This Ma Feiyi is not a good-tempered person in itself.

Losing one night made him even more angry.

Su Mu's successive taunts made Ma Feiyi's anger directly climb to the extreme.

"Boy." He stood up and pointed at Su Mu and cursed angrily. "Can you TM shut up?"

Su Mu did not pay direct attention to Ma Feiyi, but looked around with a puzzled expression.

The crowd was puzzled.

After looking around, Su Mu frowned and said, "Here, it seems that there is no sign prohibiting talking!" "


Upon hearing this, everyone around laughed.

Ma Feiyi's face flushed.

However, he also knew that he could not cause trouble in this Dragon Mountain Club.

So at this time, the best choice is to swallow your anger.

"I don't believe it, you'll live here for the rest of your life!"

Ma Feiyi secretly cursed in his heart.

Then he sat down and continued to play.

After three rounds, Su Mu's chips on this side are more and more.

Ma Feiyi's chips on that side quickly bottomed out.

Ma Feiyi didn't want to play anymore.

Ma Feiyi, who lost one night, has always wanted to turn over.

When Nai was out of luck.

No matter what happened tonight, he just didn't see the slightest hope of a turnaround.

"Lao Tzu is not playing!"

Ma Feiyi pushed the chip tray, got up and prepared to leave.

Su Mu originally exchanged 10 million chips.

After a few rounds of playing, the chips in front of him have reached 15.55 million.

Su Mu handed the chip tray to the young lady next to him and said with a smile: "15 million is exchanged for checks, and the remaining 500,000 will be given as a tip for you." The

young lady's mouth was almost crooked.

When Su Mu exchanged chips, he gave her a chip of 100,000.

After that, she was given another 100,000.

Now he gave her another 500,000.

Other words.

Her earnings tonight are a total of 700,000 chips.

You know, his basic salary is only 120,000 a year.

The consumption alone on this night was enough to catch up with her five-year salary.


The young lady happily exchanged chips.

Su Mu took the remaining 50,000 chips and began to look around.

The reason why he left these 50,000 chips is to make himself less bored next.

If the casino is the sea.

Then these 50,000 chips are a small pebble.

If you're lucky, you can make huge waves. But if you're unlucky, you might not even see a splash.

Ma Feiyi, who was anxious to lose, did not leave the casino.

He had been in a relatively hidden place in the casino, staring at Su Mu.

"Dare TM to talk to me like this, I will let you know in a moment, Lao Tzu is powerful!"

Ma Feiyi hated Su Mu.

After scolding Su Mu, his eyes also began to flash with greed: "15 million!" Get your 15 million, Lao Tzu didn't come in vain today! "

At this time, Ma Feiyi has already begun how to spend YY after getting this 15 million.

Su Mu's good luck seemed to have run out.

After turning around, the 50,000 chips really didn't make any splashes.


Su Mu's face was full of helplessness.

At this time, the young lady who exchanged chips also returned to Su Mu's side.

With a respectful face, she handed Su Mu's check to Su Mu with both hands.

After Su Mu took it, he said to the young lady: "Thank you!" The

young lady smiled: "This is all I should do!" "

Sir." The young lady asked Su Mu. "What's next, where are we going?"

Su Mu glanced at the time and said to the young lady: "It's time, it's time to go home and sleep."

When the young lady heard this, she was slightly stunned.

She subconsciously said: "Isn't it only 12 o'clock now?" "

For strangers, don't say a day without sleeping. Even if you don't sleep for 1 month, it won't have much impact.

Su Mu yawned and said, "Sleepy, gone!" The

young lady did not continue to entangle, she took Su Mu to the elevator.

After Su Mu walked into the elevator, the young lady waved to Su Mu reluctantly.

After Su Mu left, Ma Feiyi also walked into another elevator.

Su Mu's elevator arrived on the first floor first, Su Mu just walked out of the elevator, and Ma Feiyi's elevator also came to the first floor.

Su Mu didn't seem to notice that someone was following him.

After stepping out of the elevator, he swaggered towards the outside of the Longshan Clubhouse.

At this time, Ma Feiyi also walked out after him.

"This time, I see you're not dead yet!"

Ma Feiyi clenched his teeth and his face was full of anger.

Su Mu's humiliation of him just now was like a slap, which made Ma Feiyi's cheeks hurt very much.

At the same time, Su Mu's check of 15 million also made Ma Feiyi's heart very itchy.

After walking out of the clubhouse, Su Mu did not choose to take a taxi.

Seeing this scene, Ma Feiyi was even happier.

If Su Mu drove or took a taxi, Ma Feiyi's chance might be gone.

But if Su Mu walked, there was still a chance for Ma Feiyi.

"Did he know I was stalking him?"

In addition to being happy, Ma Feiyi also found something wrong.

Yongsan Clubhouse is still some distance from the city center.

If you walk, it may take a lot of time.

"Don't care, follow and see!"

In the end, reason did not triumph over desire.

Ma Feiyi quietly followed behind Su Mu, looking for an opportunity.

"Here's your chance."

Not far in front of the Yongsan Clubhouse, there is a small forest.

When I usually drive, I don't feel anything.

But if you walk through the grove, the grove will give a very eerie feeling.

"It's your life, too!" Ma Feiyi's eyes were already occupied by fierceness.

Originally, his idea was to beat Su Mu violently, and then take Su Mu's check.

But now, what he wanted to do was kill Su Mu.

Su Mu walked for about a minute, and finally reached the range of the grove.

At this time, Ma Feiyi no longer had any hesitation.

I saw a sharp acceleration under his feet and appeared directly in front of Su Mu.

For Ma Feiyi, who suddenly appeared, Su Mu was not surprised.

But in order to make Ma Feiyi feel a sense of accomplishment, Su Mu still pretended to be suddenly frightened.

"You... You...... Why are you here? "

He not only pretended to be frightened, but also pretended to be very scared.

"Hahaha!" Seeing Su Mu like this, a smug smile appeared on Ma Feiyi's face. "I didn't expect it!"

"I really didn't expect it!" Su Mu nodded in horror.

"You dare to mock me Ma Feiyi, I will let you know the consequences. I don't dare to understand you inside the guild hall, but outside the clubhouse, it's not up to me to decide! "

Ma Feiyi is very proud.

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