Su Mu opened the system interface again.

Gritting his teeth, he spent 500 points and exchanged it for a high-end cooking pot.

Looking at the pot in front of him, which only sold a few hundred yuan in Huaxia, Su Mu felt that his heart was dripping blood.

After he put the pot away, he began to operate on the still-water fish.

After some operation, the still water fish has been perfectly shaved by it.

He then puts the still-water fish into the pot.

He holds the pot in the palm of his hand, and then urges his own flame to heat the pot.

Under the urging of Qi, the water in the pot soon boiled.

As the water boiled, Su Mu seemed to smell a fragrance.

At this point, he began to add ingredients to the pot.

As the ingredients are put into the pot one by one, the aroma in the pot becomes more and more intense.

Even Ye Fengshen, who was drinking tea, couldn't help but show an intoxicated expression at this time.

"What a fragrant taste!" Ye Fang muttered softly.

Su Mu glanced at Ye Shun strangely, and asked half-jokingly: "Senior, aren't you a wisp of remnant soul?" Why can you smell it?

Ye Xuan, who narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Su Mu and said with a smile: "It's true that I am a remnant soul, but who told you that the remnant soul can't smell it?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Mu was suddenly speechless.

The cooking continues.

The fragrance is also getting stronger and stronger.





At this moment, the sound of a bell sounded.

The sound of this bell sounds very strange.

Su Mu just listened for a while, only feeling that his mind was almost lost.

"If you want to eat, come over quickly." If you don't want to eat it, hurry up and get out!

"If I miss a meal because of you, I don't mind burying you with my own hands!"

Ye Fengshen's words shocked Su Mu's heart.

He subconsciously looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

I saw an old woman staggering towards this side.

The old woman hunched over her chest and her skin was like goosebump.

His silver and white hair makes him look very old.

At its right foot, a bell hangs.

If nothing else, the sound of the bell just now came from his right foot.

The old woman said with an embarrassed smile: "I just smelled the fragrance, come and take a look." You're not like that, my lord!

Ye Fengshen glanced at the old woman coldly, and warned coldly: "It's okay to eat meat, and it's okay to drink soup." But you can't scare this little friend!

The old woman glanced at Su Mu and said with a strange smile: "Yes, my lord!" The

old woman slowly walked towards this side.

Although the bell is still moving, it does not make a sound.

The old woman walked to Ye Fengshen's side and stood like a servant.

"Sit down!"

Ye Fengshen waved his hand and motioned for the old woman to sit down.

But the old woman said with a smile: "You are here, how dare I sit!"

Su Mu glanced at the old woman strangely.

He could see that this old woman's strength was extraordinary.

But such a master, in front of Ye Fengshen, seemed to be a weak chicken.

"It seems that even if it is a wisp of remnant soul, Ye Fengshen can still be regarded as the existence of Niu Shuo!"

Su Mu sighed as he turned his head and continued to cook his still-water fish.

"Gollum, Gollum!"

The boiling sound of water is constantly fragrant from the pot.

Su Mu felt that the weight of the pot in his hand was slowly decreasing.

Although the decline is not obvious, Su Mu, who is a super master, can still feel it.

After about ten minutes or so, Su Mu's eyes suddenly lit up.

With one move, he rushed to Ye Fengshen's table, and then opened the lid on the pot.

"Quick, only a minute! If it takes more than a minute, your fish will not taste good.

Su Mu said to Ye in shock.

Ye was also not polite, and directly stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the country.

A piece of fish meat was directly taken out of the pot by him.

"You guys eat too!" Ye was shocked to see that the two were still stunned, and hurriedly reminded. "Just a minute."

Su Mu and the old woman were also not polite, and they all went to catch fish in the pot.

Ye Fengshen took the lead and sent the meat in his hand into his mouth.

Su Mu also didn't say a word, and sent the fish meat into his mouth.

As soon as he entered his mouth, the fish meat melted directly in Su Mu's mouth.

A refreshing smell of fresh fragrance exploded in Su Mu's mouth.

"My God, why is there such delicious fish in this world!"

Su Mu felt that his brain was about to stop thinking at this time.

"One minute!"

But at this time, he realized something.

He suddenly opened his eyes and prepared to catch another piece of fish.

But what I didn't expect was.

At this time, there was nothing left in the pot.

Not only fish, but even fish soup.

Seeing Su Mu looking at her, the old woman scratched her head a little embarrassed: "It's so delicious, so I didn't hold back!"

Ye Fengshen slowly opened his eyes and gave Su Mu a thumbs up: "I like this fish you made." This second level of the test, you can be considered passed! The

old woman who was still savoring the delicious taste of the fish soup suddenly looked at Ye after hearing this.

Her eyes were full of shock.

"Then can I get the magic again?" Su Mu looked at Ye with anticipation on his face.

Ye shook his head with a smile: "This kind of thing is not something that can be sought." Even for me, teleportation is a rare technique.

"What, do you think I'll teach you one of these magics?"

Su Mu nodded with disappointment on his face.

To be honest, he did have that in mind.

"You go to that place." Ye Fengshen pointed to a thatched hut and said to Su Mu. "In that thatched hut, there are a lot of exotic fruits. Choose one yourself and bring it out!

"Remember my words, only bring out one."

"Good! I know.

Su Mu got up and walked towards the place that Ye Fengshen pointed to.

After Su Mu entered the hut, the old woman asked Ye Zhengshen with an incredulous face: "Great God, are you planning to accept disciples?"

Ye Xuan glanced at the old woman, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Have I contracted with you before, I have been waiting for someone all these years."

"The feeling in my heart tells me that the person I'm waiting for is this kid!"

The old woman looked at Ye Shensen in surprise.

To be honest, she had always thought that Ye Fengshen said that she was waiting for someone, which was an excuse.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true.

"Could it be that this kid also has a protagonist aura on his body?" The old woman asked Ye Shocked curiously.

Ye Fangshen smiled and nodded, "There should be something!" And his protagonist aura seems to be even more powerful than my main sentence aura! If

Su Mu heard the conversation between the two, he would definitely be surprised.

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