Yagu Mountain is full of greenery and flowers and plants.

At the beginning, Su Mu could still see the artificially repaired roads and steps.

But as it goes deeper and deeper.

Roads and steps were becoming less and less man-made.

At the end of the day, you won't even see the man-made roads and steps.


At this time, Su Mu opened Tongyu.

The aura of this Yagu Mountain is not very abundant.

However, if Su Mu used Tongyu, the transformation of the source stream of the body would still follow.

Since he kept up, then Su Mu has always been open.

Walking all the way.

Su Mu saw a lot of spiritual energy springs.

But the aura produced by these springs was not enough for Su Mu to cultivate.

Su Mu continued to go deeper.

As he went deeper and deeper, Su Mu found that there were fewer and fewer creatures.


And at this moment, a strange cry sounded.

Su Mu looked in the direction of the strange scream.

Through the layers of trees, Su Mu saw that not far away, there was a clearing.

In the clearing, there was a huge, blood-red scorpion resting.

Su Mu summoned the system and took out the Falling Sunset Soul Sword inside.

When walking in the dense forest just now, Su Mu was more or less flustered.

But the moment the Falling Sunset Soul Sword appeared in his hand, that feeling of panic disappeared.

"It turns out! All fear comes from the lack of firepower!

Su Mu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Su Mu sensed the extraordinary nature of this scorpion, so Su Mu did not plan to fight with this scorpion.

Now that he had discovered it, Su Mu decided to go around it.


Su Mu had just made the decision to walk around the scorpion, and there was another strange cry not far away.

Look in the direction of the source of the sound.

I saw that not far away, a green snake was looking at him with strange eyes.

【Bone charcoal

bamboo leaf green】Grade: C (juvenile)

Introduction: Originally growing in the 100,000 mountains, bamboo leaf green can be mutated and evolved because of eating a plant by mistake.


The introduction of bone charcoal bamboo leaf green, Su Mu was confused.

The introduction does not mention why it is called bone charcoal bamboo leaf green.

In fact, the bone charcoal bamboo leaf green has long discovered Su Mu.

The strange cry it made just now was also a warning to Su Mu.

Seeing that Su Mu ignored his warning, anger flashed in the snake pupils of the bone-charcoal bamboo leaf green.

"Get out of here!"

Su Mu looked at Bone Charcoal Zhu Yeqing coldly and roared in a low voice.


Bone charcoal bamboo leaf green mouth slightly open.

Scarlet tongue, spit out of the mouth.

Its body raised slightly, as if it was about to attack at any time.

Su Mu knew that this was an unavoidable battle.

Since it can't be avoided, then Su Mu will start first!

I saw that he held the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his right hand, and then raised it to his chest.

"Extreme Fall Sword Rain!"

Su Mu let out a low roar.

The blazing sword began to take shape behind Su Mu.

It refers to bone charcoal bamboo leaf green.

The blazing sword flew away.

"Bone Shield!"

Bone Charcoal Zhu Yeqing's mouth opened slightly, and a special syllable came out of his mouth.

I saw a wall of white bone appear in front of him.

The white bones on this white bone wall are very strange, and they look like human bones. But if you look closely, you will find that the bones on this are still somewhat different from human bones.





The blazing sword hit the white bone wall, making a 'ding-dong' sound.

Su Mu didn't know how to describe this voice.

A round of blazing sword attacks did not break the white bone wall.

Even, it did not cause the slightest damage to the white bone wall.

At this time, Su Mu summoned the system.

Remove the Worry-Free Ring from the system and wear it on your hand.

The defense of this white bone wall is very strong.

If you want to break it, it is not an easy task.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!"

Since the blazing sword could not pose a threat to the White Bone Wall, Su Mu decided to use his fist.


Near the white bone wall, Su Mu's fist hit the white bone wall fiercely.

The white bone wall shook for a while, and a slight crack appeared on it.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

Su Mu's right hand trembled slightly.

The purple flame spread like flames on the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

He swung the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword slashed at the white bone wall.

The purple flame began to spread on the white bone wall.

In an instant, the white bone wall was filled with purple flames.





Like the sound of wood burning, one after another.

On the white bone wall, various cracks began to appear.

As the flame kept beating, the cracks on the white bone wall also increased.

In less than a few seconds, the white bone wall was burned by the flames and scattered all over the place.

And at the moment when the white bone wall shattered, the bone charcoal bamboo Yeqing actually flew straight towards Su Mu.

That's right, it flew over.

In the middle of his body, a pair of ink-black wings grew out of nowhere.

The shape of these wings is very peculiar.

It looks like cicada wings.

But if you look closely, you will find that it is very similar to meat wings.

Its flight speed was fast, and when Su Mu reacted, it was already less than a meter away from Su Mu.

Its mouth opened slightly, revealing the fangs inside.

"Golden Light Spell!"

Su Mu let out a low roar.

The golden light burst out instantly, shrouding Su Mu in it.


The next second the golden light spell appeared, the bone charcoal bamboo Yeqing also hit the golden light spell.

The bone charcoal Zhu Yeqing that hit the golden light spell fell directly to the ground.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!"

Su Mu's fists clenched and hit straight towards the bone charcoal Zhu Yeqing.

But just when Su Mu's fist was less than a dozen centimeters away from the bone charcoal bamboo leaf qing, the bone charcoal bamboo leaf green suddenly disappeared from Su Mu's eyes.

Where the bone charcoal bamboo leaf green was originally located, a pitch-black bamboo charcoal appeared.

"Good fellow, the name Bone Charcoal Zhuyeqing is originally related to its alien art!"

After Su Mu finished complaining, he began to look around for the traces of bone charcoal bamboo leaf green.

He saw that not far in front of him, there was a small bamboo forest.

At this time, the bone charcoal bamboo leaf green turned into a bamboo and stood in the bamboo forest.

The reason why it did so was because it felt the threat of death in Su Mu's body.

Therefore, it intends to evade Su Mu through this disguise.

The alien beast has wisdom, and Su Mu is not surprised at all.

After all, he had even encountered strange beasts that could speak.

What surprised him was that this bone charcoal bamboo leaf green would actually disguise itself as bamboo.

Now that he had seen through its disguise, Su Mu would definitely not let it go so easily.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword was instantly covered with purple flame.

"Swift Step!"

The fastest magic opened, and Su Mu came to the front of the bone charcoal bamboo leaf green.

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