"Ding! Kill the alien beast [Red Flame Poison King Scorpion] to get rewards: 600 points, [Shadow Step], [Red Flame Fruit]. "

[Shadow Step]

Level: Heaven-grade middle grade.

Description: A very magical step with which you become the shadow of your enemies. You can see the enemy, but the enemy can't see you.

【Chiyan Fruit】Introduction

: The red fruit can directly obtain a small realm improvement by taking it.


For Su Mu now, whether it is Chiyan Fruit or Shadow Step, it is a good thing.

After reading the introduction, it swallowed the Chiyan fruit directly into its stomach.

A powerful flame began to swim through the body.

In an instant, Su Mu felt that his strength had risen to another level.

Recall the system.

Su Mu saw that his realm had changed from one concentration to two concentrations.

"Simple and rude, I like it!"

"There are so many exotic beasts here, I hope there will be a few more of these exotic fruits." "

Su Mu's realm has been stagnant long enough in concentration.

He always wanted to break through.

However, the aura has not yet been revived, and the world's aura is very thin.

Even those places with abundant spiritual energy could not bring him any closer after he entered the Concentration Realm.

So for the current Su Mu.

The more the merrier, the better.

"What do you say?" Behind the beasts, a golden bear looked at a lion not far away.

The lion frowned, and said very seriously: "This human being is definitely the best among human beings. The realm of the old scorpion is similar to mine. If we fight, we will also be five-five.

"So I think at this time, the best option is to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight." For

the lion's words, the golden bear nodded very approvingly.

These two exotic beasts can be regarded as the best among the exotic beasts.

They possess intelligence that is not human.

This kind of wisdom also makes them understand the truth of seeking luck and avoiding evil.

These two alien beasts are smart, but it does not mean that other alien beasts are also smart.

The few exotic beasts closest to Su Mu had already begun to move.

"The strength of this human being is indeed very strong, but there are so many exotic beasts in our place. I don't believe that so many of us alien beasts are not its opponents!"

"It's powerful, but we're numerous." If he rushes up, he must not be an opponent.

"We are all alien beasts of Yagu Mountain, and alien beasts do not deceive alien beasts!"

Under the encouragement of some alien beasts, the alien beasts have already shown their fangs and claws.

All the alien beasts are waiting for an opportunity.

"What to do?"

Su Mu's brain began to spin rapidly.

The trick of killing chickens and monkeys is obviously somewhat ineffective in the face of desire and greed.

"Do you really want to go on a killing spree?" said Su Mu secretly in his heart.

When Su Mu stood still, a strange beast suddenly attacked.

It was an exotic beast like an eagle falcon.

It has been hovering in the air, waiting for the opportunity to come.

After waiting so long, it finally found its chance.

Since it has found an opportunity, it will certainly not let it go.

I saw that its body leaned forward slightly, showing its sharp claws, and it swooped towards Su Mu.

It's fast.

But anyone who changes to a slow reflex will definitely pay attention.

But Su Mu's reaction was not slow at all.

In fact, when the eagle falcon took action, Su Mu had already noticed it.

He shook the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand slightly, preparing to fight back.

Su Mu was ready, and the eagle falcon was only less than five meters away from Su Mu at this time.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!" In

an instant, flames covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

When the eagle falcon was less than two meters away from him, Su Mu's feet suddenly became a little.

I saw him soar into the air and rush straight towards the eagle falcon.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand flew and aimed at the eagle falcon.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword slashed through the body of the Eagle Falcon.

In an instant, the flames wrapped the eagle falcon.


came a cry of pain from the eagle falcon's mouth.

In the blink of an eye, the eagle falcon directly turned into ashes.

The power of the flame is amazing.

Kill the alien beast [Sky Falcon], get a reward: 490 points. "

On this day, the falcon did not burst out weapons and alien arts, and only gave Su Mu some point rewards.

Su Mu was not disappointed at all.

After all, there are so many exotic beasts here.

Su Mu's killing of the eagle falcon did not stop those exotic beasts from moving.

"If you go up one by one, we will definitely not be its opponents! Let's

go together!" "That's right! Go together! We have a chance to go together!" "

He only has a sword, but we have a lot of exotic beasts here." I still don't believe that his sword can deal with so many of our alien beasts. "


Some alien beasts began to agitate again.

At the instigation of these exotic beasts, some exotic beasts began to rush towards Su Mu's side.

This time they are no longer sneak attacks, but above board.

"Huluwa to save grandpa, isn't this just looking for death?" said

Su Mu shaking his head and smiling.

This time, there were a total of 7 exotic beasts rushing towards Su Mu.

The level of these alien beasts is in the C-level adulthood.

For Su Mu, this level of alien beast did not pose any threat at all.

"Extreme Fall Sword Rain!" Su

Mu was very imposing, and raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword above his head.

The blazing sword forms behind it.


Su Muyao pointed at the beasts.

The blazing sword flew towards the seven exotic beasts like an off-string arrow.

"Swoosh!" "

Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

The blazing sword flew in front of the seven alien beasts, and all of them penetrated their bodies.

"Ding! Kill the alien beast [True Yuan Beast], get reward: 450 points!" "Ding! kill the alien beast [Tuoyuan Fox], get reward: 480 points!" "Ding! kill the alien beast [Cangjia Dog], get reward: 450



7 alien beasts, the average point reward is 470 points.

So Su Mu got 3290 points in this breath.

Counting the previous points, his current points have reached 4710 points.

"This group of exotic beasts is really not powerful, and they didn't burst anything out for me, so they gave me such a little point reward!" Compared

with point rewards, Su Mu still prefers the rewards of alien arts or weapons and equipment.

But if not, Su Mu won't complain too much.

4710 points, which is still some distance from 10,000 points.

At this time, Su Mu began to scan the strange beasts.

He wants to use these exotic beasts to buy beast taming chains (intermediate level).

Sometimes, fate is so.

The relationship between hunters and prey, at this time, also completed the transformation in an instant.

The lion and golden bear in the distance suddenly felt wrong when they saw Su Mu's eyes.

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