By the time we got to school, it was already noon.

After returning to school, Su Mu returned to the dormitory as soon as possible.

"Good fellow, I thought you dropped out." Ma Tianming saw Su Mu with a look of surprise.

"I didn't drop out of school, I just had something to deal with." Su Mu said to Ma Wanming with a smile.

"That's right." Ma Tianming put down the book he was reading in his hand and asked Su Mu. "In a few days, do you want to participate in the show?"

"Show?" Su Mu glanced at Ma Tianming strangely and asked. "What kind of festival is it again?"

"I don't know." Ma Tianming shook his head and said to Su Mu. "You know, I've never been very sensitive to so-called festivals."

Su Mu took out his mobile phone and looked at the date on his phone.

"Mid-Autumn Festival?"

That's right, in a few days it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Su Mu has been busy these days, so he has forgotten the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"I already knew, and I went back to school after the Mid-Autumn Festival at home." Su Mu said secretly in his heart.

"Are you going to participate?" Ma Tianming asked again.

Su Mu groaned slightly, "I still don't participate.

"I feel like you're going to participate." Ma Tianming looked at Su Mu and said very seriously and seriously. "After all, this Mid-Autumn Festival performance, if you can get the first place, there will be credit awards."

"Credit rewards?" When Su Mu heard the credit reward, he was still relatively moved.

As a college student, no one can refuse the award of credits.

The credit system of Qingbei University is very strange.

Its credits are counted at the end of each year. If you don't have enough credits at the end of the year, you are likely to repeat a grade.

"How many credits do you have now?" Su Mu asked Ma Tianming.

Ma Tianming thought slightly and replied, "It seems to be 60 o'clock!" Just stuck online! "

60 credits, which is the passing mark.

As long as this credit is achieved, it is safe.

The credit system of Qingbei University is strange though.

But there are many ways to earn credits.

As long as the brain is okay, most people can get more than 60 credits.

"How many credits do you have now?" Ma Tianming asked Su Mu.

Su Mu shook his head: "I don't know." Just

as Ma Tianming is insensitive to festivals, Su Mu is not sensitive to credits at all.

"Then take a look." Ma Tianming said to Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded and took out his mobile phone.

Entering the school's APP, Su Mu saw his credits.

"It's over." When Su Mu saw his credits, the whole person was not good. "My credits are only 30 points."

"30 o'clock?" Ma Tianming looked at Su Mu and shook his head. "Then ask for blessings for yourself!"

Su Mu's mind turned sharply and asked Ma Tianming: "This Mid-Autumn Festival Performance, if I win the first place, how many credits can I have." "

“30!" Ma Tianming said a number that made it difficult for Su Mu to refuse.

"So high?"

Su Mu did not expect that this Mid-Autumn Festival show would have such a high credit reward.

"After all, this is one of the most important festivals of our school every year. If you don't give high credit awards, the enthusiasm of your classmates is not enough! "

Ordinary festival performances are on the eve of the holiday.

At this time, everyone was in a hurry to go home.

I usually want to curl up in my bedroom and play games.

Everyone's mood for the festival is not very high.

In order to increase everyone's enthusiasm for the festival display, the school had to give high credit awards.

"Then I'll go find the instructor!"

Su Mu took out his mobile phone and wanted to call the instructor.

As soon as the phone was connected, a mocking voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hehe, classmate Su Mu, do you remember that there is such a guide as me?" I ask you, when are you going to go back to school?

"My dearest instructor." Su Mu's mouth, that's called a sweet. "I'm in school right now, I want to ask, can I participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival Parade?"

As soon as he heard that Su Mu was going to participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival Performance, the instructor was immediately happy.

The Mid-Autumn Festival Parade certainly has high credit awards.

But even then, few students are willing to participate.

Which can enter Qingbei University is not a top student.

It's really too easy for them to get credit.

So this so-called high credit is not at all tempting for them.

If it weren't for Su Mu's credit difference, Su Mu wouldn't be willing to participate in this show.

"Of course." The instructor said to Su Mu very happily. "Are you sure you want to participate, I'll sign you up now!"

The instructor's tone was afraid that Su Mu would regret it.


After ending the call with the instructor, Su Mu lay on the bed in a daze.

"Afternoon class, are you still going?" Ma Tianming asked Su Mu.

Su Mu thought for a while and nodded, "Of course I'm going, I've missed so many classes." If you don't go again, I'm afraid you will be removed. In

the afternoon, Su Mu and Ma Tianming appeared in the classroom together.

Su Mu's appearance surprised the students in the class.

After being surprised, everyone began to study in the afternoon.

Many people think that university life should be about saying goodbye to boring studies and enjoying it.

But for the students of Qingbei University, the university is just the beginning.

In serious study, an afternoon passed in a hurry.

"Cafeteria?" Ma Tianming asked Su Mu.

Su Muzheng nodded.

But at this moment, a very shocked voice was heard.

"Brothers, hurry up to the school forum!"

No one knows what's going on.

But they still took out their mobile phones and logged into the school forum.

The same is true of Su Mu.

After entering the school's forum, Su Mu was directly stunned.

[Qingbei University surprised by the Rolls-Royce Phantom]

This is the title of the top post on the forum.

Su Mu hurriedly clicked in.

I saw that at the gate of Qingbei University, I don't know when a Rolls-Royce Phantom appeared.

Looking at the Rolls-Royce phantom in the forum, Su Mu felt a little familiar.

Then he dragged the forum and looked down at the comments.

The appearance of this car, exploded in the comment section.

"Good fellow, Rolls-Royce Phantom, is this the god of that family?"

"This is the first time I know that there are so many rich people in our school."

"This car is parked outside our school, it is probably not our school student car!"

"It's not easy to say, last time there was a Ferrari parked in front of our school! It is said that it is not from our school, and in the end, it was not driven away by a certain schoolmaster?

"Who is the owner of the car, quickly stand up, I want to recognize you as a father!"


The school forum is really lively.

Looking at the lively forum, Su Mu's brows frowned slightly.

And at this moment, Su Mu's mobile phone suddenly rang.

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