On the way back, Su Mu dialed the phone of the old heavenly master.

"Heavenly Master, I got the Huan Tong Flower. This is still a child's flower, how to use it? As soon as the phone was connected, Su Mu went straight to the topic.

The old heavenly master also did not ink, and said directly: "Return the child flower, add ginseng, deer antler velvet, goji berries, seahorses and other things, grind into powder, although directly soak in water and drink." Hearing

this, Su Mu was slightly stunned.

"My beloved Heavenly Master, you are the recipe for the Great Tonic Pill, right?"

Although Su Mu did not know anything about Chinese medicine.

But he also knew.

These things that the Heavenly Master said are all great supplements.

"In addition to Huan Tong Flower, it is indeed the formula of the Great Tonic Pill." For Su Mu's complaint, the old Heavenly Master did not deny it. "If the patient is hit by aging grass, his body will definitely be very weak. These things can just help him replenish his body.

"But if the patient has just recovered, it won't be bad for the body to directly give such a fierce medicine, right?" Su Mu was a little worried.

"Don't worry." Heavenly Master said very confidently. "There will be absolutely no damage."


Since the old Heavenly Master was so guaranteed, then Su Mu must have chosen to believe in the Old Heavenly Master.

After ending the call, Su Mu put the phone into his pocket.

Song Yu, who was in charge of driving, asked curiously: "The person who called just now, is it your friend?" Your friend, a Chinese medicine practitioner?

Su Mu smiled and shook his head: "It's my friend, but it shouldn't be a Chinese medicine master."

"Not a Chinese medicine practitioner?" When Song Yu heard this, he was a little worried. "Since it's not a Chinese medicine master, shouldn't we think about what he said again?"

Although Song Yu is the manager of the security department.

But whether it is Lu Zhenghao or Lu Tianfeng, they are very good to her.

Therefore, Song Yu is very concerned about Lu Tianfeng.

"You can rest assured of that." Su Mu looked at Lu Tianfeng with a smile and said. "My friend, although not a Chinese medicine practitioner. But he is a famous existence in the Inhuman world. Hearing

Su Mu say this, Song Yu's heart began to become curious: "If you don't mind, can you say your friend's name?"

Su Mu looked at Song Yu.

Seeing Su Mu looking at him, Song Yu quickly waved his hand and introduced: "I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious."

"Although he is famous, even if I say it, you may not know his name!" Su Mu was telling the truth.

Don't look at the old Heavenly Master is the first person in the Inhuman world.

But in the entire Inhuman world, there are really not many people who know his real name.

"What about his name?" Hearing Su Mu say this, Song Yu became even more curious. "Since you can't say his name, can you tell me his name?"


The relationship between himself and the old Heavenly Master, Su Mu did not need to hide it.

"If you are an ordinary person, you will call him Heavenly Master!" Su Mu said.

Upon hearing this, Song Yu, who was driving, was a little stunned.

Just then, a car suddenly drove in front of hers.

Song Yu subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

Then he started the car as fast as he could.

"You mean that the person who spoke to you just now is the old Heavenly Master of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master Mansion?"

Song Yu felt very magical.

That's God.

It was an existence in the Inhuman Realm, below one person, above ten thousand.

In the entire Inhuman Realm, there is no one who does not know the existence of the Heavenly Master.

In the eyes of some young inhumans, he was even comparable to a god-like existence.

"That's right, it's him." Su Mu nodded with a smile.

"How did you meet the Heavenly Master?" Song Yu became curious again.

In Song Yu's opinion, Su Mu and Lao Tianshi are simply two people with a painting style.

"This matter is also a coincidence..." Anyway

, idle is idle, Su Mu began to tell Song Yu a story.

"That's it?"

Song Yuben thought that he would hear a story of ups and downs.

But unexpectedly, the story told by Su Mu was very bland.

"What do you think?" Su Mu looked at Song Yu and teased with a smile. "You don't think it's the kind of novel that doesn't fight the bridge where you don't know each other, do you?"

Song Yu nodded.

After Su Mu glanced at Song Yu, he did not speak again.

"That's right." At this time, Su Mu suddenly said to Song Yu. "You better call President Lu first. Let him prepare more, big medicinal herbs. Remember, the higher the year, the better.

Song Yu nodded and began to call.

Lu family manor, living room.

Lu Zhenghao held the teacup in one hand while looking out the door in a daze.

At this time, he is no longer the fierce Lu Zhenghao, but a father who is worried about his son.

One of his hands kept tapping on the table, as if to vent his anxiety.

And at this moment, his hand tapping on the table suddenly stopped.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the phone inside.

Seeing that the caller ID was Song Yu, his expression began to become nervous again.

With a slightly trembling hand, he pressed the call button.

The phone was connected, and Song Yu's voice came from the other end of the phone: "President Lu, Huan Tong Hua has been found." Hearing

this, Lu Zhenghao, who was originally nervous, instantly relaxed.

He half-leaned back in his chair and said with a smile in his tone: "Just find it, just find it."

After Lu Zhenghao relaxed, he listened to Song Yu's voice sound again: "President Lu, Mr. Su said, I want some medicinal herbs that are big supplements." For example: ginseng, deer antler velvet, goji berries, seahorses and the like.

Lu Zhenghao didn't know what use Su Mu wanted these things.

But since Su Mu said that he wanted it, then he definitely couldn't snub.

"I know, I'll find someone to buy it."

After ending the call, Lu Zhenghao directly called his secretary.

"Buy me all the ginseng, deer antler velvet, goji berries, and seahorses in the imperial capital. The higher the vintage, the better.

"Yes, Mr. Lu!"

The secretary bowed slightly and turned to leave.

As the world's top large group, Yuelu Group's efficiency is really high.

In less than half an hour, a cartload of high-end supplements was delivered outside the door of the Lu Family Manor.

At this time, Song Yu and Su Mu's car also stopped at the door of the Lu family manor.

Su Mu glanced at these big eats and said directly to Song Yu: "Find someone who understands these medicinal materials and divide these medicinal materials." Finally, pick out the highest vintage and send it to me. "


Song Yu nodded directly without asking why.

After instructing Song Yu, Su Mu went straight to the Lu Family Manor.

After getting on the pick-up car, it didn't take long for Su Mu to come to Lu Tianfeng's ward.

As soon as Su Mu's front foot entered, Lu Tianfeng came on the back foot.

After entering the ward, Su Mu walked straight towards Lu Tianfeng's bedside.

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