jossen walked on the snowy plateau known as the “roof of the world”, the wind and snow blew his body, the extremely cold weather did not pose the slightest threat to him, and now he can survive even if he goes to the harsh environment of outer space.

Spiritual power radiated in all directions, following the ethereal call, Joson crossed the majestic snowy peak, stepped over the white snow, and covered the plateau with perennial snow, and in the white world, a high-towering mountain-peak stood tall.

Between the wind and snow, Qiao Sen vaguely felt a strange fluctuation, waved his palm, the space was separated like water waves, he stepped into it, and the next moment, the figure appeared at the top of the mountain-peak, the void rippled in circles, the light gradually distorted, a temple full of vicissitudes and ancient atmosphere suddenly emerged, like an illusory scene in a mirage.

Qiao Sen faintly made some kind of conjecture in his heart, stepping into the temple, the void was broken like a mirror, he seemed to enter another strange world, the space was like a folded piece of paper, suddenly spread out, the hall lit with lights one after another, a stone statue with different appearances, from the outside, it is difficult to imagine, this seemingly time-honored, dilapidated temple, there is actually a hole in the sky.

His footsteps did not stop, and he stepped into the main hall, and the ancient aura precipitated by the years came to his face, as if every brick and tile here was imprinted with traces of time.

The yellow curtain fell from the top of the hall, in the dark hall, only an oil lamp emitted a faint light, a bald head in a white linen robe walked out, Qiao Sen stared at each other, a golden light flashed in his eyes, this person has a very strange aura, gender, age, appearance, everything has become blurred in his eyes, as if there is a strong force, shrouded in the other party, people can not see through, can not touch.

“You came earlier than I thought.” A faint voice sounded in the hall, and the bald head in a white robe carried the burning oil lamp, and a faint light emitted out, illuminating the entire hall.

“Not everyone can meet the greatest magician on earth, and I’m always curious about new things.” Joson laughed softly, others felt that ethereal magic is also one of the energy forms that construct this world, and the legendary magician can manipulate energy particles that ordinary people cannot perceive, and use them, showing all kinds of incredible magical uses.

The white-robed bald head in front of him, who cannot distinguish between gender and age, is the strongest supreme magician of the modern era, “The Ancients”, and in the future timeline, he will also become the teacher of Doctor Strange, leading the selfish and indifferent surgeon into a wonderful world.

“Heresy! Intruders! Time traveler! The ancients’ eyes widened angrily, and one name after another came out of his mouth, like a flood bell ringing, shocking people’s hearts, “You shouldn’t have come to this world!” Anyone who tries to change the course of time and space will be regarded as an evil being! ”

Majestic elemental energy rushed in the hall, white robes hunted, ancient people shone with brilliant light, various natural elements collided, bursting out colorful arc halos, like a bright lamp, glowing with dazzling light.

“Oh, I’m considered a stowaway by you? So great magician, are you going to tie me to a cross and burn me? Joson said with a playful look in his eyes, he is not the native of this world, the will of the multiverse has thrown him here, and he has a grand task while regaining a new life.

And the supreme magician is the guardian of the world, responsible for fighting against the invaders of the other world, the ancient evil will, in the eyes of the ancients, the Jossen who descended to this world through the long river of time and space is the evil heresy that disturbs the order, and is the kind of existence that needs to be eliminated.

“Your strength is very strong, but one person cannot resist the will of the world!” The Ancient One’s hands shone with blazing white light, and vast magical energy washed the space, “Intruder, either return to the world that belongs to you, or abandon that terrible plan!” ”

The hall was like a small boat in the sea of Wang Yang, crumbling in the storm, Qiao Sen’s eyes shone with golden light, he stared at the supreme magician, and the golden torrent in his body rushed mightily.

“Magician, this is my world!”

He roared loudly, the surrounding space seemed to be filled with glue, his movements became frozen, the young man took a step, and heavy footsteps roared in the hall.


The ancients shouted, the blazing white light ball shining between his hands suddenly shot out, dazzling white light flashed, and the violent and violent turbulent energy burst out, like a pure incandescent flame fire, rolling out along the space, the hanging cloth curtain instantly turned into flying ash, the high-temperature flame rolled like a wave, rushing out of the majestic ancient temple, and the snowstorm raging outside suddenly emptied.

“It turns out that you really plan to burn me like a heretic.” Joson walked out of the firestorm, a faint blue light flashing in front of him, and upon closer inspection, there were layers of void space.

The figure of the young man stood behind countless void portals, the churning waves of fire were like a madness that broke free, and he rushed towards the enemy with his teeth and claws, and the surging energy destroyed one space after another, and finally dissipated.

“This is the inheritance of the Supreme Magician, and it doesn’t look good.” He commented.

“Heresy is also worthy of insulting the supreme power of Emperor Weishan!” The ancient man roared, he could not tolerate the arrogance of the otherworldly invaders, and his body erupted with vast magical power, illusory light and shadow gradually emerged behind him, and the violent energy was like a volcano that suddenly erupted.

The hall could not withstand the ravages of this powerful force, the stone pillars of the building imprinted with a long time fell apart, the collapsed rubble turned into dust, the surging power rolled out wildly, and the blurred figure behind the ancient became more and more solid, as if it was about to cross time and space and descend into the real world.

ps: Thank you to a few people who voted for the month, saying that they have not received this kind of encouragement for a long time~. ~

ps: The apocalypse plot line and DC plot line are about to open, and please support the author Jun~

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