Chen He was not a fool, of course he knew what Concentrated Spirit represented.

Concentrated and heavy, it represents the highest combat power among the Inhumans.

With this combat power of his, he can even directly enter the headquarters of Eater and chat with the boss of Eater in person.

If you talk about hi, the boss who eats, maybe you will invite him to a meal.

"Don't believe it?"

Su Mu knew that this Chen He would definitely not believe it.

So Su Mu directly opened his own flame.


Everyone on Chen He's side changed their faces greatly at this time.

This flame made them feel unprecedented pressure.

This kind of pressure makes them even feel suffocated.

This is the suppression of the weak by the strong.

Chen He's face was livid.

His brain is spinning wildly, trying to find a way to solve this thing perfectly.

However, he found that this matter could not be solved perfectly.

If Su Mu's strength was poor, he could directly kill Su Mu.

But Su Mu's strength is not bad at all, even very strong.

So as soon as this plan appeared, it was directly declared bankrupt.

As things stand, begging for mercy is one of the best ways to do it.

The arrogance and arrogance on Chen He's face disappeared.

Instead, there was an apology.

"Senior." He directly called Su Mu senior, and said in a very sincere voice. "This matter is my fault, and I apologize to you."

"Apologize?" Su Mu looked at Chen He and shook his head. "Apologizing is the most useless thing in the world."

"If an apology is useful, then what else is the strength for?"

Su Mu's words made Chen He's heart twitch.

"What do you mean, senior?" Chen He's voice trembled slightly and asked Su Mu.

"Come with me to your leaders and admit your mistakes."

Su Mu felt that Chen He definitely did this kind of thing not once or twice.

There must have been quite a few strangers who suffered because of him.

This is neither the first time, and it certainly won't be the last.


Chen He shook his head frantically.

Eat, as the official Inhuman organization, they have very strict discipline inside.

If Chen He's matter was known by the above.

Expulsion, that is already the most ordinary punishment.

"Is it impossible?" Su Mu looked at Chen He and said coldly. "Since you don't want to go, then I'll take you."

Su Mu said, and stepped forward and grabbed Chen He's clothes collar.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and let go of our boss!

"Although you are powerful, we have a lot of people here. Hurry up and let go of our boss, or make you look good.

"Boss, although he is powerful, there are many of us, or let's fight with him."

"That's it! No matter how powerful he is, he is a person. "


The members in Chen He's team drew their weapons one after another and pointed at Su Mu.

Did they really want to save Chen He by doing this?


The reason why they did this was because they were also involved in the rotten things that Chen He did.

If Chen He was really taken by Su Mu to meet the leader, then their fate would not be much better.

"It seems that your little brothers are still quite loyal to you!"

Su Mu's tone was full of mockery.

Chen He was silent.

Things have developed to the point where they get out of control.

Whether he was killed by Su Mu or sent to the leader by Su Mu, his end would not be good.

If that's the case, then he might as well fight with Su Mu.

If you fight it, there is at least a glimmer of hope.

But if you don't fight, then there is no hope at all.

Thinking about it, Chen He's hand directly touched his weapon.

Chen He was captured by Su Mu.

So his little action, Su Mu must know.

The reason why Su Mu did not stop it.

It's because he has absolute self-confidence.

Not to mention his strongest [Innate Eucharistic Dao Fetus] in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

Even if it is the defense of the Golden Light Spell, I am afraid that this Chen He will not be able to break it.

Chen He saw that Su Mu did not find himself pulling out Su Mu, and he was secretly proud in his heart.

He held the weapon in his hand and stabbed it straight at Su Mu's lower abdomen.

"Brothers, go together!"

He roared.

Chen He's people rushed towards Su Mu together.

The weapons in his hands also looked at Su Mu in unison.

"Golden Light Spell!"

Su Mu let out a low roar.

When Chen He's weapon was about to stab Su Mu's lower abdomen, a golden light spell appeared.


The weapon stabbed at Su Mu's golden light spell, making a sound of metal colliding.


At the same time, the weapons of others also slashed at Su Mu's body.

But the result was the same as Chen He's weapon.

"Golden Light Spell?"

Looking at the golden light spell on Su Mu's body, Chen He was taken aback.

He took a step back and stared at Su Mu with a shocked face: "You... You...... You are from the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi Mansion! "

Golden Light Spell, that is the unique skill of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master Mansion.

It is said that only disciples of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi Mansion can learn.

Seeing the golden light spell on Su Mu's body, Chen He knew that he was really in trouble.

Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi Mansion.

Although not the world's top Inhuman organization.

But it has the world's top Inhumans.

In this world, there is no organization that is willing or wants to provoke the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

"I'm not a disciple of the Heavenly Master Mansion." Su Mu directly denied it.

Chen He didn't believe it.

As far as he knew, there was no one in the Inhuman World who had learned the unique skills of the Heavenly Master Mansion without being a disciple of the Heavenly Master Mansion.

But these are no longer important to Chen He.

The most important thing now is how the situation at hand is resolved.

Their weapons could not harm Su Mu.

The plan to solve Su Mu has failed.

"Okay." Su Mu looked at Chen He and his little brother, looked embarrassed, and said with a smile. "Since things have developed to this point, then you should come with me to find your leader!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, he wanted to step forward to control Chen He and the others.

But Chen He and the others did not want to sit still.

"Let's run together! I don't believe he could have caught so many of us. Chen He roared.

Chen He's junior brothers nodded in unison, and then rushed in all directions.

"You can't run!"

Su Mu smiled gently.

The golden light spell that still protected Su Mu was divided into golden threads at this time.

The golden thread flew in the direction of everyone like a rope.

Everyone, including Chen He, was bound by Su Mu's golden thread.

They struggled.

But no matter how they struggled, they couldn't break free from the shackles of the golden thread.

"What is this doing?"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

It's a very majestic-sounding voice.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

When he saw the person coming, Chen He's face was beaming.

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