Now in Shen Chenguang's body, there is Su Mu's three-tenths of the flame.

But this three-tenths of Qiao is still not Wang Zhao's opponent.

"Does it take half of the flame to subdue this Wang Qi?"

Su Mu brought out another two-tenths of the flame and let it enter Shen Chenguang's body.

Now in Shen Chenguang's body, there is already one-half of Su Mu's flame.

If these flames are still unable to subdue Wang Zhao.

Then Su Mu must find another way.

Half of Su Mu's qi was rounded in Shen Chenguang's body.

Under Su Mu's control, Su Mu began the final encirclement and suppression of Wang Zhao.

This time, Wang Zhao did not attack Qiao again.

It began to flee in Shen Chenguang's body.


Su Mu let Ji speed up.

After accelerating, Qiao surrounded Wang Zhao.

Wang Zhao, who was surrounded by the group, actually began to panic.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Mu directly controlled Qiao and wrapped Wang Zhao.

Under Su Mu's intentional control, Wang Zhao, who was wrapped in flame, began to move towards Shen Chenguang's mouth.

It didn't take long for Qiong to come to Shen Chenguang's throat.

"Even if it's going to be over."

Now although it is the last moment.

But Su Mu still didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

He separated another flame and used it to pry open Shen Chenguang's mouth.

Under Su Mu's control, Wang Zhao finally broke away from Shen Chenguang's body.

Even though Wang Zhao had already left Shen Chenguang's body, Su Mu still did not dare to take it lightly.

He slowly stood up and walked towards the bathroom in the room.

Come to the bathroom.

Su Mu opened the lid of the toilet.

Transporting the Qiao wrapped Wang Jiao to the toilet.

Su Mu's right hand stretched forward and roared lowly: "Death to Lao Tzu!" The

flame that wrapped Wang Zhao suddenly contracted at this time.


Wang Zhao, who was wrapped in flame, suddenly became a powder.

Su Mu pressed the flush button of the toilet.


A generation of kings, just like this, was washed into the sewers.

At this time, Su Mu was obviously relieved.

He simply washed his hands on the sink and walked out of the bathroom.

Imperial capital, a certain villa.

A middle-aged man who was drinking tea at this time.


In the next second, a mouthful of blood spurted out of its mouth.

The blood was black and looked very oozing.

When the man saw this black blood, he was stunned.


He first coughed violently, and then looked puzzled.

For a moment, he seemed to have thought of something.

He hurried to the basement.

Opening the door of the basement, the man hurriedly ran towards the deepest part of the basement.

In the deepest part of this basement, there is a shrine.

Inside the shrine, I didn't know what was being enshrined before.

Now, the niche is full of debris.

"Someone killed my king!"

The man covered his chest.

He now felt that his chest hurt very much.

It felt as if something very important in life had disappeared.

He squatted on the ground, and the expression on his face was very painful.

"Dare to kill my king, dare to kill my king! Don't let me know who you are, and if you do, I'll make sure you live better than die. The

man cried out in pain.

Shen Chenguang's room.

Su Mu sat on a chair with a tired face.

Around Shen Chen's light bed, there were many doctors in white coats.

They looked nervous, busy, and there were many kinds of equipment around the bed.

"The results of the examination are out!"

At this time, an elderly doctor shouted loudly.

Hearing this, everyone in the room suddenly became nervous.

"What happened to the check?" Shen Chenlu asked the geriatric doctor.

"It turned out very well." The geriatric doctor answered Shen Chenlu while looking at the computer. "President Shen's body, there is no problem anymore."

"It's just that the internal organs in his body are damaged and he needs to cultivate for a while."

Hearing this, Shen Chenlu was obviously relieved.

"Can I go back to school now?" Su Mu looked at Lu Tianfeng.

Just now, after taking care of Shen Chenguang's affairs, everyone forgot that there was also Su Mu in the room.

Lu Tianfeng walked to Su Mu's side with an apologetic face and asked softly, "Brother Su, can you still go?"

Su Mu pointed to his leg and said to Lu Tianfeng, "See for yourself."

Lu Tianfeng looked at Su Mu's leg.

Not only Lu Tianfeng looked at Su Mu's leg, but even Shen Chenlu and Shen Youwei also looked at Su Mu's leg at the same time.

Su Mu's legs were chattering irregularly at this time.

This kind of hesitation is caused by excessive fatigue.

"Mr. Su." Shen Chenlu walked to Su Mu's approach and said with an apologetic face. "It's all my fault just now, I shouldn't have neglected you."

Looking at Shen Chenlu, who looked apologetic, Su Mu waved his hand with a smile: "It's okay, after all, the patient is the most important!"

"Now, can I go back to school?" Su Mu asked Lu Tianfeng.

A look of embarrassment flashed on Lu Tianfeng's face.

"I'll take you back to school."

Lu Tianfeng said, getting up to help Gao Mu.

Su Mu slowly stood up under the help of Lu Tianfeng.

"Guys, I'll go back to rest first."

Then the two walked out of the Shen family's villa.

"Is there such a lot of physical exertion?" Lu Tianfeng asked puzzled.

"Of course it's big." Sitting in Lu Tianfeng's car, Su Mu's physical strength was relieved a lot. "The things in Lu Chenguang's body are not ordinary small things."

Lu Tianfeng nodded as if he understood something.

The car starts.

"My school is Qingbei University, you can send me directly to the school gate." Su Mu said to Lu Tianfeng.

Lu Tianfeng did not plan to send Su Mu back to school.

The car sped all the way to a hotel.

Yuelu Hotel.

One of the best hotels in the imperial capital.

As can be seen from the name, this hotel is an industry under the name of Yuelu Group.

"Your current physical condition, if you go back to school, no one can take good care of you. In that case, I will simply send you here.

"Here, not only can you rest well, but there are also people who can take care of you."

Lu Tianfeng said, then walked down from the car and came to the co-pilot to help Su Mu.

Since Lu Tianfeng said so, Su Mu had no intention of continuing to shirk.

With the help of Lu Tianfeng, Su Mu entered the hotel.

As one of the best hotels in the imperial capital, this Yuelu Hotel is really not said.

The luxurious decoration of the hall is definitely the only one seen in Su Mu's life.

"Hello, please open a presidential suite for me!"

When he came to the front desk, Lu Tianfeng said directly to the staff at the front desk.

"Excuse me, do you have a membership card?"

The staff at the front desk asked Lu Tianfeng.

Hearing this question, Su Mu glanced at Lu Tianfeng strangely.

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