After resting for a while, after recovering his physical strength, Su Mu continued to run wildly.

After running wildly for an hour, Su Mu stopped again.

He found that he was now very close to the high platform.

At this time, the high platform also changed from ten stories to twenty floors.

After a short rest, Su Mu continued.

This time, another hour.

When the height of the high platform changed from twenty stories to thirty stories, Su Mu stopped.

"Is this a miracle?" Su Mu stared at the high platform and muttered to himself.

Gao Tai's situation at this time really seemed to be a miracle.

There has never been such a magical building in the history of the world.

At the same time, Su Mu also found that there were many buildings under the high platform.

These buildings were different from the buildings that Su Mu saw in the Hanging City.

The buildings inside the Hanging City, although involved every dynasty. But they have a common feature, that is, they are not ordinary.

Whether it's residential buildings or so-called 'rich neighborhoods'.

These buildings all gave Su Mu a feeling that they were from everyone's hands.

But these buildings in front of him made Su Mu feel as if they were built temporarily.

And these buildings are all doorless.

Walking into these buildings, Su Mu found that the decoration inside was also very simple.

"Are these buildings really improvised and erected?"

As Su Mu deepened.

He found that the closer to the high platform, the older the building.

"It seems that the role of these buildings should be temporary palaces." Or rather, it is used to prepare for the sealing of Zen.

After seeing these buildings, Su Mu looked up at the high platform.

When he stood under the high platform, Su Mu found that this high platform was really outrageously high.

The so-called thirty layers are just Su Mu's approximate speculation.

"Take a break, and then go up there and take a look!"

After Su Mu took a deep breath, he said slowly.

Since they had already arrived, Su Mu felt that he had no reason not to go up and take a look.

The situation above is unknown.

Therefore, Su Mu must restore his state to his peak.

After the state was fully restored, Su Mu was ready to climb.

He had thought the climb would be tough.

But what he didn't expect was that this climb was really not as difficult as he imagined.

Not only was it not difficult, Su Mu even felt very relaxed.

In less than an hour, Su Mu climbed to the middle of the high platform.

This was still when Su Mu was more careful.

If he had let go of the climb, I am afraid that he would have reached the top in this hour.

After a slight rest, the climb continues.

After another hour, the top of the high platform was close at hand.

Su Mu took a deep breath and began to work hard for this last stretch of the road.

Ten minutes later, he was at the top of the platform.

The top of this platform is round.

The round circle is reduced into five equal parts, each of which is different in color.

White, green, blue, red, yellow.

Seeing these five colors, a mythical story suddenly flashed in Su Mu's mind.

Nuwa makes up the sky.

When Nuwa Niangniang mended the sky, the five-color stones used were these five colors.

"Is it a coincidence, or is there something else deep?" Su Mu was puzzled.

On top of this high platform, there is also a small platform.

This small platform looks very similar to the altar in the TV series.

On the small platform, there are a series of sacrificial objects such as table cases, incense burners, and tributes.

Walk up to the small stage.

Su Mu found that in front of the Taiwan case, there was a small futon.

He felt something.

For some reason, he knelt directly on the futon.

He didn't know what he was doing.

Kneel three times and knock nine times in the direction of the Taiwan case.

I saw that behind the case, a purple smoke quietly rose.

This smearing smoke, taking advantage of Su Mu's lack of attention, actually flew straight towards Su Mu.

The smoke flew above Su Mu's head and burrowed into Su Mu's body from within Su Mu's heavenly inspiration.

The purple qi entered the body, and Su Mu instantly noticed it.

"Ding! The host worshiped the heavens, and the heavens were inspired and specially lowered the purple qi.

"Ding! The host gets a reward: [Magic Flame Invaders]!

"Ding! The host gets a reward: [Basic Sword Technique]!

"Ding! The host gets a reward: [Purple Pole Sword Technique]!

"Ding! The host gets rewarded: [Do more with less]! "


The system prompts that sounded one after another made Su Mu a little stunned.

After being stunned, there was a burst of surprise.

[Magic Qi]

Level: Introduction to the Heaven-level Superior Grade:

Learn this art, and the moment the magic qi appears, it will be cleansed.

[Basic Sword Technique]

Level: Yellow Level Lower

Grade Introduction: When you learn this special technique, when you use the sword technique, the effect is doubled.

[Purple Pole Sword Method]

Level: Introduction to the Heavenly Grade Upper Grade:

The Ancient Sect's Purple Pole Sect Town Sect is the most treasure, and when it is used, the sword qi is stirring.


the effort] level: unknown

introduction: A mysterious art, when practicing practice, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

After reading the introduction of these four rewards ————

, the corners of Su Mu's mouth were directly split to the root of his ears.

"God treats me well!"

Su Mu sighed.

His cultivation speed was different from other aliens.

With this [Half the effort], his cultivation speed will become very terrifying.

This strange technique is simply a divine technique for an alien like Su Mu who has a cultivation speed that is too fast.

With it, Su Mu would no longer have to worry about Mo Qiao in the future.

Compared to these two, [Basic Sword Technique] and [Purple Pole Sword Technique] are less important.

However, for Su Mu now, one more attack method is a good thing after all.

Su Mu looked in the direction of the Taiwan case and secretly said in his heart: "If I worship again, will there be a reward?"

Su Mu thought and knelt down again.

But at this time, he found that no matter how hard he tried, his knees could not kneel.

"It seems that it can only be worshiped once."

Su Mu was a little disappointed.

However, this time the reward is already very rich for him.

"What is the so-called Sealing Zen Sacrifice Heaven?"

Even if Su Mu had already come here.

In his heart, there are still doubts.

At this time, he suddenly found out.

On the desk, I don't know when a tablet appeared.

"99, Earth! What do you mean? "

At the top of the tablet, the number 99 is engraved.

And below the tablet, the word earth.

Su Mu was puzzled.

Just as Su Mu was about to continue observing the tablet, Su Mu suddenly felt himself in a trance.

When he came back to his senses, he found himself back at the lake.

When he looked up at the Hanging City.

He was surprised to find that the Hanging City had disappeared.

Everything that happened before was like a dream of Nanke to Su Mu.


In order to confirm what happened just now, Su Mu summoned the system.

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