But judging from what has happened in the recent period.

The time for the revival of Reiki should be in this year or two.

"The specific time, has it been analyzed?" Han Tianqing asked Han Ruwei.

Han Ru shook his head slightly, and said with a helpless face: "The result of our analysis is that in recent years. However, it is not accurate to what year. "

It's okay." When Han Tianqing heard this, he comforted with a smile. "You've done a great job."

Can it be bad?

Now information departments around the world are analyzing things about Reiki revival.

But in addition to the information department of what I ate.

Other information departments did not even analyze the time of Reiki revival.

Eat, already ahead of them too much.

"As long as you know it's the last few years, let's get ready."

Han Tianqing was helpless.

He already knew the situation.

But there is very little he can do.

"Can I give me my advice?" Han Ruwei did not leave in a hurry, but looked at Han Tianqing.

Han Tianqing asked rhetorically, "In what capacity are you planning to use to give me advice?"

Han Ru was slightly stunned, and said with a smile: "What identity do you think, then I am what identity!" Han

Tianqing didn't expect his daughter to be so slippery.

"Say it."

No matter what capacity Han Ruwei is, he can give advice to Han Tianqing.

"Expand!" Han Ruwei said two words.

Hearing these two words, Han Tianqing's expression did not change in the slightest.

His appearance seemed to have already guessed what Han Ruwei was going to say.

As the first person in charge of eating, can he not think about expanding recruitment?

He thought about it, and often thought about it.

But the problem is that expanding enrollment is a very troublesome thing.

Do you want to join and eat, first you have to have strength.

This is the simplest one.

Secondly, none of your grandchildren have a criminal record for three generations.

Just this one can brush down a lot of exotic beasts.

In the end, that is you, and you have to pass the psychological test of what you ate.

That's right, psychometric tests.

After eating, it will recruit people every year.

Last year, as many as 1,000 people wanted to sign up.

However, only 20 people were finally admitted.

And now, only one of the 20 people remained.


Because after passing the previous test, there will be a test period of up to one year.

After passing the test period, you can be considered a member who has eaten.

There are exceptions, though.

The exception to this is the Big Five temporary workers.

The reason why the five temporary workers are exceptional is because they have absolutely strong strength.

"Let's talk about the expansion of enrollment!" Han Tianqing said to Han Ruwei.

Some things that I ate, Han Ruwei also knows a little about it.

Therefore, Han Ruwei is not surprised that Han Tianqing did not agree to expand enrollment.

"Now that I'm done with business, can I ask you something private?" Han Ruwei asked.

Han Tianqing put down the burden of eating the person in charge and looked at Han Ru with a fatherly smile and nodded slightly.

"My mother asked you, are you still going home for dinner today?"

Before Han Ruwei came in, he received a call from his mother.

The mother shouted Han Ruwei if she wanted to go home for dinner. Instantly, he also asked if Han Tianqing wanted to go home for dinner.

"Why didn't your mother call me?" Han Tianqing's face was full of doubts.

Han Ru said helplessly: "My dear father, your mobile phone seems to be down. When

Han Tianqing heard this, he quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

A random number was dialed, and the prompt for downtime sounded.

Han Tianqing scratched his head a little embarrassed: "You told your mother that I would go home for dinner at night."

"So let's go together?" Han Ruwei asked.

"Okay!" Han Tianqing nodded.

Han Tianqing did not shy away from his relationship with Han Ruwei.

Because his daughter is also an excellent alien.

In addition to the five major temporary workers and Han Tianqing, the person who has eaten the best realm is Han Ruwei.

The reason why Han Ruwei was able to join in the meal was not because he went through the back door. It's Han Ruwei's strength, enough for her to join in the meal.

Han Tianqing glanced at the time, smiled and said to Han Ruwei: "Go, get off work!"

Han Ru nodded slightly.

The father and daughter walked out of Han Tianqing's office together.

When everyone who ate saw this scene, they were not surprised at all.

"Needless to say, this father and daughter are really happy."

"Who says it isn't, both are masters of the Inhuman world."

"But if I have a baby, I really don't want her to join me."

"That's right, I thought so too. If I had a child, I wanted him to be a normal person. "


When there is no time to be alien, everyone wants to be alien.

But after becoming an alien, everyone wants to abandon the identity of an alien.

Eat the headquarters, parking lot.

A regular Audi SUV drove out.

It was Han Tianqing who sat in the car, and not far behind his car, followed by an Audi A4L.

The owner of this car is Han Ruwei.

After the SUV drove out of the headquarters of Yumo, it drove in one direction.

Han Ru followed behind unhurriedly, maintaining a certain distance.

Not far away, a golden light suddenly lit up.

Han Ruwei subconsciously stepped on the brakes.


But in the next second, a scene that Han Ruwei will never forget appeared.

The golden light flew straight towards the SUV.

After the SUV was hit by golden light, it exploded instantly.

Han Ruwei's reaction is also really fast.

She opened the door, drove straight away, and ran towards the SUV.

The fire wrapped the SUV though.

But as an alien, Han Ruwei is not afraid of this flame.

"Dad..." When

he saw the situation inside the SUV clearly, Han Ruwei shouted.

Han Tianqing in the car is in a very bad situation.

His eyes were closed, his face full of pain.

On the corners of his mouth and forehead, there was still blood.

Han Ruwei quickly used brute force to open the car door and pulled Han Tianqing out of the car.

As soon as she pulled Han Tianqing out, the car exploded.

Fortunately, the explosion did not affect them.

In fact, the two are strangers.

Even if it is affected by the explosion, it will not be damaged.

After pulling Han Tianqing out of the car, Han Ruwei hurriedly checked Han Tianqing's situation.

After some examination, Han Ruwei found out.

Han Tianqing's situation was even worse than he thought.

She took out her mobile phone and quickly dialed the number of the headquarters of Yumo.

After stating the address.

It didn't take long for a rescue team to come close to the two.

When they saw the seriously injured Han Tianqing, the people of the rescue team were stupid.

However, they still conducted a simple examination of Han Tianqing in the shortest possible time.

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