"After discovering that the mechanism in the tomb could cause damage to alien beasts, this human actually wanted to lure me into waiting!" said Wanfu Xuangui.

"He wants to kill you?" asked Su Mu curiously.

"Yes. Jilu White Crane nodded. "He wanted to kill me through the mechanism of the tomb. Thus, get some chance from me and others!"

"Humans with ideas.

Su Mu smiled and shook his head.

"Two, then let's go to the tomb now?" Su

Mu was in this place, and he had already lost enough time.

"Let's go!"

the Jilu White Crane led the way, and the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise was behind.

In this way, one person and two different beasts began to climb over Langya Mountain.

After crossing the Langya Mountain, I walked for about ten minutes.

The footsteps of the two alien beasts stopped.

Su Mu also stopped.

The wings of the Jilu White Crane flapped slightly, pointing to a place not far away, and said, "Tomb, it's in that direction."

Su Mu looked in the direction pointed by the Extreme White Crane.

I saw that not far away, there was a small slightly raised dirt bag.

The dirt bag looks like a grave bag.

To be honest, this dirt bag is not very big.

"Such a small dirt bag?" Su Mu looked at the Jilu White Crane puzzled.

Jilu White Crane shook his head and said, "This tomb bag looks small, but there is nothing else in it!"

"Huh?" As

soon as Tong Yu opened, Su Mu's brows wrinkled slightly.

Because he sees it clearly.

On the road leading to the small dirt bag, it was full of golden stripes.

These stripes look like runes of runes.

"Two seniors. Su Mu turned his head to look at the two exotic beasts at this time and asked softly. "Two, isn't there anything you want to explain?" Wanfu

Xuangui glanced at the Extreme White Crane and said to Su Mu: "Before going to the tomb, you must pay attention.

"Attention?" Su Mu saw the rune, but pretended to be stupid at this time. "Pay attention to what?"

the Jilu White Crane continued, "On the way to the tomb, there is something. What exactly, we don't know. But those things, very powerful.

"If you don't pay attention, you can die."

"Strange things?" Su Mu was still pretending to be stupid.

"That thing, it's a lot like a formation. However, I don't feel like a formation. From

the demeanor of the two exotic beasts, Su Mu could see it. They know that something exists, but they may not know what it is.

"I see.

Su Mu nodded.

The runes in front of the grave bag were densely packed.

Other words.

If you want to enter the tomb, you must pass through these dense runes.

"Hard to break in? Still..." Since

this Extreme White Crane and Wanfu Xuan Tortoise, as well as the previous human powerhouses, can break through. Then Su Mu's words will definitely be able to break through.

But Su Mu was a little hesitant at this time.

In fact, until now, he couldn't determine whether the Wanfu Xuangui and the Jilu White Crane were "good" or "evil".

In the case of two alien beasts, if you bravely break into these runes, this is no different from looking for death.

"Perhaps, I can look for it and see if there is a white space between these runes!"

Don't really say it.

After some searching, he really let Su Mu find it.

In the middle of the dense runes, there is indeed a white space that leads directly to the tomb.

This white space is very narrow, only equivalent to one foot of an adult.

That is to say, if you want to pass through this blank space, you must be careful.

If you are not careful, you are likely to rush directly into that rune-dense place.

"Two seniors, I acted!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, he walked directly to the blank place.

The Extreme Lu White Crane and the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise kept staring at Su Mu.

Seeing Su Mu enter the Rune Land, a look of shock flashed in the eyes of the two exotic beasts.

Wanfu Xuangui turned his head and looked at the Jilu White Crane with an incredulous face: "He seems to have not touched those things."

In this regard, Jilu White Crane also had a shocked expression on his face: "How is this possible! But like him, who didn't touch that thing, he didn't have it at all.

"Old Wang Ba. Jilu White Crane turned his head to look at Wanfu Xuangui and asked suspiciously. "You think, he's lucky. Still..." Wanfu

Xuangui shook his head: "I can't say it well, I always feel that this human being in front of me is different from all humans we taught before."

"I feel that way too. Jilu White Crane nodded in agreement.

While the two exotic beasts were discussing, Su Mu was already very close to the tomb.

But just when Su Mu was about to enter the tomb.

At this time, he took out the dragon ruler from the system.

Because Su Mu had his back to the two alien beasts, they did not notice Su Mu's behavior.

As soon as the dragon ruler appeared, it began to rotate wildly.

After some turning, it gradually began to return to smoothness.

Just when Su Mu thought that the dragon head of the dragon ruler would point to the tomb in front of him.

A scene that made him unexpected happened.

The dragon head of the dragon ruler did not point directly in front of Su Mu.

The direction it pointed to was actually Su Mu's right front.

"Something went wrong?"

Su Mu felt that the dragon ruler had made a mistake.

But if he thought about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong: "Could it be that the tomb that these strange beasts have been looking for all these years is a suspicious grave?"

It is documented in one of the books.

In ancient times, there was an emperor, in order to prevent his tomb from being discovered, he dug a tomb on the left and right of his tomb.

These tombs also contain a large amount of gold and silver jewelry.

And this is called a suspicious grave.

The purpose of its existence is to confuse.

Or rather, to bribe grave robbers.

Let's be honest.

The role of the Doubtful Tomb is really not much.

"If the Dragon Seeking Ruler is pointing in front of you, is it the real tomb of the alien

!" Su Mu quietly put away the Dragon Seeking Ruler.

After all, he didn't want those two alien beasts to see that he had such a bullish thing.

After putting away the dragon ruler, Su Mu walked into the Tomb without hesitation.

The Tomb, when viewed from the outside, is indeed very small.

But after entering it, Su Mu found that it was really a different cave.

As soon as you enter, there is a very long and wide road.

How wide is this tunnel?

Let's just say it.

Even if there are four big Gs in parallel, there is no problem at all.

On both sides of the Yong Road, it was full of torches.

These torches illuminate this road very brightly.

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