The doors and windows of the villa are closed.

But in the hands of everyone, there was equipment for broken windows.

The broken window equipment in their hands was developed by the Ministry of Scientific Research.

Not only will it break windows, but it will not make the slightest sound.

Windows were broken.

After eating, everyone turned over and entered the villa.





As soon as they entered the villa, there was a burst of screams.

Su Mu found.

Among the people who entered the villa, there were several people lying on the ground.

They had hideous faces and painful expressions.

It's as if you're going through some kind of ordeal.

In the quiet state, Su Mu saw their situation clearly.

These people have small bugs on their bodies.

But these little bugs don't look very powerful.

Su Mu, who had seen Wang Zhao, recognized at a glance that these little insects were not Wang Zhao, but ordinary worms.

In fact, even if it is an ordinary worm, it is enough for everyone to drink a pot.

The screams of these people were not over, and several more people fell to the ground.

They are different from the previous ones.

There was no pain on their faces, and their expressions were very peaceful.

It feels as if you're asleep.

"It's a worm again, this worm is really mysterious!" Su Mu sighed.

Everyone who eats is different.

Moreover, night vision devices are also worn.

But even so, they still didn't notice the worm and were hit.


Lu Shenjiang looked around at everyone and whispered to himself.

He knew that this Immortal Sect would be very tricky.

But I didn't expect it to be so tricky.

You know, they haven't met each other yet.

Before we met, we lost so many people.

Lu Shenjiang couldn't accept this.

"Everyone be careful." Lu Shenjiang instructed in a low voice. "This place is very weird, so everyone must raise their spirits."


After eating, everyone replied seriously.

At first, some people thought that so many people were surrounding one person, and it was a bit of a fuss.

But now it seems that this is really not a fuss.

Those who have eaten, start to be careful together.

But no matter how careful they are.

The pervasive worms still let the people who eat them, focus again.

After entering the villa, it took less than five minutes, and the person who ate it had already lost almost half.

"It can't go on like this!" Lu Shenjiang's face was already gloomy.

At the same time, he also regretted it very much in his heart: "If that senior were there, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been killed or injured so badly." Thinking

of this, he couldn't wait to slap himself.

But at this time, it is obviously too late to regret it.

In this case, if you have time to regret it, it is better to think about what to do next.

"Boss." At this time, one of Lu Shenjiang's cronies stuck to Lu Shenjiang's ear and whispered. "Our operation must end this time."

"Huh?" Lu Shenjiang frowned, looked at his cronies, and scolded in a low voice. "This is the first time I've found out that you're so intimidating! Qian Xiangyang, this is not your style! When

Qian Xiangyang heard Lu Shenjiang's words, he glanced left and right.

Seeing that no one on their side noticed, he said softly: "Boss, you can mobilize your qi now."

Lu Shenjiang didn't know why, but he still mobilized the qi in his body.

It doesn't matter if you don't move.

With this move, Lu Shenjiang's face became even more gloomy.

Because he found that the flame in his body was disappearing at a very strange speed.

That's right, it's vanishing, not expending.

The total amount of qi in his body now is only three-quarters of the total.

That is, from the time he entered the dacha until now, although he has not done anything.

However, a quarter of his qi has inexplicably disappeared.


Lu Shenjiang is also really decisive.

This place is too weird, deliberately so that Lu Shenjiang feels afraid.

If I stay any longer, I am afraid that there will be big problems.

So Lu Shenjiang had to announce a retreat.

After eating, everyone was slightly stunned, and they were ready to leave.





But just as they were about to retreat, strange noises kept coming from all around.

"Not good!"

Lu Shenjiang hurriedly turned around.

I saw that the doors and windows they had just entered were all closed.


Lu Shenjiang roared lowly.

The crowd took up arms and attacked the sealed doors and windows.




Their weapons have all cut out of Mars.

But the doors and windows are still intact.

"Since you're here, don't be in such a hurry to leave!"

At this time, a voice sounded.

People look for the source of the voice.

I saw a middle-aged man walking down the stairs step by step.

This is a middle-aged man with a very thin body and a very scary appearance.

I don't know why.

This middle-aged man's face had no skin, only flesh and blood.

"Are you from the Immortal Sect?" Lu Shenjiang looked at the middle-aged man and asked coldly.

"Demon Immortal Gate, Chen Sanhua." Middle-aged people report themselves.

"Chen Sanhua?" Hearing this, Lu Shenjiang was obviously stunned. "Aren't you dead?"

Many years ago, in the operation to encircle and suppress the Immortal Gate.

This is one of the important goals.

As a participant at that time, Lu Shenjiang knew that Chen Sanjiang was dead.

"I was indeed dead." Chen Sanjiang looked at Lu Shenjiang and said with a smile. "But my luck was good, and I came back from the dead."

"Back from the dead?" Lu Shenjiang didn't want to.

"So, the recent insect incident in the imperial capital is all related to you?" Lu Shenjiang asked Chen Sanjiang.

Chen Sanzhuo nodded: "It really has something to do with me."

Lu Shenjiang looked at Chen Sanjiang, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Okay." Seeing that Lu Shenjiang had nothing to say, Chen Sanjiang smiled slightly. "Since you have nothing to say, it's my turn."


Chen Sanhu said and whistled.

The sound of "hee hee soso" sounded in the corner of the villa.

After eating everyone, everyone was shocked to find that in the corner of the villa, countless poisonous insects appeared at some point.

These poisonous insects had blood-red eyes and rushed towards the people who ate them like crazy.





The screams of everyone rose and fell on the first floor of the villa.

Listen to these screams.

Chen Sanjian's face actually showed an excited expression.

"Whoever can still stand, take out his weapon and go up with me to kill him."

Lu Shenjiang brandished his weapon and rushed towards Chen Sanjiang.

But Lu Shenjiang just rushed two steps, and fell to the ground with soft feet.

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