The Toei ninja lying on the ground is going crazy.

It's true.

Just listening to the conversation between the two, he had already begun to feel that his internal organs were a little uncomfortable.

"Then who will take his internal organs?" Gao Mu asked Li Ru.

Li Ru walked to the suitcase and took out a complete set of surgical tools from it: "I'll come by myself."

"Don't hide from you! Before I became an alien, I was a very good surgeon. "

Oh yes?" Su Mu asked as if he was cheering. "Then why don't you become a surgeon and become a stranger?" Is it because, are you highly gifted at Inhumans?

"That's not it." Li Ru waved his hand with a smile and said. "The reason why I am not a surgeon is because I can't be a surgeon anymore."

"Within a year, I had 20 medical malpractice. People doctors are all Miaoshou benevolent, and I am Miaoshou Yan Luo. As long as it is a patient who passes through my hands, none of them will be able to leave the hospital alive.

Su Mu asked Li Ru worriedly: "Will there be an accident during the operation in a while?"

"It's okay, you can rest assured." Li Ru said with a smile. "I can absolutely guarantee that he will live for a month."

Just when Su Mu was about to continue to praise, he smelled an unpleasant fishy smell.

He frowned and looked around.

"What smell, why is it so bad!"

Soon he found the source of the stench.

This ninja was directly frightened and flowed.

"Disgusting to death." Su Mu frowned, his face full of disgust. "Aren't you ninjas all professionally trained? Why is the psychological quality of this person of yours so poor?

"You scare people so much, even if you are a psychiatrist, you can't stand it!" The ninja shouted aggrievedly.

"Since you can't stand it, then you should hurry up and say it." Su Mu said with some impatience.

The ninja asked with a hopeful face, "If I say so, can you let me go?"

Su Mu didn't even think about it, so he shook his head directly and said, "How could I let you go?"

The ninja asked with a puzzled face, "Since you are not going to let me go, then why should I tell you?"

"But if you tell me, I can give you a pain!" When Su Mu said this, his expression should be more serious and serious, how serious and serious.

"I..." The

ninja had nothing to say.

"How long do you need to prepare?" Su Mu turned his head to look at Li Ru.

After Li Ru glanced back at Su Mu, he said, "Just a minute or two!"


Su Mu nodded and looked at the ninja again.

"You only have a minute or two to think about it! If you don't think about it well in these minutes or two, I'm afraid..."

After Su Mu finished speaking, he did not speak again, but sat on the sofa and continued to watch TV.

The ninja lying on the ground, his brain kept turning.

Time goes by minute by minute.

The ninja's forehead was already covered with sweat.

He didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Su." At this time, Li Ru stood up. "I'm ready, let's do it now."


Su Mu turned off the TV and slowly stood up.

He walked up to Li Ru and asked Li Ru with a smile: "What do you need me to do?"

While fiddling with the knife, Li Ru said to Su Mu: "Help him stop the bleeding!" As you know, my skills are not very good. If no one stops the bleeding, I'm afraid..."

"Okay, no problem!" Su Mu nodded.

Seeing Su Mu nodding, Li Ru carried the small box and walked in the direction of the ninja.

"I say, I say!" The last line of defense of the ninja also collapsed at this time. "If you want to know anything, I will tell you as long as I know."

Hearing this, Li Ru's face showed a disappointed expression.

"I wanted to show off! Unexpectedly, he said it now. "

This Li Ru's acting skills are really okay.

Whether it is the expression, movement, or tone of voice, it is like the real thing.

However, Li Ru did not pack up because the ninja promised.

He carried a box full of knives and stood watching.

This ninja is really afraid.

He asked Su Mu: "What do you want to ask, I must know everything!" "

How do you get in touch?"

This is a very important question.

As long as you know how this group of ninjas connect, then things are much easier.

"Code!" The ninja replied.

"What kind of code?" Su Mu asked again.

"Two darts, one masked man!" The ninja replied very seriously.

But his answer made Su Mu very dissatisfied.

Su Mu raised his foot and kicked it at the ninja's stomach.

"Are you going to squeeze toothpaste for me?" Whatever I ask, you say. Can't you just guess what I'm trying to ask? Su Mu was angry.

Ninjas are stupid.

Su Mu is unreasonable and hard to find fault.

But people under the eaves.

Even if you want to get angry, you have the courage to get angry.

"How often do you get in touch?" Su Mu asked again.

The ninja who learned to be smart, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, began to gush: "We will contact every day!" We will leave code words in some conspicuous places.

"In addition to this code word for the masked man's two darts, we also have a code word that only has the masked man. The meaning of this code word is security.

"And the three masked men represent the meaning of assembly."

After the ninja said this, Su Mu could be regarded as having some understanding of their situation.

"What else would you like to ask?" Su Mu looked at Li Ru.

That's all he wants to ask.

"Why do you slaughter ordinary people?"

Hearing this question, Su Mu was obviously stunned for a moment.

Because of this question, he already knows the answer.

The answer is very cruel and very uncomfortable.

"For fun!" The ninja said the answer.

Li Ru's eyes began to turn red.

His fists clenched, and his breathing began to become rapid.

But Su Mu felt that Li Ru was actually suppressing his anger.

"Mr. Su." At this time, Li Ru turned his head to look at Su Mu and deeply saluted Su Mu. "Can this beast be handed over to me?"

Su Mu nodded directly: "You just pull away!"

Li Ru nodded.

Li Ru pulled the ninja and left.

How he would end up treating this ninja, Su Mu didn't know, and he didn't want to know.

The only thing he wanted to know now was how to find more ninjas.

"Tomorrow during the day, let's go to the street first!"

Su Mu thought about it, so he lay down on the bed.

In a groggy moment, Su Mu slept over.

When I woke up again, it was already the next morning.

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