The Falling Sunset Soul Sword pierced into the other leg of the battle armor.

Su Mu's old skills were repeated.

The other leg of the war armor was also separated from the war armor by Su Mu.

Same as last time.

This leg still has a human leg bone.

"It seems that my thoughts are true."

Su Mu gasped.

Both legs were scrapped.

Warframe does not say that it has lost all its combat effectiveness.

But the combat effectiveness has also been reduced by at least a third.

"Go on!"

Lost legs.

Not only has the combat effectiveness of the armor been reduced a lot, but it is even a little inconvenient to move.

"Next, it's the cuirass!"

Su Mu set the cuirass as the next target.

The slow-moving battle armor was no longer a threat to Su Mu.


Finding an opportunity, the Falling Sunset Soul Sword pierced into the breastplate again.

Su Mu turned the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

But after a while, Su Mu felt that his Falling Sunset Soul Sword was hindered.

He slammed his might.


A crisp sound sounded.

At the core of the chest of the armor, the lights actually began to flicker.

This kind of flickering looks very abnormal.


The lights flashed for a few seconds before they suddenly burst.

Losing the support of the core, the warframe fell directly to the ground.

Su Mu walked to the battle armor and cut all the battle armor.

A complete human skeleton appeared in front of Su Mu.

Su Mu's previous almost nonsense speculation also became true at this time.

"Human being, I have no grievances with you, why do you want to kill me?"

At this time, a voice sounded.

Suddenly a voice sounded, which startled Su Mu.

He originally thought that if the core was destroyed, the consciousness in the armor would disappear.

Unexpectedly, consciousness did not disappear.

Su Mu did not speak, but hurriedly looked for something where the voice sounded.

"Human." At this time, the voice sounded again. "As an artificial intelligence, I am immortal!"

"Immortal and immortal?" The corners of Su Mu's mouth rose, and a disdainful expression appeared on his face. "Buddy, since he became an alien, what hasn't he met? Immortal and immortal, Lao Tzu does not believe that you are immortal and immortal. "


Su Mu ran the flame.

The flames erupted directly from Su Mu's mouth.

Under the scorching flames in Su Mu's mouth, all parts of the armor began to change color.

Time passes minute by minute.

Some parts began to melt under the flames.

However, there are still some parts that have just become red.

"The parts of my body are not materials that ordinary flames can dissolve!"

That nasty voice sounded again.

"I know."

The indestructible flames just now did not cause much damage to it.

So Su Mu knew that what this artificial intelligence said was true.

But the flame can't cause harm to it, but it doesn't mean that the flame in Su Mu's mouth can't cause damage to it.

"The flame in your body, don't you want money?"

The artificial intelligence asked in surprise.

Su Mukou sprayed flames until now, and it had been almost twenty minutes.

This kind of high-intensity mouth flame, for ordinary aliens, the flame in the body may last for ten minutes.

But Su Mu had been going on for twenty minutes.

And the momentum of this flame seems to be decreasing.

"Yes." Su Mu nodded very seriously and said to the artificial intelligence. "The flame in my body, I really don't want money!"

Such a high-intensity mouth flame lasted for more than ten minutes.

Fifty percent of the parts of the armor have been dissolved.

It was only a matter of time before the remaining fifty percent was dissolved.

"Human." This is the time for artificial intelligence to speak again. "I have something I want to discuss with you."

It opened differently this time than before.

This time, there was not the slightest wave in its voice.

But the more it was like this, the more interesting Su Mu felt.

"Say, what do you want to discuss with me?" Su Mu stopped spitting out flames.

"I want to make a deal with you." The artificial intelligence said.


As soon as he heard that there was a deal, Su Mu suddenly became interested.

"That's right." The artificial intelligence said. "It's the deal."

"Trade what?" Su Mu asked.

"Trade the map of Tu Xianshan!" Artificial intelligence speaks again.

"Map of Tu Xianshan?"

This Tu Xianshan, not in the sequence of famous mountains and rivers.

But even so, such a mountain can still allow Su Mu to get the fire fruit fruit.

Su Mu felt that there should be other good things on this mountain.

"What's on the map?" Su Mu asked very directly.

"Good stuff." The answer of artificial intelligence is also very direct.

"Name something that interests me, and I might consider trading with you." Su Mu said.

"Fruits that can increase strength." The artificial intelligence said something that interested Su Mu.

"Good." Su Mu nodded and said to the artificial intelligence. "I'm willing to trade with you."

"That's good!"

The voice of artificial intelligence this time still does not sound the slightest wave.

I don't know if it's Su Mu's illusion.

He actually felt that the artificial intelligence was obviously relieved.

"You promise to let me go, and I'll give you the map." Artificial intelligence Dao.

"I promise to let you go." Su Mu did not have the slightest hesitation.

"I'll give you the map."

Its voice fell.

A holographic projection appeared in front of Su Mu's eyes.

If Su Mu was not mistaken, this holographic projection should be Tu Xianshan's map.

With Su Mu's current realm, it was really too easy to keep this map in his heart.

In just a few seconds, everything about Tu Xianshan was remembered by Su Mu.

"Can you let me go?" The artificial intelligence asked Su Mu.

"Can't!" Su Mu shook his head.

From the earliest time when this armor was simple, Su Mu felt that this armor was very strange.

It awakens self-awareness.

But Su Mu felt that in its self-consciousness, it was hatred for human beings.

"Aren't you going to keep your promises?" Artificial intelligence is in a hurry.

Su Mu did not answer the artificial intelligence, but asked: "Everything I saw on the top of the mountain just now was caused by you?"

"That's right." The artificial intelligence replied with a slight smug tone in his tone. "When I first arrived on this planet, I saw the great battle between humans and alien beasts."

"I was going to watch the battle quietly as a bystander. Unexpectedly, humans and alien beasts united and attacked me together.

"I was so angry that I destroyed them all."

When the artificial intelligence said this, his tone was full of pride.

"Do you like humans?" Su Mu asked about artificial intelligence.

"I..." For Su Mu's question, the artificial intelligence was a little stuck for a while. I love humans, I love humans very much! "

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