6 In the parking lot, the driver master looked at Su Mu with a shocked face.

He pointed to the direction where the golden-armored war bear left, and asked Su Mu in shock: "What is the situation then?" "

My mount." Su Mu said lightly.

The driver's eyes when he looked at Su Mu were full of awe.

He didn't ask Su Mu more, but directly drove Su Mu back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Su Mu, after a simple wash, lay on the bed and prepared to rest.

As soon as he lay down, he received a video invitation on WeChat.

When Su Mu saw that it was actually sent by the Heavenly Master, he didn't even hesitate, so he directly chose to connect.

As soon as the video was connected, the old master asked anxiously: "Are you in Xiangxi now?"

Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master with a shocked face, and asked in a surprised tone, "How do you know?" Can you really pinch and count?

"It's not." The old heavenly master shook his head and pouted helplessly. "Because I saw a video online."

"Video?" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master on the opposite side puzzled.

"Video of a man riding a bear! The video seems to have been shot with an old machine, and the picture is very blurry. But you can vaguely see that someone is riding a bear with golden body and hair like gold.

"In the entire Inhuman Realm, apart from you, I don't think anyone can subdue such a powerful alien beast."

When Su Mu heard this, he pretended to be very cup and nodded: "That's right, I feel that your analysis is very reasonable." Especially, the last sentence just now. Seeing

Su Mu filling the cup like this in front of him, the old Heavenly Master directly gave Su Mu a big eye.

"Boy." After rolling his eyes, Old Heavenly Master's expression suddenly changed. "Recently, the person in charge of eating Mo came to me, and they met an alien who likes to wear masks."

Hearing Old Heavenly Master's words, Su Mu's heart tightened slightly.

"That person is you, right?" The old heavenly master asked Su Mu tentatively.

In fact, Old Heavenly Master was not quite sure if that person was Su Mu.

Su Mu hesitated and shook his head, "It's not me." "

Old Heavenly Master is not a fool, Su Mu's hesitation was obviously captured by Old Heavenly Master.

"Whether it's you or not, I have something to tell you." Since Su Mu didn't want to say it, the old Heavenly Master didn't plan to force Su Mu. "Eat, it's the official Inhuman organization. Do you know what the official Inhuman organization represents?

Su Mu subconsciously shook his head.

"Rules!" The Heavenly Master uttered three words.

"In the official Inhuman organization, the most important thing is the rules. In the food of Mo, the rules are above all else. The Heavenly Master said.

Su Mu nodded in understanding.

"No matter what, you must remember. You can work with them, but don't join them! "

The appearance of the old heavenly master at this time is like an old man, imparting social experience to his favorite junior.

"I know, thank you Heavenly Master!" Su Mu saluted.

"I don't know what your purpose is in going to Xiangxi. But one thing I want to warn you, be sure to keep a low profile and a low profile when you act there. "

Recent investigations have shown that the people of the Demon Immortal Gate may be hiding in a big mountain in Xiangxi. They have already sent the strongest combat force they have eaten, temporary workers! .

"So all your actions in Xiangxi must be careful and careful."

Su Mu nodded and said with gratitude on his face: "Thank you Heavenly Master for reminding me!"

After ending the call with the old Heavenly Master, Su Mu lay on the bed and fell into deep thought.

Before being reborn, Yumo had announced the structure of their company.

They divide their employees into three types: regular workers, contract workers, and temporary workers.

There are 23 provinces, 4 municipalities directly under the Central Government, 5 autonomous regions and 2 special administrative regions in China.

After eating, China is divided into five regions: east, south, west, north and central.

For each region, there is a regional leader. Each of the five regions is also equipped with a temporary worker.

Temporary workers are the strongest combat force in Eaten, responsible for handling some tricky things.

Generally, if you eat and go out to temporary workers, then it means that things are in order.


Su Mu sat up and rubbed his temples.

After Reiki revival.

A large part of the reason why it has been lasting for a long time is because there are temporary workers sitting in the town.

The five temporary workers are all the top combat power in the Inhuman world.

They may not be the opponents of the Heavenly Master, but once they face the Heavenly Master, they can also retreat with their whole body.

In the Inhuman Realm, if you can retreat under the hands of the Heavenly Master, you can be regarded as a powerful Inhuman.

"Then I still don't run around during this time."

After the trip to Yagu Mountain, Su Mu planned to rest for a while.

Now the appearance of temporary workers has made Su Mu even more determined to rest.

"While you have time now, why don't you go for a late-night snack!"

Su Mu thought and got up from the bed.

After he simply cleaned up, he walked out of the hotel.

Just in case, he also put the mask in his backpack.

In this place in Xiangxi, in addition to the pleasant scenery, the food is also intoxicating.

Longhuo Street is one of the more famous food streets in Xiangxi.

Su Mu carried his backpack and came to Longhuo Street.

And his gastronomic journey officially began.

For an alien like him, food has reached the point where it is dispensable.

But even so, Su Mu still believes that food is absolutely not to be disappointed.

From street to street, and from street to street.

Su Mu's trip to Longhuo Street allowed him to experience true happiness.

After eating and drinking, Su Mu opened it and left.

But at this moment, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

A powerful wave of flame caught his attention.

He quickly found a relatively hidden corner and put on a mask.

After putting the mask on his face, Su Mu ran towards the place where the flame fluctuated.

The place where the flame wave came from was an abandoned building.

At this time, in an open area of the rotten building, two people were facing off.

Both parties are male.

The difference is that on the one hand, young men are very handsome and have a very well-proportioned figure.

There was a contemptuous smile on the corners of his mouth. As if the enemy in front of him was nothing to him.

This kind of person is definitely a positive character in ordinary anime.

His opponent, on the other hand, has a face that looks like a villain.

He has a fleshy face, a fat figure, and a sinister smile.

The most important thing is that the color of his exterior is green-black.

Everything about this fat man is very much in line with the characteristics of the villain.

"You can't run." The young man was the first to speak.

Needless to say, this young man's voice sounds really magnetic.

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