Hotel, minus three floors.

In the map planning of the hotel, there is no negative three floors.

This negative three floors were remodeled in the later stage of the hotel.

The area of the minus three floors is very large, but it is very dim.

When he first arrived here, Su Mu was still a little uncomfortable.

Because the air in this place is too turbid.

"What is this place for?" Su Mu asked Huang Feifeng curiously.

Huang Feifeng said with a smile: "This place is specially used to do some shady things. "

This floor is built like a prison.

At every other distance, there will be a cage that is not too big or small.

However, most of the cages are empty. At least a very small part of the cage, there are people.

"Are you usually responsible for maintenance here?" Su Mu asked Huang Feifeng curiously.

Huang Feifeng shook his head and said, "Although I, as a manager, don't have too many things to be responsible for. But if you add to this the maintenance of this place, my experience is really not enough.

"This place is specially guarded and maintained."


The two moved on.

Every time it took to come to the deepest part of the negative three layers.

The cage in the deepest part of the minus three layers is different from the cage outside.


Walking to the door of the cage, Huang Feifeng opened the door of the cage.

As soon as the door opened, Su Mu saw Ma Feiyi huddled in the corner.

When Su Mu saw Ma Feiyi, he walked towards Ma Feiyi without saying a word.

Coming to Ma Feiyi's approach, Su Mu raised his foot and gave Ma Feiyi a kick.

With this sudden kick, the frightened Ma Feiyi jumped directly from the ground.

All this is not the end.

Su Mu, who kicked Ma Feiyi, raised his hand and gave him two big slaps.

This sudden change made Ma Feiyi directly stunned.

When he reacted, he shouted, "Why did you hit me?" "

“MD。" Seeing that Ma Feiyi still had the strength to shout, Su Mu punched him in the stomach again.


With this punch, Ma Feiyi, who Su Mu directly hit, spat out blood.

"Why hit me?" Ma Feiyi was still shouting.

Su Mu didn't explain and didn't want to explain.

Then came a punch and kick.

"Mr. Su." Just when Su Mu was happy, Huang Feifeng suddenly appeared and stopped Su Mu. "Can't fight anymore?"

Su Mu frowned and looked at Huang Feifeng with dissatisfaction.

Seeing Su Mu's eyes, Huang Feifeng subconsciously took a step back.

The main thing is that Su Mu's eyes are too terrifying.

Huang Feifeng pointed to Ma Feiyi, who had fallen to the ground and kept vomiting blood at the corner of his mouth, and said, "If you continue to fight, I am afraid that this Ma Feiyi will die." Hearing

this, Su Mu calmed down.

Look at Ma Feiyi again.

Ma Feiyi, who was lying on the ground, closed his eyes.

There was still blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

"Find a doctor to cure him, I don't want him to die." Su Mu said to Huang Feifeng.

Huang Feifeng nodded.

Huang Feifeng's efficiency is really high.

Not long after, he was found by Huang Feifeng.

"It's okay." After the doctor's examination, he smiled and said to Huang Feifeng. "It's just fainting, it's not a big deal."

"Thank you Doctor!"

Huang Feifeng sent a doctor away.

At this time, Su Mu took a basin of cold water and was quite angry with Ma Feiyi.

Ma Feiyi, who was splashed with cold water, suddenly shook his body, and then woke up.

"You..." When

he saw Su Mu, Ma Feiyi looked terrified.

"What's wrong with me?" Su Mu looked at Ma Feiyi coldly and asked coldly.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Ma Feiyi was really scared by Su Mu, and he waved his hand, indicating that he had nothing to do.

Seeing Ma Feiyi curl up in the corner again.

At this time, Su Mu took out Ma Feiyi's mobile phone.

After finding Ma Chunshan's phone, Su Mu dialed it back directly.

Ma Chunshan is still in the hospital.

Ma Chunhai is undergoing surgery.

Hearing a call, Ma Chunshan chose to connect with anger on his face.

"What the hell do you want to do?" After connecting the phone, Su Mu heard Ma Chunshan's roar.

"Master Ma, if you don't mind, do you want to open a video?" Su Mu asked Ma Chunshan with a smile.

Before Ma Chunshan could answer, a video invitation from Su Mu was sent.

In the video, Ma Chunshan saw the appearance and his miserable Ma Feiyi.

When Ma Feiyi saw Ma Chunshan, he excitedly shouted: "Dad, you come to save me!" If you don't come and save me again, they're going to kill me."

"What did you do to my son?" Ma Chunshan is incompetent and furious at the end of the video.

Su Mu said with a smile: "I didn't do anything, I just beat him up."

"Why are you hitting my son!" Ma Chunshan roared.

Ma Chunshan's current state is very poor.

One of his younger brothers is in surgery, while the other is missing.

The most important thing is that his son is still in the hands of others.

It was really the first time that he had encountered such a dilemma since he became an alien.

"Mr. Su." Just as Su Mu and Ma Chunshan were videotaping, a voice suddenly sounded.

Ma Chunshan at the other end of the video, hearing this voice, actually had some indescribable familiarity.

At this time, Su Mu compared a silent gesture in the direction where the voice sounded.

However, because the situation is urgent now, Ma Chunshan did not think much about it.

He asked Su Mu, "How on earth can you let my son go?" "

Let's be honest.

Su Mu really didn't think about this problem.

From the moment the Ma family was about to make a move against their parents, Su Mu and the Ma family had already reached the point of immortality.

To such a point.

No matter what conditions the Ma family was willing to pay, Su Mu would not be able to let Ma Feiyi go.

"The reason why I called you this is to let you see with your own eyes that I ruined your son."

That's right, Su Mu is going to ruin Ma Feiyi.

"You dare." Ma Chunshan shouted in panic. "Su Mu, if you dare to destroy my son, I will kill your whole family!"

“QNMD。" For Ma Chunshan's threat, Su Mu directly exposed the national essence. "It's all this time, you TM still scare me! If I don't give your son more stabbing in a while, I'm sorry for your clamour!

When Su Mu's words fell, he stretched out his right hand in one direction.

A scalpel appeared in Su Mu's hand.

He put the mobile phone in a debugged camera position and asked Ma Chunshan with a smile: "Do you know how many bones there are in a person's body?"

"Su Mu, I repeat. If you dare to hurt my son, I will dare to destroy your entire family!" Ma Chunshan was furious.

But at this time, Ma Chunshan's fury was more or less incompetent and fury.

"It seems that you don't know."

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