"What is the difference between you saying this and why don't you eat minced meat?" said the old Heavenly Master with a blank look at Su Mu and said very angrily. "I am the Dragon Tiger Mountain, the Heavenly Master of the Heavenly Master's Mansion!"

"Every day when I open my eyes, I have to consider the eating, drinking, and Lasa of these people. In this day and age, it takes money to eat, drink, and Lazar.

"Did you know that wireless networks alone cost tens of thousands of dollars a year!"

"Gotta get it!" Su Mu knew, and if he continued like this, it would definitely be endless. So, he directly interrupted the old Heavenly Master. "There are a lot of valuable treasures in this, if you take them out and sell them, it is estimated that they can be sold for hundreds of millions." When

Su Mu said this, he really didn't exaggerate at all.

The things here, take out one piece, that is a priceless existence.

"Then won't I be rich." The eyes of the Heavenly Master were red.

"You are the Dao Master of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone, you are the supreme under one person, how can you be so greedy for money?" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master and shook his head.

"Shut up, you. Old Heavenly Master glared at Su Mu and said. "Even if Lao Tzu is an immortal, Lao Tzu likes money. The

words of the old heavenly master left Su Mu speechless.

"Found it!" When

the two were bickering, Su Mu finally found what he was looking for.

He had been looking in the Crystal Palace just now, just to find the "lamp" in the Crystal Palace.

After some searching, he really let him find it.


Su Mu parted a touch of flame, ready to activate the "lamp" with the flame.

The moment it reached the "lamp", the "light" was activated.

In an instant, the entire Crystal Palace was as bright as day.

"Oh my God!" Stepping

into the Crystal Palace, Su Mu's mouth grew wide.

In just a moment, he felt that he was running out of words.

He simply couldn't put words into words to describe the shock in front of him.

It was also the first time he felt so small.

"Where is the treasure you just mentioned?" asked Su Mu impatiently.

Su Mu pointed to a corner.

The old Heavenly Master looked at that corner, and his eyes were straight.

The golden light emanating from that corner made the old heavenly master's mouth water.

"Don't worry!" said Su Mu to the Heavenly Master. "Let's take a look before we talk

!" "Okay!" Although

the old Heavenly Master was hungry, he also knew that this time was not the time to be in a hurry.

Although they have already entered the Crystal Palace.

But the situation of this crystal palace is still unknown to them.

In this unknown environment, it is right to be careful.

Then the two of them carefully moved around the crystal palace.

"Where to go first?" asked Old Heavenly Master.

The Heavenly Master really wanted to go to that corner full of treasures.

But he knew that this was not the best option at the moment.

He pointed straight ahead and said to Su Mu: "Let's go to the innermost part first!"

This walk, a full ten minutes.

Although the two walked carefully, their speed was not slow at all.

But even so, for ten minutes they still did not see the end of this crystal palace.

When they turned back again, the entrance disappeared.


This was Su Mu's subconscious thought.

But soon, he put the idea out of his mind.

"This place, somewhat strange. The Heavenly Master said to Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded and agreed with Old Heavenly Master's words.

The two moved on.

After walking for another ten minutes, I still couldn't see the way forward.

The weirdest thing is that the surrounding environment has not changed in any way.


Su Mu decided to see if he had really fallen into the formation.

I don't know if I don't look, but when I saw it, I was really shocked,

and they really entered the formation.

The strangest thing was that the formation they entered was an unheard of terrifying formation.

Around the two, there were human corpses.

These people were bound by stakes and turned pale.

It looks like it was drowned.

"We are now in a weird formation. Su Mu stopped and said to the old Heavenly Master.

The old Heavenly Master frowned, and said to Su Mu: "I still have some research on the formation, you tell me about the specific situation around, I will see if I can break the formation!" Su Mu then told the old Heavenly Master about the

surrounding situation.

After listening to it, the old Heavenly Master asked Su Mu: "You roughly count, how many corpses are around here!"

"108!" When

he said this number, Su Mu's heart was also shocked.

In Taoism, 108 is a very magical number.

In the Dao, everything that has something to do with this number is very powerful.

"Heavenly Gang Water Ghost Formation!" said

the name of a formation.

Needless to say, the name of this formation sounds very low.

But this formation is just the name.

Being able to trap two experts of the Inhuman Realm is enough to show that this formation is very extraordinary.

"Do you have a way to break the formation?" asked Old Heavenly Master.

Since the old Heavenly Master could say the name of the formation, Su Mu thought that he must have a method to break the formation.

"This formation is a bit troublesome to crack!" the old Heavenly Master scratched his head.

"Let's just say if you can crack it!" Su Mu still prefers simple and rude.

"It can be cracked!" the old master nodded.

"How to break?" asked Su Mu.

The old Heavenly Master replied, "Use brute force! Break ten meetings with one force!" The old Heavenly

Master's answer was also simple and rude.

"Then let's do it!" Su

Mu's right hand shook slightly, and the weapon was discovered.

In the hands of the old heavenly master, I don't know when there was an extra long sword.

"Do you still have a weapon?" Looking at the long sword in the hand of the old heavenly master, Su Mu was a little surprised.

"Nonsense. Old Heavenly Master glanced at Su Mu and said. "Old man, I usually don't use weapons to fight because those people are not worth it.

"Now the situation is special, if you don't use weapons, I'm afraid you won't be able to break this formation!" As

he spoke, the Heavenly Master directly raised his long sword.

"Yin Five Thunder!" The

thunder and lightning instantly lingered the long sword.

"A sword breaks the sky!" Su

Mu also erected the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

Qi, began to circulate on the Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword.

The two looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"Break!" the

two said almost in unison, waving the long sword in their hands at the same time.

Thunder, lightning, and sword qi flew together.

"Duh!" sounded


Then, the scene in front of the two began to change.

The Crystal Palace, which was originally bright, has now become very dim.

Everything around them also looks so terrifying.

"Actually, from the moment we entered the Crystal Palace, we entered the formation!" said Su Mu to himself.

Strangely yes.

Before this, both Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master had probed.

They did not find that they were in the formation.

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