"Come with me!"

Su Mu took the lead and walked in one direction.

After eating the group of five, they followed behind Su Mu with a puzzled look.

After walking for about ten minutes, Su Mu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong, big brother?" Ye Wuliu asked Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled and pointed ahead and said, "This Treasure Pavilion of the Immortal Gate is there.

"Impossible!" Qiu Nanping said subconsciously.

Seeing everyone's gaze, all looking at him, Qiu Nanping immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing.

She quickly explained: "I just think that even if people who eat it are stupid, they should not make such low-level mistakes!" "

It's good that she doesn't explain, the more she explains, the more strange the expressions on everyone's faces become.

The reason for this.

It's because in front of them, it's a place like a vault.

That's right, the place that Su Mu was referring to was a existence similar to a vault.

How similar is it?

As long as people who have watched movies and TV series, they will think that this place in front of them is a place where treasures are hidden.

"Big brother." Ye Wuliu said softly in order to ease the atmosphere. "Are the people of this Immortal Sect all fools? Why did they hide the treasure in such an obvious place?

"They're not fools, I'm a fool." Su Mu looked at Ye Wuliu and said.

Ye Wuliu had a black question mark on his face.

"Why do you think that this place is not where the Demon Immortal Gate stores its treasures?" Su Mu asked Ye Wuliu.

Ye Wuliu spread his hands and showed a natural expression: "Because this place is too conspicuous." Don't say search carefully! I can't wait to find out the existence of this place as long as you come here.

"So?" Su Mu asked Ye Wuliu again.

"Shouldn't the place where the treasure is hidden be very hidden?" Ye Wuliu asked Su Mu puzzled.

"Theoretically, that's true." For Ye Wuliu's view, Su Mu also agreed with it. "But have you ever thought about it, what if they are for convenience?"

"Convenient?" Ye Wuliu was puzzled.

"If it weren't for our luck today, I'm afraid we wouldn't have the opportunity to enter this place, right?" Su Mu asked Ye Wuliu.

"Oh!" Ye Wuliu showed a sudden expression.

That's right.

Although they were outside, they found the Golden Arch, and through the Golden Arch, they entered here.

But let's be honest.

They were able to get into this, more or less lucky.

After all, they didn't know how to open the Golden Arch.

"So, if our luck today is a little worse, we won't be able to enter here at all!"

After eating the five, they nodded their heads in understanding.

What Su Mu wanted to express was very obvious.

This place is the lair of the Demon Immortal Gate.

And as the lair of the Demon Immortal Gate, it is not an easy thing to enter this place.

It is precisely for this reason that this treasure room is placed on the bright side.

"I reckon, even if this treasure room is on the bright side! If we want to open it, it is not an easy task. Mu Yunqiao rubbed his chin and said.

When the words fell, Mu Yunqiao walked to the door of the treasure room.

With his hand, he tapped on the door slightly, then turned to look at everyone.

"How?" Su Mu asked.

"As I guessed, it is not easy to open this door." Mu Yunqiao said to Su Mu.

Hearing this, everyone stepped forward one after another, wanting to see how extraordinary this door was.

This door looks like a very ordinary wooden door.

But if you put your hand on this door, you will fall short of the extraordinary part of this door.

"This touch shouldn't be wood!"

Zhao Mumu said.

The material of the door looks like wood.

But if you touch it with your hand, you will find that the touch is more like a metal.

The weirdest thing is that when the hand touches the door, it still gives a cold feeling.

This feeling of coldness is not an ordinary feeling of coldness.

This feeling of coldness is that chilling feeling.

"It's wood." At this time, Mu Yunqiao spoke.

"Wood?" Ye Wuliu looked at Muyun Bridge in bewilderment. "It just looks like wood! If it feels tactile, it is more like metal! "

This is a wood called a hundred refining wood! This kind of wood is very rare. Mu Yunqiao's eyes wandered, as if he had thought of something.

"Rare? How rare is it? Ye Wuliu asked subconsciously.

"So tell you so." Mu Yunqiao thought about it and said. "I can't find a single tree on the whole earth."

"Then why are there so many here?" Ye Wuliu's ability to lift the bar is really nothing.

"I said Ye Wuliu." Qiu Nanping couldn't stand it anymore and complained. "You can lift the bar so well, why don't you go to the Olympics?"

"My fault, my fault!" Ye Liuyun quickly apologized.

Mu Yunqiao waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

"I wonder too." He touched the door with one hand and stroked his chin with the other. "It stands to reason that the hundred refining wood on the earth should not be able to make such a gate..." Before

he finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

"Are you trying to say that this place may not be Earth?" Su Mu also thought of this.

"That's right." Mu Yunqiao nodded. "I suspect that this place should not be Earth. If it's Earth, it's not the ground where we're located. "

Multispace?" Zhao Mumu was watching a Marvel movie recently, so the first time, he thought of a diverse space.

"Probably." Muyunqiao is also not sure.

"Multi-space?" Su Mu didn't speak, just fell into deep thought. "It seems that the speculations of those people back then are true."

"Is there a way to open it?" Zhang Wei, who had been silent, suddenly spoke at this time.

"I'll give it a try, I'm too unsure!"

Mu Yunqiao said, and he had to find a way to open the Hundred Refining Wood Door in front of him.

After searching for something, Mu Yunqiao shook his head helplessly and said, "I can't help it." "

No way?" The crowd was somewhat disappointed.

After all, the treasure is at hand.

If this door cannot be opened, they will not be able to obtain the treasure inside.

"I'll try it."

Su Mu walked to the door.

Just when everyone was wondering, Su Mu's fist was a punch against the Hundred Refining Wooden Gate.


The deafening sound made everyone's eardrums hurt.

Mu Yunqiao rubbed his ears and said to Su Mu: "The hardness of a hundred refining wood is higher than the hardness of any metal on the earth. Even a tank cannot blast it.

"If you want to open it with brute force, I don't think it's possible."

Su Mu glanced back at Mu Yunqiao and said with a smile: "Others can't, I can!" "

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