"I don't believe it!" The old woman was the first to jump out and question Su Mu. "The amount of Reiki that each person absorbs every day is a constant value."

"Unless there is a special technique or a special physique blessing, otherwise. It's absolutely impossible for you..." Before

the old woman's words were finished, she looked at Su Mu.

Su Mu said with a smile: "That's right, buddies have special physique and special exotic blessings!" The

old woman still didn't believe it.

Su Mu didn't bother to explain.

"Wait a minute!"

Su Mu sat cross-kneeled and began to feel the aura around him.

With the blessing of his own absorption and the source flow of the body, Su Mu absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy in one minute.

The aura of this place is very abundant.

After absorbing it, Su Mu glanced at his realm again.

He said with a smile: "My current realm is a Spirit Formation Weight, a Cold Fruit, at least my realm can be upgraded to Spirit Formation Triple or even higher!"

When Su Mu said this, he looked confident.

"What realm do you say you are now?" The old woman looked at Su Mu with a shocked face.

The old woman's reaction made Su Mu feel a little strange.

But since the old woman asked, then Su Mu definitely wanted to answer: "My current realm is a heavy soul, what's wrong?" Is there a problem?

"It's not." The old woman hurriedly waved her hand and asked again. "So how old are you now?"

"I don't think I'm 20 years old!" Su Mu said his age.

"Shhh!" Hearing Su Mu's words, the old woman couldn't help but gasp.

She looked at Ye in disbelief and said, "Ji Ling Yizhong, who is less than 20 years old, have you ever seen such a monster?"

Ye Xingshen also shook his head in some surprise.

When he first saw Su Mu, he felt that Su Mu's realm was not low.

Therefore, he did not deliberately check Su Mu's realm.

When he heard Su Mu himself say that his realm was a heavy soul, Ye Fengshen was also shocked.

He was born in a golden age of stars.

At that time, masters were everywhere and geniuses were like clouds.

But in that era, there was still no spiritual realm less than 20 years old.

You know, the aura at that time was very abundant.

Moreover, there are far more genius treasures than now.

But in that era, the youngest Spirit Realm alien was also 50 years old.

The holding of this record is also Ye Fengshen.

Ye Fengshen really didn't expect that after so many years, someone would be able to break this record of his own.

Moreover, the record was raised to 20 years old.

"Isn't this young man a little too terrifying?" The old woman said softly to Ye Fengshen.

Ye Jiao, who prided himself on having seen countless geniuses and Tianjiao, couldn't help but nod.

"Well, next, it's time to witness the miracle!"

Without saying a word, Su Mu directly threw the old cold fruit into his mouth.

In the mouth, the fruit directly turns into a wisp of sweet liquid.

Without even having to swallow it himself, the liquid went directly down Su Mu's throat and flowed into Su Mu's body.

As the liquid flowed in, Su Mu felt that he was now transformed into a whirlpool.

The aura around them all surged towards this side.

Ye looked around and said with some surprise; "This kid, what the hell is the origin, why do I think he is so terrifying!"

The old woman glanced around and nodded very approvingly: "This kid is really scary!" "

In the kung fu of the two chatting, Su Mu's realm began to improve.

From Jieling One to Jieling Two, Su Mu took less than an hour.

From double to triple, it took five hours.

The duration of the fruit is one day.

Other words.

Su Mu still has a lot of time.

Reiki absorption continues.

Between the triple and the quadruple of the knot, a high wall appeared.

What Su Mu had to do now was to use a tidal wave of spiritual energy to break through this high wall.

The aura is constantly pounding the high wall.

But the high wall is like Mount Tarzan, standing still.

Su Mu clenched his teeth, and sweat had begun to flow out of his forehead.

Time passes minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, there were less than four hours left before the effect of the cold fruit disappeared.


At this moment, a crisp cracking sound sounded.

Su Mu's face was beaming.

He originally thought that this time he could directly break through the high wall.

Unexpectedly, this crisp cracking sound only broke the high wall out of a small crack.

In addition to being disappointed, Su Mu also saw hope.

The cracks are small, but they also represent endless possibilities.

The frenzied aura continued to pound the high walls.

The cracks in the high walls are constantly growing.

At first, it was just at the bottom of a high wall.

But now, we have reached the middle of the high wall.

But time, but it is too late.

"Two more hours."

Su Mu clenched his teeth.

He intends to spend the last two hours storming this high wall.

With an hour left, the crack had penetrated to the top of the high wall.

At the same time, the cracks are constantly expanding.

The cracks, which were originally the thickness of a hair, have now expanded to resemble the fingers of a baby.

"Go on!"

Su Mu roared in his heart.


The crack is still widening.

"Thirty minutes left, there's still time!"

Su Mu continued to storm the high wall.

"Twenty minutes!"

"Ten minutes!"

"Five minutes!"

With five minutes left, the aura frenzy finally broke down the high wall.

Su Mu's realm also came from the three layers of the Spirit Formation to the Fourth Stage of the Spirit of the Junction.


Su Mu sat limply on the ground, smiling at Ye Fengshen and the old woman.

"What realm are you in now?" The old woman asked subconsciously.

Su Mu smiled slightly, "Fourfold Spirit Formation!" "

This is exactly what the old woman expected.

But when she heard Su Mu say it with her own ears, the old woman still felt very shocked.

"At such an age, I don't dare to think about it!"

The old woman sighed in her heart.

"This son can inherit my mantle!"

Ye Xingshen looked at Su Mu very excitedly.

The main purpose of this wisp of remnant soul is to make his inheritance not in the middle stage.

After all these years, Su Mu was the first human that Ye Fengshen had seen.

This human did not disappoint him.

As his state gradually recovered, Su Mu also slowly stood up.

"How's that, didn't disappoint you, did you?" Su Mu looked at the two with a stunned expression.

For a while, the two didn't know what to say.

"Young man." The old woman walked to Su Mu's side, patted Su Mu's shoulder and said. "You boy, it's really powerful!"

"It's okay! That's generalization! Su Mu said very well.

Ye Fengshen slowly stood up at this time and looked at Su Mu.

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