Without hitting the blow, the Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword in Su Mu's hand was raised.

Wang Zhao continued to dodge.

"The sword is like a whirlwind!"

Since the speed of the attack, it is impossible to keep up.

Then Su Mu could only increase his attack speed.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword stabbed again.

This time, the speed is much faster than before.

This time, Wang Zhao did not dodge again.

It's not that Wang Zhao doesn't want to dodge, but Wang Zhao can't dodge at all.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword stabbed out.

Straight to Wang Zhao's body.


The flames soared instantly.

In an instant, Wang Zhao was wrapped in flames.


The king in the flames let out a scream like a human.

This sound makes people sound sick.


Not only Wang Zhao let out a scream.

Gu Sansi also let out a screaming sound.

The corners of his mouth, and the blood that was faintly visible.

"How is this possible!"

Looking at Wang Zhao, who was about to die, Gu Sansi's face was full of shock.

Wang Zhao is connected to his true destiny.

If Wang Zhao died, he could not live.

It's just that he doesn't understand.

Why could Su Mu kill his own Wang Zhao so easily.


Su Mu waved his hand at Gu Sansi with a smile on his face.


At this time, a mouthful of blood spurted out from Gu Sansi's mouth.

Gu Sansi's body trembled slightly, and he fell directly to the ground.

"Is there anyone else? Hurry up and come out!

Su Mu shouted in the direction of the village.

Quiet, very quiet.

No one spoke, nor did they have any footsteps.

"Could it be that all the people of the Immortal Sect are already dead?" Zhao Mumu, who was behind Su Mu, said something stupid.

Su Mu didn't even look back, and then listened to Zhang Wei speak: "If our analysis just now is correct, then this ancient three thoughts are just a small one among the core disciples of the Demon Immortal Sect!" "

There should still be someone in the Immortal Gate."

Su Mu nodded.

Gu Sansi can summon Wang Qiao, which is certainly very bullish.

But above the king, there are also the emperor and the emperor.

Demon Immortal Gate, whether to practice the emperor, Su Mu did not know.

But Su Mu could be sure that the Immortal Sect definitely had an emperor.

"Still not out?"

Su Mu looked in the direction of the village, his face full of impatience.

It's different from the five-person squad that ate Mo.

The reason why Su Mu knew about someone was because he saw it.

That's right, just see.

Because of this Chiyun Mountain's abundant spiritual energy, Su Mu's Tongyu has always been in an open state.

The situation of the village, Su Mu is not clear, but it is similar.

"If it doesn't come out, then I'll go in."

After Su Mu finished speaking, he walked towards the direction of the village.

After taking two steps, he suddenly stopped.

Because just now, he felt that the fivesome who had eaten followed him.

"If I were you, I wouldn't go into the village." Su Mu turned around and said coldly to the five.

"Why?" Mu Yunqiao asked subconsciously.

"Because the situation in this village is far more complicated than you think. If you break in, dead or alive, I can't say.

"Ever since I joined the food, I have already put life and death on the line." When Mu Yunqiao said this, he had an expression on his face.

"It's not." Su Mu turned his head to look at Muyunqiao, and said with helplessness in his deep color. "Whether you put life and death aside has nothing to do with me."

"The reason why I didn't let you follow up was not because I was afraid that you would die or whatever. The reason why I didn't let you follow up was simply because I was afraid that you would do bad things to me. After

eating, everyone's faces changed.

That's right, the five masters of them were all disliked by Su Mu.

Su Mu was telling the truth.

In the eyes of some strangers, these people who ate Mo are indeed masters among the masters.

But in Su Mu's eyes, they are not farts.

So Su Mu felt.

If they go in with themselves, they are likely to hold themselves back.

"This gentleman." These words said by Su Mushan really made it difficult for Qiu Nanping to accept. "Isn't that a bit excessive for you to say that?"

The five of them, that's the so-called genius alien.

From the moment they entered the Inhuman World, they were all eyes on their existence.

If it's in a novel.

If they are not the protagonists, they are also supporting roles of number one and two.

But such a group of people were miserably disliked by Su Mu.

Qiu Nanping is indeed unacceptable.

Not only Qiu Nanping could not accept it.

Others can't accept it either.

It's just that they don't have Qiu Nanping's straightforward words.

"Is it excessive?" Su Mu first glanced at Qiu Nanping, and then at everyone, and said with disgust. "I don't think I'm saying too much."

"In my opinion, you are indeed a dragging being!"

Su Mu, this is really murderous.


Ye Wuliu stood up and pointed directly at Su Mu.

"You'd better put your hands down." Su Mu looked at Ye Wuliu coldly, and said in a very indifferent tone. "If you don't put it away, I don't mind teaching you what the rules are."

Ye Wuliu's hand was still being raised.

It was as if he didn't take Su Mu's words to heart.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu didn't talk nonsense, and directly turned into an afterimage and came to Ye Wuliu's body.

Ye Wuliu's reaction was also really fast.

The moment Su Mu approached him, he drew his weapon.

But before he could wave his weapon, Su Mu's hand was placed on the finger he had just pointed to.


Hold the hand of the finger and exert force.

Ye Wuliu's hand was directly broken by Su Mu.

After breaking Ye Wuliu's hand, Su Mu opened the distance as fast as he could.

These are complicated to say.

But it happened in a split second.

When people react.

Ye Wuliu's finger that had pointed at Su Mu had already twisted into a very strange appearance.

"Shhh!" Ye Wuliu looked at the twisted fingers and gasped.

This cool breath of his seemed to be marveling at Su Mu's strength, and it seemed to be soothing his pain.

"Still pretending?"

Su Mu, who was not far away, hugged his shoulders, with a playful expression on his face.

Ye Wuliu did not speak, but looked at Su Mu with a resentful look.

"You know what?" For Ye Wuliu's resentful eyes, Su Mu did not pay attention to it at all. "If I wanted to just now, I could crush your throat directly."

Ye Wuliu was not angry, but he also knew that Su Mu was telling the truth.

"Pinch your finger off, just to tell you. In this world, there are people outside the sky, and there are people outside of people.

After that, Su Mu turned his head and walked in the direction of the village.

"What do you say?"

The eyes of the group of five were all focused on Qiu Nanping.

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