Ma Feiyi lost.

He was completely defeated.

He originally thought that he might have room to resist in the face of Su Mu.

But it turns out.

When facing Su Mu, he did not have the slightest chance to resist.

Ma Feiyi was taken back to the hotel by Su Mu.

As soon as he arrived at the hotel, Su Mu called the new manager of the hotel.

The new manager of the hotel is a young man named Huang Feifeng.

In order not to appear the last error.

When he first met Huang Feifeng, Su Mu used Tongyu to check on his specific situation.

【Huang Feifeng】

Realm: Fivefold Introduction to Nourishing Qi

: Song Yu's most powerful assistant.


The introduction is simple.

But the simple introduction, the more reassuring Su Mu became.

"Mr. Su." As Song Yu's right-hand man, Huang Feifeng was very aware of Su Mu's importance to the Lu family. Therefore, when he saw Su Mu, his tone and attitude were very respectful. "You came to me, is there something wrong?"

"Come with me."

Su Mu waved his hand and walked towards his room.

Huang Feifeng followed.

After entering the room, Su Mu saw Ma Feiyi.

"Mr. Su." When Huang Feifeng saw Ma Feiyi, he asked with a puzzled face. "Did you arrest this Ma Feiyi because he offended you?"

"You know him?" Su Mu was a little curious.

"Of course." Huang Feifeng nodded and replied in a very respectful tone. "Before I came to Qilu, I had seen the situation of all the families in Qilu."

"If I'm not mistaken, this Ma Feiyi should be the only son of Ma Chunshan, the head of the Qiruma family!"

"That's right." Su Mu nodded, and his eyes were full of appreciation when he looked at Huang Feifeng.

"The people of the Qiruma family want to deal with my family. So, I got him. Su

Mu did not hide it from Huang Feifeng.

"So, you're going to find me to imprison him?" Huang Feifeng asked.

Su Mu nodded.

"Okay, no problem!"

Ma Feiyi was taken away by Huang Feifeng.

Su Mu didn't care, Ma Feiyi would be imprisoned by Huang Feifeng.

Back in the room, Su Mu looked at Ma Feiyi's mobile phone.

He was waiting for a call, waiting for Ma Chunshan's call.

Villa rented by the Ma family.

Ma Chunshan, who had just enjoyed the perfect waitress, was lying on the bed and preparing to sleep.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, Ma Chunshan felt his heart pound.

This feeling made Ma Chunshan feel very wrong.

Ma Chunshan closed his eyes and couldn't sleep.

In desperation, he had to get up.

After coming to the first floor and drinking a glass of ice water, the feeling of uneasiness eased somewhat.

He took out his phone and glanced at the time.

At this time, it was already a little after one o'clock in the morning.

"Hasn't Ma Feiyi come back yet?" Ma Chunshan looked in the direction of Ma Feiyi's room.

At this time, the door of Ma Feiyi's room was closed, and there was not the slightest light coming out of it.

Ma Chunshan walked to the door of Ma Feiyi's room and knocked on the door.

Inside the door, there was no movement.

He twisted the doorknob and the door opened directly.

Inside the room, it was empty.

Seeing this, Ma Chunshan's uneasiness in his heart became stronger.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Ma Feiyi's number.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as the phone called, it was instantly connected.

"Master Ma." As soon as the phone was connected, Su Mu's voice came from the other end of the phone. "Long heard of the daimyo!"

Hearing the unfamiliar voice on the other end of the phone, Ma Chunshan's heart was slightly startled.

He asked in a deep voice, "Who is Your Excellency, and why is my son's mobile phone in Your Excellency's hands?"

"My name is Su Mu." Su Mu reported himself home with a smile. "I think Patriarch Ma should have heard of my name!"

Hearing the name Su Mu, Ma Chunshan knew that the premonition in his heart had come true.

"Mr. Su." Ma Chunshan asked in a calm tone. "Isn't Mr. Su going to explain why my son's mobile phone is in your hand?"

"Explain?" Su Mu on the other end of the phone smiled disdainfully. "What is there to explain this! Your son, now in my hands! "

This Ma Chunshan is also a personal character.

After learning that his son was in Su Mu's hands, Ma Chunshan still did not panic in the slightest.

"Mr. Su kidnapped my son, did my Ma family do something to be sorry for you Mr. Su?" Ma Chunshan asked in a calm tone.

To be honest, Su Mu really wanted to give Ma Chunshan a thumbs up now. This Ma Chunshan is really too calm.

"Nope." Su Mu said with a smile. "I just heard that the Ma family wants to do something to my parents! Therefore, I asked Young Master Ma to prove that these are just rumors. Hearing

Su Mu say this, Ma Chunshan immediately stopped talking.

Calm to calm, calm to calm.

But when he heard Su Mu say this, Ma Chunshan was still a little silent.

"Has Mr. Su been proven? When will the dog be put back? Ma Chunshan continued to ask.

"I don't know!"

Su Mu smiled and shook his head, "After all, the rumors have not been verified, so I don't know when the young master of the Ma family will be able to go home."

After saying this, Su Mu didn't wait for Ma Chunshan to continue speaking, so he directly hung up the phone.

Ma Chunshan listened to the busy tone on the phone, and suddenly became calm.

He looked in one direction with a gloomy face, and cursed with clenched teeth: "Could it be Ma Linger's bitch?"

After all, only Ma Linger was an "outsider" who was present at the time.

Of course, this is just suspicion.

"It seems that tomorrow I will go to Su Mu to negotiate." Ma Chunshan muttered.


As soon as he finished muttering, he heard a knock on the door.

He quickly walked out of Ma Feiyi's room and looked in the direction of the villa door.

When he saw Ma Chunhai, Ma Chunshan was stunned.

At this time, Ma Chunhai was covered in blood.

There was not the slightest trace of blood on his face.

It looked as if it was injured.

"What's going on? Didn't you go and catch Su Mu's parents? How did you get so embarrassed?

Ma Chunshan asked.

Ma Chunhai did not immediately answer Ma Chunshan's question.

He dragged his weak body and sat down on the sofa first.

After his breath was even, he said, "As soon as I arrived at Su Mu's parents' home, I met a group of masters.

"The people I brought with me were wiped out!" I was able to escape, which is a fluke! When

Ma Chunshan heard this, he froze in place.

"What did you say?" Ma Chunshan was a little unconvinced.

Ma Chunhai repeated what he had said before.

After Ma Chunshan listened, he froze directly.

"How is this possible!"

In his intelligence, Su Mu was nothing more than a scattered cultivator.

There can be no friends around such people.

Ma Chunshan's intelligence must be wrong.

Everything about the Lu family seemed to have been deliberately erased.

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