Just when Gao Mu and Qiu Nanping both thought that the Ten Thousand Worms Shield was about to be broken.

However, after shaking for a while, the Ten Thousand Worm Shield once again returned to calm.

The Frost Arrow did not pose a threat to the Ten Thousand Worm Shield.

"Trouble! What a hassle! Seeing

this, Qiu Nanping shook his head in a flat tone.

I don't know why.

Su Mu always felt that this Qiu Nanping was definitely more than this means.

As a villain, Xiao Guozhang did not have Su Mu's feelings.

"Did I say you ate it, is there really no one?" Sending a small character like you really looks down on me." "

Xiao Guozhang, as a villain, he really did everything about the villain to the fullest.

"Forget it." Qiu Nanping looked at Xiao Guozhang, and a cruel smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth.

For some reason.

When he saw the smile on Qiu Nanping's face, Su Mu felt his heart burst out.

"What is it? Are you leaving if your mission is not completed?

Xiao Guozhang believes that the reason why Qiu Nanping said it was that this task was overcome.

Qiu Nanping's hand reached for the back of his head.

Su Mu only discovered at this time that Qiu Nanping's head actually had a ponytail.

"Could it be that this Qiu Nanping is a woman?"

Su Mu hadn't finished thinking about it yet.

Qiu Nanping's hair all flew up.

Flying hair, fluttering in the wind.

Qiu Nanping's eyes also began to turn bloody red at this time.

"I'm right, I'm not going to waste any more time on you."

At this time, Xiao Guozhang still didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the situation.

"Haha!" When Xiao Guozhang heard this, he couldn't help but laugh. "Your means, that's those. I still don't believe that you have any other means!

"Is it? Don't believe it? The

corners of Qiu Nanping's mouth rose again.

Su Mu found that the corners of his mouth were raised, and Qiu Nanping, who looked crazy and cool, was really handsome.

"Needless to say, this appearance is indeed a little higher than mine!"

In his heart, Su Mu couldn't help but complain.

As Qiu Nanping spoke, his hand reached for the back of his spine.


His mouth was open, and his face was full of pain.

I saw his hand slowly rising.

A long sword like a spine was pulled out by Qiu Nanping.

Even a bastard like Xiao Guozhang had his legs soft when he saw this scene.

"Next, the battle officially begins!"

The corners of Qiu Nanping's mouth split, revealing a terrifying smile.

Xiao Guozhang's legs, because of fear, had already begun to snort.

"Is that all?" Qiu Nanping sneered and mocked.

The voice just fell.

I saw that Qiu Nanping directly turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards Xiao Guozhang.

Don't look at Xiao Guozhang, his legs are already frightened.

But seeing Qiu Nanping rushing towards him, he was still ready to fight.

"Come on! Come on!

Xiao Guozhang roared.

Qiu Nanping, who rushed in front of Xiao Guozhang, shook the spinal sword in his hand slightly, and stabbed straight towards Xiao Guozhang.


Xiao Guozhang roared.

I saw countless insects, crawling out of nowhere, and instantly crawled all over Xiao Guozhang's body.

On the surface of Xiao Guozhang's body, the insect formed a very strong-looking armor.

Not only that, but on the surface of the armor, thorns appeared.


The spinal sword pierced the thorn armor, making a deafening sound.

Look at Xiao Guozhang again.

The sword just now only shook him back, and did not cause him harm.

"I said Xiao Guozhang, not only have your realm improved, but your combat effectiveness has also improved a lot!"

This sword did not cause damage to Xiao Guozhang, as if it was expected by Qiu Nanping.

The expression on his face was already calm.

"Nonsense!" Xiao Guozhang shook his body and said very proudly. "I have been promoted in the Immortal Gate, and that is a comprehensive improvement."

"Good." Qiu Nanping didn't say much about this. He just nodded, and then said with a smile. "The attack just now was just a small test."

"The next attack, I hope you can follow too."

Before Qiu Nanping's words fell, he saw his whole person, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Xiao Guozhang.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

In a trance, Su Mu saw a thin layer of blood light appear on the spinal sword.

"Blood Flame Burning Heaven!"

Rushed in front of Xiao Guozhang.

Qiu Nanping actually directly raised the spinal sword in his hand high.

The originally weak blood light became dazzling in an instant.

Blood light jumped on the spinal sword as if it were a flame.

Qiu Nanping raised his spinal sword high, and then slashed fiercely in the direction of Xiao Guozhang.

"Ten thousand insect robbery!"

Countless flying insects flew out of nowhere, and they all gathered above Xiao Guozhang's head.

It seems that he wants to help Xiao Guozhang resist this blow.

But as soon as the flying insects gathered, the spinal sword was pressed down.

The spine sword slashed directly through the middle of the flying insects.

Countless flying insects were destroyed by the spinal sword.

"How is this possible!"

This scene directly made Xiao Guozhang's eyes widen.

This 10,000-thirsty insect calamity can be regarded as his strongest defensive technique.

But even so, it still did not resist the fall of the spinal sword.

This is a difficult thing for Xiao Guozhang to accept.

"Insect escape!"

Xiao Guozhang's reaction was also fast.

After the Ten Thousand Insect Tribulation was cut, he activated the Dodging Technique at the first time.

In the next second, Xiao Guozhang directly turned into a huge flying insect. With an almost incredible speed, disappear from the spot.

The spinal sword, also fell at this time.

Fall to the ground.

The sword of the spine sword directly cut a huge crack on the ground.

Not only that.

Around the rift, there was also the blood-red flame beating.


As an audience, Su Mu couldn't help but gasp when he saw this scene.

"It's so strong!"

Su Mu thought that he had already thought of Qiu Nanping strong enough.

But the sword just now made Su Mu understand that he still underestimated this Qiu Nanping.

"What is hiding? Aren't you pretty good? Hard steel front with me!

Qiu Nanping looked at Xiao Guozhang very dissatisfied.

Xiao Guozhang, who dodged the spinal sword, gasped not far away.

The insect escape he used just now was his life-saving technique.

Unless he was really in danger, he would never use this magic.

Because of this technique, it is not only very dangerous to use, but also very large in the consumption of physical strength and qi.

"You're awesome, I'll go first."

Xiao Guozhang realized at this time that he would not live and die against Nanping's opponent.

So the best choice at this time, that must be yo-yo.

But if you want to yo-yo at this time, it is obviously not an easy task.

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