The hideous mackerel in front of him makes people feel very uneasy.

This feeling of uneasiness made both of them very uncomfortable in their hearts.

"Do you want to continue?" asked Su Mu.

After hesitating for a moment, the old Heavenly Master nodded and said, "It must continue."

"We've all come here, if we don't continue, it's more or less unreasonable!" Seeing

that the old Heavenly Master's attitude was so resolute, Su Mu nodded.

Treading the hideous mackerel under their feet, the two began to move slowly.

After walking for a while, a huge throne appeared not far away.

This throne is very similar to the human throne.

But the difference is that the overall cover of this throne in front of you is white.

In front of the two armrests of the throne, a skull is also inlaid on one side.

It may be because it is often touched.

So these two skulls look very bright.

"If nothing else, the throne should have been made of human bones. The Heavenly Master said in a deep voice.

"Why does this demon race dislike our Terran so much?" Su Mu was puzzled.

"Hey. The old master sighed slightly, and said helplessly. "The land we are in was once the world of the demon race.

"At that time, in the eyes of the demon race. Terrans are ants, food. So it's not unusual for them to use human bones for thrones.

Su Mu looked at the white throne in front of him and said nothing.

"Tongyu!" Taking

advantage of the old Heavenly Master's lack of attention, Su Mu opened this strange technique.

After the tongyu opened, Su Mu began to look around.

After some looking, his brow furrowed.

Seeing Su Mu frowning, the old Heavenly Master asked, "What's wrong?"

"It doesn't seem that there is what we want here!" The

purpose of the two of them coming here is very simple, that is, to make a fortune.

The Heavenly Master had promised before that he didn't want anything here.

But the things he promised not to want were only things related to aliens.

It has nothing to do with the Inhumans, and what can be sold for money in the human world, he will definitely take it.

"Didn't you?" Upon hearing this, a disappointed expression appeared on the face of the old Heavenly Master. He thought about it and said. After

all, in Journey to the West, the treasures of the Dragon Palace are all in the Dragon Palace treasury!" Thinking of

this, Su Mu's eyes lit up.

Because to the right of the high platform, there is a gate.

The material used for the gate is very special, even if it is secluded, it cannot be seen through.

So, if there's really something good here. So most likely, just behind the small door.

"Go, go over there!" Su

Mu waved his big hand and walked straight in the direction of the gate.

The Heavenly Master followed.

The two soon arrived at the gate.

Looking at the pitch-red gate in front of him, Su Mu sighed: "This Dragon Palace is really rich!" The

materials used in this gate looked very similar to wood.

But if you put your hand on this door, you will find out. This seemingly similar material to wood is actually a stone.

Feather fossils.

An extremely special and extremely rare stone.

Before Su Mu was reborn, he had heard of this stone.

This stone not only looks very similar to wood, but also weighs the same as the same wood.

In addition to these, this fossil has a very special ability, that is, shielding everything related to xenomorphism.

There was a formation master who used this stone as a medium to create a very powerful formation.

In this formation, no matter how powerful you are, you can't use Qi.

He had also seen some reports of feathers fossils.

At its peak, the price of feather fossils was ten million pounds.

Moreover, most of the time it is still priceless.

"This stone is a feather fossil. Su Mu pointed to the stone and said to the old heavenly master.

"Feather fossils?" said the old Heavenly Master with his hand on the door and shaking his head in disdain. "Isn't it just a broken stone, as for such a big name!" The

disdain of the old heavenly master made Su Mu slightly stunned.

Immediately, he showed a profane expression again.

Feather fossils are famous all over the world for some time after the revival of Reiki.

Therefore, it is understandable that the old heavenly master does not know the feather fossil, and thinks that it is a rotten stone.

"Come in and take a look!?"

looked at the gate in front of him, and said with an excited look on his face as he rubbed his hands.

"Okay!" As

soon as the words fell, the Heavenly Master couldn't wait to put his hand on the door.

"Ah!" the

old Heavenly Master began to exert his strength frantically.

But no matter how the Heavenly Master exerts his strength, the gate in front of him is unmoved.


An embarrassed expression appeared on the face of the old Heavenly Master.

In order not to embarrass the old Heavenly Master too much, Su Mu also put his hand on the door at this time.

"1, 2, 3!" the

two exerted their strength together.

"Crunch!" a

shrill voice sounded.

The door was slowly opened with the force of the two together.

Su Mu originally thought that it was dark inside the gate.

Unexpectedly, as the door opened, a dazzling light shot out directly from inside the door.

When the gate was fully opened, a "new world" appeared in front of the two of them.

Behind this gate, there is a very large space.

In this huge space, it is full of all kinds of rare treasures.

Each of these rare treasures is a priceless existence.

"Get rich, get rich!" When

the old Heavenly Master saw so many rare treasures, he immediately showed greed.

Su Mu looked at the top of the space strangely.

"Good fellow, is it such a big night pearl?" At

the very top of this space, there are many night pearls.

The reason why there is so much light here is because of these night pearls.

"Seven big ones, countless small ones!" Seven

large night pearls formed the shape of the Big Dipper at the top.

Each of these night pearls is the size of an adult's head.

Small night pearls, also the size of an adult's fist.

If these small night pearls are taken out for auction, they can at least be auctioned for tens of millions.

"Heavenly Master. Su Mu looked at the top of the space and asked the Heavenly Master. "Can you see that these night pearls are placed regularly?" In

addition to the seven large night pearls, the remaining small night pearls look chaotic, as if they are randomly arranged.

The old Heavenly Master, who was still looking for treasures, looked up at the top after hearing Su Mu's words.

After looking at it for a while, he shook his head and said, "I can't see it, but I feel that the arrangement here is definitely not simple!"

After observing for a while, the Heavenly Master stopped observing.

After all, for him, the most important thing now is these rare treasures.

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