Su Mu, who jumped to the roof, directly reached out and touched one of the large night pearls.

Although Su Mu did not collide hard.

But the moment it touched the night pearl, the night pearl actually shrunk to the top.

Although he didn't hear any sound of opening the door, this scene still made Su Mu's eyes shine.

Then he used his hand to press the other night pearls.

But when he pressed the second night pearl, this night pearl also fell in.

This night pearl only a few seconds after it fell in, and it popped out.

With the popping of this night pearl, the night pearl that Su Mu had pressed before also popped out.

"It's still a puzzle game!"

Seeing this scene, Su Mu's first reaction was to decrypt the game.

In the absence of any clues, the most testing thing at this time is patience.

Su Mu used his hand and pressed the first night pearl again.

After this night pearl fell in, Su Mu hurriedly went to press the third one.

This time he was lucky, and the third night pearl did not pop up.

According to such a law, Su Mu quickly trapped all seven night pearls.

When all the Night Pearls fell in, Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master heard a noise.

The direction in which the sound sounded was in the deepest part of the treasure house.

Look towards the deepest part of the treasure trove.

I saw a big hole appear on the originally smooth wall.

It was pitch black in the big hole.

However, the pitch black in this big hole was not to the point where you couldn't see your fingers.

It's different from the treasure trove outside.

The inside of the large cave has not been repaired by hand.

"Go inside and take a look?" Old Heavenly Master couldn't wait to ask Su Mu.

Although he also knew that even if there were good things in the big hole, it had nothing to do with him.

But he just couldn't help it, he wanted to go in and take a look.

"Go in!"

Su Mu really didn't hesitate.

I saw him take the lead and walk straight towards the big cave.

The cave is winding and winding.

The two walked for nearly twenty minutes, and their eyes gradually opened up.

This is an underground space under the sea.

The space is huge.

In the middle of the center, there is a huge pool of magma.

In the middle of the magma pool, a huge stone pillar is erected.

Looking at the huge stone pillar, Su Mu couldn't help but say, "Wouldn't this be the legendary Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick!"

The old Heavenly Master shook his head: "Didn't it say in "Journey to the West" that the Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod is in the East Sea Dragon Palace?"

"No, no!" Su Mu also shook his head. "How do I remember that there are four Ruyi Golden Hoop Rods?"

"Hey." When Su Mu said this, the old Heavenly Master also seemed to remember something. "In the legend, there are fixed sea god needles in the four seas."


【Dinghaishen Needle】(South China Sea)

Level: ???

Introduction: The sea god needle is an artifact forged by an immortal in ancient times who fixed pressure on the four seas.


The introduction of this Dinghaishen needle is more or less different from the records in "Journey to the West".

"This thing is really a sea god needle!" Su Mu said to the old Heavenly Master.

When the old master heard this, his eyes lit up.

But just as he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly darkened again.

Even if the stone pillar in front of them is a sea god needle, it has nothing to do with them.

"How about we take this Seagod needle for ourselves?" Su Mu said greedily.

"I'll forget it." The old Heavenly Master looked at the Dinghai God Needle and said to Su Mu. "This thing is here, it may be used to suppress, or to seal something."

"If you take it away, I am afraid it will cause a great disaster."

Su Mu felt that what the old Heavenly Master said was very reasonable.

When his gaze was about to be withdrawn from the Dinghai God needle, his afterglow just skimmed into the magma pool.

With just one glance, Su Mu was frightened and took several steps back.

His eyes were round, as if he had seen something terrifying.

"What do you see?" The Heavenly Master asked.

Su Mu pointed to the magma pool and said with a short breath: "I see that in this magma pool, there are a lot of bones!"

"Hey!" When the old Heavenly Master heard that it was a bone, he teased. "What's so scary about the bones."

"Not a human skeleton, but a snake bone. Moreover, the length of each bone is more than a kilometer! Su Mudao.

"Snake bones over a kilometer old?" When the old Heavenly Master heard this, he was also taken aback.

He looked at the magma pool and asked Su Mu, "Could it be the legendary dragon?"

"I don't know!" Su Mu took a deep breath and calmed himself down as much as possible.

Dragons, in Chinese history and mythology, have a very important position.

Many people believe that dragons were just invented by the ancients.

However, there are also some people who believe that dragons are creatures that once existed.

Because everyone has never seen a dragon, the group of people who believe in the existence of dragons have always been at a disadvantage.

Even some biologists say that there can be no such thing as dragons in this world.

Because this creature simply does not conform to the normal laws of nature.

After his emotions were completely calm, Su Mu looked at the magma pool again.

Although with mental preparation.

But when Su Mu saw these huge bones again, he still felt inexplicably frightened.

"Strange!" After watching for a while, Su Mu whispered to himself. "Why are there other biological elements on these bones?"

"What?" Because Su Mu was muttering in a low voice, the old Heavenly Master did not hear clearly what he was saying.

Su Mu repeated, "I see that there are elements of other creatures on the bones of these huge snakes. "

Huh?" Heavenly Master didn't quite understand.

Su Mu explained: "On one of the huge snake bones, there are two things that look like horns. "

The Heavenly Master has acquiesced to these huge snake bones, which are the bones of dragons.

So he said: "Isn't it normal for dragons to have dragon horns? "

Not normal." Su Mu shook his head. "The horns I just mentioned are not the antlers of a sika deer, but the horns of a rhinoceros!"

"Rhinoceros horns?" Heavenly Master didn't quite understand.

"That's right." Su Mu said very seriously. "It's a rhinoceros's horn!"

"But the horns of rhinoceros grow on the heads of snake corpses!" When Su Mu said this, there was a trace of unconfidence in his tone.

Because he himself thinks this is more or less nonsense.

"What about that?" Heavenly Master asked.

Su Mu replied, "There is also a snake corpse with a row of inverted bone spurs on the back of its back. "

Inverted bone spurs?" The old Heavenly Master didn't quite understand what a bone spur was.

Su Mu thought for a while and said, "It's bone spurs, it looks like a hedgehog." However, it is not like a hedgehog.

The Heavenly Master nodded as if he understood something.

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