Yongsan Hall, 3rd floor.

As soon as Su Mu walked out of the elevator door, he saw a young lady dressed in simple and cool clothes and greeted him.

This young lady's appearance is not bad. If you are in shape, you can do it.

"Sir." Seeing that Su Mu was strange, the young lady asked with a smile. "Are you here for the first time?"

Su Mu nodded, indicating that it was his first time coming.

"Since it's your first time, let me introduce it to you?" The young lady asked Su Mu's opinion.

Su Mu had no opinion on this.

"Okay, you introduce me!" Su Mu nodded.

The young lady then began to introduce Su Mu.

The third floor of this Dragon Mountain Clubhouse is divided into five areas.

The first area is the gambling area that everyone likes.

In this area, only the gambling equipment you know is here.

The second area is a paradise for men, a physical health area.

Dongying style, white elephant style, stick type....

Anyway, the type you want, this place has almost everything.

The third area is the gastronomic area.

The food in the food area is some food that cannot be seen outside. In order to cater to aliens, food made from alien beasts has even appeared here.

Of course, because alien beasts are very rare. Therefore, the food of exotic beasts has only appeared once.

The fourth area is the entertainment area.

This area, compared with the previous three areas, is not very interesting.

The fifth area is the relaxation zone.

This relaxation is relaxation in the true sense of the word.

According to the information provided by Ma Linger, Ma Feiyu is a ghost in color and a bad gambling ghost.

Since he is here, then his first choice is the second region and the first region.

"Take me to Area 1!" Su Mu said to the young lady.

"Okay!" The young lady half bowed and made an inviting gesture to Su Mu.

The first area should be the largest area here.

As soon as he entered, Su Mu was stunned by the scene inside.

You know, this third layer, the guests received, are all strangers.

In this first area in front of him, there were no less than 50 strangers.

"Are there so many Huaxia strangers?" Su Mu's brows frowned slightly.

In his memory, it seemed that before the revival of Reiki, the ratio of ordinary people and aliens was very low.

But he didn't expect that in this first area, he saw so many aliens.

"Sir." The young lady stood beside Su Mu and asked with a smile. "Do you like to gamble?"


Su Mu does not like gambling.

Both before and after rebirth, he sneered at gambling.

Although the old saying goes: small gambling is pleasant, big gambling hurts the body.

But in fact, Su Mu was very clear.

Whether it is a small bet or a big bet, it will not end well in the end.

Therefore, Su Mu never touched this personally.

But this time, in order to find Ma Feiyi, he had to gamble.

"Then I'll take you to exchange chips!" The young lady smiled and took Su Mu in one direction.

"Sir, how much chips do you want to exchange?" The young lady asked Su Mu.

Su Mu took out his bank card and handed it to the young lady: "10 million!" Su

Mu also knew how much was more.

However, he feels that the number of 10 million is already a lot.


The young lady nodded with a smile, and at the same time respectfully took the bank card in Su Mu's hand with both hands.

She turned around and handed her bank card to the staff who exchanged the chips.

"Exchange 10 million chips!" The young lady said to the staff.

When the staff heard that so many chips were exchanged, their eyes suddenly lit up.

The staff frowned at the young lady: "Today, you are going to get rich again." "

you." After the young lady glanced at the staff, she scolded with a smile. "Hurry up and redeem, let the guests wait in a hurry."

Talk about it, laugh at it.

But young sister, she is really happy.

Working here, in fact, the guaranteed salary of the young lady is not high.

Every month, that's only 10,000 yuan.

For this city, the salary of 10,000 yuan is really a lot.

After all, the price of housing in this city is only 10,000 yuan.

But the young lady who wants to get out of the sea of suffering as soon as possible knows that the guaranteed salary of 10,000 yuan is completely insufficient.

They are in this industry and want to earn more.

The best thing to do is to get a tip from the guest.

If you're lucky, a tip for one night can catch up with a month's salary.

The staff who exchange the chips will hand the redeemed chips to the young lady.

On the chip board, in addition to chips, there is also Su Mu's membership card.

"10 million, no more, no less!" The staff said.


The young lady held the chip tray and turned her head to find Su Mu.

"Sir." The young lady brought the chip plate to Su Mu and said with a smile. "Your 10 million chips are here."

"Then give it to me, thank you." Su Mu said to the young lady with a smile, and then reached out to take the chip plate.

The young lady did not give Su Mu, but said to Su Mu: "Sir, our work." In addition to playing along, he is also responsible for helping you with everything.

"Everything?" Su Mu looked at the young lady with an evil smile.

The young lady's pretty face was slightly red.

But when she saw Su Mu's appearance, the young lady nodded implicitly: "Including the kind of service you believe!" "

Actually, the young lady here doesn't provide that kind of service.

After all, their second area here is that kind of service.

But if the staff volunteered to provide it, the managers here would not say anything.

"Just kidding." Seeing that the young lady's face was slightly red, Su Mu waved his hand with a smile. "I'm not a hungry ghost!"

Hearing Su Mu say this.

For some reason, a look of loss flashed on the young lady's face.

To be honest, a handsome guy like Su Mu, the young lady doesn't mind dedication.

"That's right." Su Mu saw that there was something wrong with the young lady's mood, and quickly changed the topic. "How do you calculate your tip here?"

As soon as she heard this question, the young lady was immediately not sad.

"You can give as much as you watch!" The young lady had a sweet smile on her face.

Su Mu looked at the chip plate.

He picked out a 100,000 chip from it and handed it to the young lady: "Take it first!" When I win, I still have a tip! When

the young lady saw these 100,000 chips, her eyes straightened.

After all, before Su Mu, she had met the most bold guest, but he only gave her a chip of 20,000.

"Thank you sir!"

The young lady took the chips and put them away very preciously.

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