This silence lasted two full minutes.

"Bragging! How old you are, just concentrate!

"Although you are wearing a mask, I can also see that you are not very old."

"Good fellow, since you are bragging, then why not blow it bigger? If it were me, I would directly say that I am a Concentrated Ninefold.

"People now, I really don't know what to think, I like to brag so much!"


The people who ate began to stir.

They didn't believe that Su Mu's realm was one concentration.

Don't say they don't believe it.

Even the general person in charge of this event, Lu Shenjiang did not believe it.

"Are you really concentrating?" Lu Shenjiang frowned and asked Su Mu with some dissatisfaction.

"Good fellow." Su Mu saw Lu Shenjiang's expression and knew that he didn't believe him. "I'm just concentrating!"

"Then how do you prove it?" Lu Shenjiang was still suspicious of Su Mu.

"Yes, since you said that you yourself are a heavy concentration. So how do you prove that your current realm is concentrating? Someone else chimed in.

The man who spoke was a young man who did not seem to be too old.

The young man was thin and sharp-billed. If it is in a TV series, such a person must be the villain's younger brother.

"Proof?" Su Mu looked at the sharp-billed monkey cheeks and said in a very disdainful tone. "Why should I prove it to you?"

"I came to you this time, not because I beg you, but because you beg me. Is this what you eat, hospitality? "

Let's be honest.

Whether it was Lu Shenjiang or the attitude of others, it made Su Mu very dissatisfied.

"We're begging you for help?" The sharp-billed monkey glanced at Su Mu with disdain, and said with mockery in his tone. "What are you? We still need your help after we eat!

As soon as these words came out, Su Mu's brows directly furrowed.

He looked at Lu Shenjiang and smiled angrily: "It seems that you guys have eaten, that's it." Since you don't need me after eating, then I'll go."

After that, Su Mu walked towards the entrance.

What Su Mu didn't expect was that the sharp-billed monkey's gills jumped out again at this time.

He blocked Su Mu's way and shouted loudly: "We are here, but don't you come if you want, and leave if you want?"

Su Mu looked at the sharp-billed monkey cheek.

He didn't quite understand why it was so targeted at him.

"I don't seem to have offended Your Excellency, do I?" Su Mu looked at the sharp-billed monkey and said.

"You really didn't offend me." The sharp-billed monkey nodded, and then looked at Su Mu with an unhappy face. "But what I hate the most is braggart like you."

"If I don't teach a lesson to people like you, I'll be very uncomfortable."

At this time, the sharp-billed monkey gills directly incarnated as a messenger of justice.

Su Mu didn't pay any more attention to him, but looked at Lu Shenjiang.

"It seems that you mean the same thing?" Su Mu asked Lu Shenjiang.

Lu Shenjiang was silent.

But from his expression, it could be seen that he did not intend to stop the sharp-billed monkey gills.

Su Mu really didn't expect it.

The cup-loading plot in the novel actually made me encounter.

"Since the cupping plot happened, then the next thing is the plot of punching the face."

Thinking of this, for some reason, Su Mu was still a little excited.

"Ahem!" He forced himself to hold back the excitement in his heart and coughed. "Since you ate like this, then don't blame me for being unkind."

The sharp-billed monkey's cheeks are like a jumping beam clown, still jumping up and down.

"You're welcome, how can you be unkind? Do you still want to hit me? I really don't believe it, you dare to do it in the territory where we eat!" The

sharp-billed monkey cheeked defiantly.


Su Mu was really not used to him, and he slapped him when he raised his hand.

This slap directly stunned the sharp-billed monkey's gills.

Not only was the sharp-billed monkey stunned, but the people present were also stunned because of this slap.

They really didn't expect that Su Mu would really dare to make a move under such circumstances.

"You TM dare me!"

The gills of sharp-billed monkeys are also true urine.

I saw that he put his hand on his lower back, pulled out a short knife and aimed it at Su Mu.

"Bright weapons, huh?" Su Mu became excited.

I saw his right hand stretch forward and directly grab the weapon of the sharp-billed monkey's gill.

His right hand slammed into force.


The weapon of the sharp-billed monkey's cheeks was directly pinched off by Su Mu.

When everyone present saw this scene, their eyes widened in shock.

Seeing this, Lu Shenjiang's eyes widened.

But after Su Mu crushed the weapon of the sharp-billed monkey's gills, he did not intend to end this matter.

He stretched out his foot sharply and directly hit the stomach of the sharp-billed monkey.


The sharp-billed monkey's cheeks were directly kicked upside down by Su Mu and flew out.

This flight is several meters.


After landing, the sharp-billed monkey's gills directly spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Those who dare to beat us on our territory, you don't take us too seriously."

"I want you to know that we didn't eat so well."

"Although we don't like this bastard either, if you do it on our territory, you are simply punching us in the face."

"If we don't clean up your meal today, then how will we mix after we eat."


Everyone present stretched their hands to their backs and felt out their weapons.

Seeing this, Lu Shenjiang's brows frowned slightly.

"Do it!"

I don't know who yelled.

Everyone's flame began to run wildly.

On their weapons, there is also a blaze of light, and only when it runs.

Everyone stepped forward and directly began to attack Su Mu.

"Golden Light Spell!"

Su Mu let out a low roar, and the golden light spell instantly formed.

The attacks of everyone were all hit on the golden light spell.

The golden light spell began to ripple layer by layer.

The strength of these people is not weak.

But like breaking Su Mu's golden light spell, it is not a simple thing.


Su Mu roared again.

His golden light spell directly turned into a whip and pumped towards the people who surrounded him.

The people who surrounded him were all pumped out by him.





After landing, everyone showed shocked expressions.

Su Mu's strength was far beyond what they expected.

"Now it seems that his so-called concentration strength is not bragging." Lu Shenjiang already had a preliminary understanding of Su Mu's realm.

After realizing Su Mu's true realm, Lu Shenjiang's heart was more or less regretful.

Watch everyone fall to the ground.

Su Mu shook his head: "The equipment is stronger than anyone, but the strength is just that."

After shaking his head, Su Mu walked straight towards the entrance.

"Sir stay!" Lu Shenjiang shouted.

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