"This ninja, what's next?" Li Ru asked Su Mu.

Su Mu looked at the ninja who had passed out and pondered for a moment, "We don't have much time."

Li Ru nodded and said, "If nothing else, they will take action tomorrow at dawn." So tonight, we have to interrogate something.

"That's right." Su Mu looked at Li Ru and asked. "Do you have a special place for interrogation?"

Li Ru smiled wickedly: "Of course."

"Then drag this guy to your room for interrogation."

Li Ru walked to the ninja, directly pulled up a leg, dragged the ninja out of the room like a dead dog.

"Mr. Li, what are you?"

As soon as the two walked out of the room, a waiter walked up to them.

When the waiter saw the ninja being dragged like a dead dog, a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

But this waiter is very well disguised.

The shock was fleeting.

But even so, Su Mu still caught it.

"That's not right." Su Mu carefully looked at the waiter in front of him.

This waiter is different from the waiter who connected with the ninja before, whether in terms of appearance, height, or other aspects.

"Could it be that there are other things that ninjas should be in this hotel?"

Su Mu found.

This hotel is not as simple as you think.

"This is?" The waiter looked at the ninja and asked Li Ru with a smile.

Li Ru waved his hand and said to the waiter: "It's just a drunken bastard, I'm going to take him to sober up!" The

waiter showed a strange expression: "Do you want me to help?"

"No need." Li Ru waved his hand and said to the waiter. "You're going to get busy with yours."


The waiter nodded and went to get busy.

Su Mu looked at the back of the waiter with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Li Ru looked at Su Mu and asked suspiciously, "Do you think there is a problem with this waiter?"

"Yes." There were some things that Su Mu did not need to hide from Li Ru. "I always feel that this waiter may have something to do with these ninjas."

"Then this waiter, did he take over the service of the ninja before?" Li Ru asked again.

Li Ru didn't know who the ninja was. He didn't even know if the hotel had a ninja insider.

After all, only Su Mu himself saw that scene.

"That's what scares me the most." Su Mu shook his head and said to Li Ru. "This waiter is not a waiter who picks up the ninja."

"It's a little scary." Li Rumo said with his chin clenched.

If it is really as Su Mu said.

There may be more than one employee in that hotel, who is a ninja's internal application.

"Interrogate this ninja first, and then we will consider the hotel." Su Mu said.

After all, this is a priority.


Li Ru dragged the ninja and continued to move forward.

After some detours, the two came to a very hidden place on the seventh floor.

This place is not to mention guests, even the staff often set foot in this place.

In this hidden place, there is a very dilapidated-looking elevator.

At a glance, this elevator gives people the feeling that it is no longer running.

But Li Ru walked to the elevator, but pressed the button of the elevator.

It didn't take long for the elevator doors to slowly open.

The outside of the elevator looks shabby.

But inside the elevator, there is no difference from ordinary elevators.

Li Ru and Su Mu walked into the elevator side by side.

After entering the elevator, Li Ru took out something like a badge from his pocket.

He aimed the badge at the -1 floor.


After a crisp sound, the elevator began to slowly descend.

"This is my dedicated elevator." Li Ru saw that Su Mu's eyes were full of curiosity, and he explained to Su Mu with a smile. "This elevator has been specially modified by me, even if someone enters this elevator, it cannot be used normally."

The elevator soon came to the minus floor.


The elevator doors slowly open.

On the negative floor, is a huge warehouse.

The warehouse is full of goods.

But for some unknown reason, these goods were covered with dust.

"This warehouse shouldn't be your hotel, right?"

A lot of the goods in this have nothing to do with the hotel.

"Yes." Li Ru explained to Su Mu while dragging the ninja. "The former hotel was a large supermarket chain. For some unknown reason, the supermarket went out of business.

"I stumbled upon this warehouse when I was the first time. For some unknown reason, this warehouse was also forgotten by the supermarket. After my transformation, this place became my secret base.

When he said this, Li Ru looked proud.

For men, after all.

No matter how old you are, having a secret base is something to be proud of.

At least, Su Mu thought so.

After entering the warehouse, Li Ru continued to move forward.

In addition to a lot of goods piled up in this warehouse, there are also many small rooms.

What exactly these small rooms do, Su Mu didn't know, and he didn't ask.

"By the way, what about the corpse of the ninja from before?" Su Mu asked Li Ru.

Li Ru pointed in one direction and said to Su Mu: "Soak!"

Su Mu looked in the direction Li Ru was pointing.

He saw that in one of the warehouses, there was a huge pool.

In the pool, there are many corpses floating.

Let's be honest.

If ordinary people see this scene, they will definitely be directly frightened.

But Su Mu is not an ordinary person.

"So many corpses?" Su Mu squinted at Li Ru.

Seeing that Su Mu's expression changed, Li Ru said to Su Mu: "I'll show you something later."

Su Mu frowned, his face full of puzzlement.

This warehouse is really big.

After walking for five minutes, it has not yet reached the end.

At this time, Li Ru stopped.

He threw the ninja to the ground.

Then he walked towards a wall.


Li Ru pressed the switch of the light.

Not far away, the light in a small room suddenly turned on.

Li Ru dragged the ninja's body and walked towards the small house.

Before he got close to the small house, Su Mu smelled a very strong smell of blood.

The smell of blood is very pungent, making people very uncomfortable when they smell it.

Li Ru pushed open the door of the small house and walked straight in.

Su Mu followed.

After entering the small house, Su Mu found that this small house was like a slaughterhouse in a slaughterhouse.

There was blood all over the place, and you could clearly see all kinds of knives.

"This is my slaughterhouse, dedicated to slaughtering livestock!"

After Li Ru placed the ninja on a table, he began to fix it.

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