The Falling Sunset Soul Sword pierced straight into the body of the boy paper.

"Teng!" In

an instant, the boy was ignited by the purple flames.

"Roar!" At

this time, the boy paper pierced a scream.

Its screams sounded very strange, as if some creature was roaring.

This kind of scream, Su Mu also heard it for the first time.

Not long after the screams rang out, the boy was burned by the flames.

"Ding! Kill [Paper Zaman] (Child Boy) to get a reward: 490 points, [Cane Solution]. "

[Staff Solution]

Introduction: One of the seventy-two techniques of hell evil, sacrifice something to carry people and empty travel, with corpse dissolution can make something take shape, and between the two times, it has become a real person.


Looking at the introduction of the cane solution, Su Mu directly showed the expression of a black question mark.

He knew all those words.

But together, he found it very strange.

And while Su Mu was studying this [Staff Solution], the virgin paper people had already rushed towards Su Mu.

The speed of this virgin paper piercing people is not very fast.

But its body style looks very strange.

Su Mu's eyes, although they kept staring at it.

But its figure is big and small, far and near.

"It's really weird!"

cursed Su Mu in a low voice.

But his eyes kept staring at this virgin paper.

And at this moment, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared in Su Mu's heart.

"Swift Wind!" Su

Mu tapped on his tiptoes and took several steps back.

Where he stood before, a papier-pierced dagger appeared at some point.

Not long after the paper dagger appeared, the figure of the virgin paper dagger gradually emerged.

“WDNMD。 Su Mu, who was startled, cursed in a low voice. "This TM is also terrifying!" Su

Mu looked shocked.

The virgin paper pierced the man, and saw that she missed a blow.

In those inky eyes, a look of incomprehension flashed.

It felt as if this blow of hers had to be hit.

The incomprehensible color turned into anger in an instant.


she cried out, like a magic sound.

Then she activated her strange footwork again and attacked towards Su Mu.

"How to guard against it?"

Su Mu felt a little headache.

You know, your own ghost is now in an open state.

In the state of opening the ghost, he still couldn't capture the tricky method of the virgin paper tie man, which made Su Mu not know what to do for a while.

When Su Mu had a headache, the virgin paper people attacked again.

As before, it flickered near and far, big and small.

"Since you can't catch your eyes, then

close your eyes!" At this time, Su Mu chose to close his eyes and feel it with his heart.

After waiting for a second, Su Mu stabbed a sword straight in front of him.

If there were other people next to him, they would definitely laugh at Su Mu.

Because Su Mu's sword looked like it was stabbing air.

But Su Mu himself knew very well that his sword did not pierce the air.

"Ah!" In

the next second, a flame suddenly appeared.

The figure of the virgin paper man also began to emerge.

The virgin paper man in the flames had a hideous expression of pain on her face.

The flame burns extremely fast.

In an instant, the virgin paper people were burned to the ground.

"Ding! Kill [Paper Zaman] (virgin) to get a reward: 500 points, [Ghost Shadow Trace]. "

[Ghost Shadow Trail]

Level: Heaven-level Middle Grade

Introduction: In this world, is there a more confusing footstep than the ghost shadow?


Looking at the introduction of the ghost shadow, Su Mu smiled.

If nothing else, the footwork used by the virgin paper piercing man just now is this ghost shadow.

Such a weird footwork can definitely be very perfect to confuse the enemy.

After all, in the state of [Tongyu] open, there was no trace of the virgin just now.

At this point, this trip to the tomb is worth the trip.

After killing the boy and girl, Su Mu originally planned to rest on the spot.

But at this moment, he found that behind the position where the boy and girl were standing just now, a pitch-red gate appeared.

This gate looks similar to the ancient city gate in the TV series.

The only difference is that this gate is not as big as the ancient city gate.

"If I'm not mistaken, there doesn't seem to be this gate just now. Su Mu fell into deep thought.

In his memory.

Behind the position where the boy and girl stood just now, there was an endless passageway, and there was no gate.

"Could it be that some kind of mechanism was triggered?" Su

Mu thought of the mechanism in the online game at this time.

This mechanism is to kill a certain NPC under certain conditions to trigger an event.

"It should be that after killing the boy and girl, the mechanism set up in advance in this tomb was triggered. That's why this gate appeared. At

this time, Su Mu summoned the dragon ruler from the system again.

The direction pointed by the dragon ruler is still the Yongdao that Su Mu passed by just now.

"It seems that this tomb in front of you is fake.

Su Mu looked at the gate in front of him, and for a while he didn't know what to do.

The main mission of his entry into the tomb this time is for the treasure in the tomb.

However, in addition to this main quest, he also has a side quest.

This side mission is to help the Jilu White Crane get the fairy bird feathers, and also to help the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise get the Fortune Tortoise Shell.

The main quest could not be completed, and Su Mu returned empty-handed at most.

But if the side quests are not completed, the consequences may be somewhat terrible.

You know, the Extreme White Crane and the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise may have entered the Suspicious Tomb before.

Therefore, the fairy bird feathers and the tortoise shell they saw were actually in the deepest part of the Doubtful Tomb.

In other words, even if Su Mu knew that behind the red gate in front of him was a suspicious tomb, then he had to enter.

“MD。 Thinking of this, Su Mu couldn't help but curse in a low voice. "If you already know, you won't agree to those two strange beasts.

After scolding, Su Mu walked straight to the front of the red gate.

His hand rested on the jet-red gate.

His hand slammed into force.

The gate was directly pushed open by Su Mu.

"Good fellow!"

Su Mu couldn't believe it.

He had thought that the red gate would be very heavy.

I didn't expect it, but it was so light.

The pitch-red gate opened, and Su Mu was stunned by the scene in front of him.

"This TM is also too!" Looking

at the scene in front of him, Su Mu felt very.

If it's not a ghost, it's always there. Su Mu would even feel that everything he saw in front of him was an illusion.

The reason why he felt that everything in front of him was very nonsense was entirely because he saw a scene that he could not even imagine.

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