After eating the five, they were holding their breath at this time.

They really didn't want Su Mu to help.

But after a confrontation, Zhao Mumu was accidentally injured by one of them.

Fortunately, others helped in time, which allowed Zhao Mumu to escape.

Zhao Mumu, who escaped, was seriously injured and unable to fight.

In the original five-on-four situation, the five-person group did not prevail.

Now Zhao Mumu was injured and withdrew from the battle, leaving the remaining four a little weak.

"Brother." Ye Wuliu was the first to shout in Su Mu's direction. "We need help, we need help!"

At this time of life and death, face is really not important.


Su Mu nodded.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

The purple flames once again covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu approached an elder as fast as he could.

"Shadow Step!"

The moment he approached the elder, Su Mu came directly behind this elder.

Fighting against this elder was Qiu Nanping.

Qiu Nanping's strength, although not as good as this elder.

However, when the elder faced Qiu Nanping, he did not dare to be distracted.

Therefore, Su Mu appeared behind this elder, so that this elder did not know what to do for a while.

"Game over!"

Su Mu's cold voice sounded from behind the elder.


The Falling Sunset Soul Sword directly pierced this elder.

The elder's body was instantly wrapped in flames.

The elder wrapped in flames still had no combat effectiveness.

Seeing that the elder had lost his combat effectiveness, Qiu Nanping's legs went limp, and he directly sat on the ground.

"Are you all right?" Su Mu looked at Qiu Nanping and asked.

"De-energized." Qiu Nanping said to Su Mu with a bitter face.

When he was fighting with the elder just now, in fact, Qiu Nanping only had willpower left in the end.

If Su Mu was a little later, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Then you rest well, I'll help the others!" Su Mu said to Qiu Nanping.

Qiu Nanping nodded.

After solving the elder of Qiu Nanping's battle, Su Mu came behind the elder who Zhang Wei fought again.

The battle situation on Zhang Wei's side was a little better than Qiu Nanping.

Of course, it's just a little better.

Zhang Wei didn't say that he was pressed and beaten by this elder, but it was about the same.

"Can it hold up?" Su Mu asked Zhang Wei.

After taking a look, Zhang Wei nodded and said, "If nothing else, I should be able to support for a minute or two."

Su Mu nodded and looked at the other battle situations.

Being looked at Ye Wuliu, he usually looks cynical.

But his strength has nothing to say.

His current situation is even a little better than Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei can support for a minute or two. And this Ye Liuyun's words are estimated to last for five or six minutes.

Compared to the two of them, Muyunqiao's situation is very poor.

Whether it was the qi in the body or the physical strength, Muyunqiao was almost exhausted.

If Su Mu didn't help him again, he would most likely be killed by this elder.

"You two hold on first, I'll help Muyunqiao first!" Su Mu said to Zhang Wei and Ye Wuliu.

"No problem." Ye Wuliu took the lead in expressing his position.

"Okay!" Zhang Wei also said.

Seeing that there was no problem with the two, Su Mu came directly to Muyunqiao's side.

"You rest first, and I'll leave the rest of the battle to me." Su Mu said to Mu Yunqiao.

Muyunqiao is also not very stubborn.


Taking advantage of an opportunity, he withdrew directly from the battle.

"I said young man, why do you like to be stubborn so much! I know your strength is very good, but if you want to defeat me, it is not so easy. The elder opposite Su Mu said to Su Mu with a disdainful face.

"Are you drinking with me here?" Su Mu looked at the elder and said with disdain. "Your door master let me die, do you think that you are even more powerful than your door master?"

"The reason why you were able to kill our sect master was entirely because of your luck. If you're not lucky, you're nothing. "

In the eyes of these elders, their disciple master is invincible in the world.

The reason why Su Mu was able to defeat their door master was because Su Mu had good luck and their door master was unlucky.

"Good fellow." Su Mu looked at the elder and shook his head helplessly. "Buddy has been wandering around the rivers and lakes for so many years, this is the first time I have heard of it. Victory in battles is achieved by luck.

"Okay." The elder looked at Su Mu and shook his head with disdain. "I don't want to talk nonsense with you either, I want to hurry up and kill you and avenge our door master."

I don't know why.

When this elder spoke, there was very little emotion in his tone.

Before Su Mu could figure it out.

The elder then attacked Su Mu.

The Elder's weapon is two daggers.

The dagger is cold and cold, and it is absolutely extraordinary at first glance.

The elder danced his dagger with both hands.

The dagger flew up and down in the elder's hand, like a butterfly flipping over.

"Bells and whistles!"

Su Mu shook his head.

Handsome is really handsome.

The bells and whistles are also true.


The elder rushed to Su Mu, and the dagger crossed in front of his chest, forming an X.

"Dragon Kill!"

On the two daggers, they were instantly covered by flames.

Green flame, beating on two daggers.

Subsequently, on the dagger, the shape of a dragon was formed.


The dragon flew straight towards Su Mu.


Su Mu roared and raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword above his head.

When the dragon was about to approach, Su Mu pressed down fiercely.


Flame Dragon was directly split in two by the Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword.

Su Muben believed that after the Flame Dragon was split in two, the Flame Dragon had no attack power.

But what he didn't expect was.

Although the dragon was split in two, the attack continued.

After the blazing dragon split in two, it turned into two blazing dragons.

Although the size has become smaller.

But the power of the blazing dragon has not become smaller at all.



After spinning around in the air, the blazing dragon let out a roar and then attacked Su Mu again.


Just as Su Mu was preparing to face the Flame Dragon, he heard a scream.

Look towards the source of the sound.

I saw Ye Wuliu lying on the ground at this time.

His face was full of pain, and blood was still flowing from the corners of his mouth.

"Dead?" Su Mu asked.

"Alive." Ye Wuliu's voice sounded very weak.


Su Mu nodded.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

Su Mu's face was grim, and his right hand shook.

The purple flames once again covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

"Since physical attacks are useless, then you can only use magic attacks!"

Su Mu looked at a blazing dragon, and the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand stabbed straight towards the blazing dragon.


The stabbed dragon exploded directly like a balloon.

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