Heavenly Master can clearly feel it.

Su Mu's trip was very fruitful.

He couldn't feel what realm Su Mu was now.

However, he knew that Su Mu's realm was definitely much higher than before he entered.

"So envious!"

As an alien, the old Heavenly Master really envied Su Mu.

He was less than twenty years old, but he had already reached the spiritual realm he had dreamed of.

Moreover, this young man's future is still very long.

The most important thing is that Su Mu, a young man, is not only talented, but also scary with good luck.

The old Heavenly Master once prided himself on being a person carrying great luck.

But when he compared with Su Mu, he found that he was nothing.

"People have to die compared to people, and goods have to be thrown away!" Heavenly Master sighed.

If other strangers heard such a sigh from the Heavenly Master, they would definitely be ashamed and want to jump into the river to commit suicide.

After breaking the first magma ball, Su Mu continued to move forward.

The second magma ball also appeared at this time.

This second magma ball is much larger than the first, almost equivalent to a baby's head.

The strangest thing is that this magma ball is not only big, but also very fast.

The moment he rushed out of the magma pool, he flew straight towards Su Mu.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!"

Su Mu didn't raise it either.

I saw that his right fist was clenched and hit straight in the direction of the magma ball.


Su Mu's fist collided with the magma ball again.

Brilliant light, blooming again.

But this time is different from the last time.

This time Su Mu's attack did not shatter this magma ball.

Seeing that he just knocked the magma ball back, Su Mu's face also flashed with surprise.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!"

I saw Su Mu's fist clenched, and golden light began to emerge on Su Mu's fist.

And at this moment, the magma ball also accelerated, rushing towards Su Mu again.


Su Mu's fist swung out.

The Heaven-shaking God Fist and the Magma Ball collided together again.



After this time, the magma ball was completely shattered.


Su Mu exhaled.

Although he exhaled, he knew that the battle was not over.

According to previous experience, there are a total of three magma balls.

Just as Su Mu was looking for the third, the third one had already appeared in front of Su Mu's eyes.

Holding the third magma ball the size of a football, Su Mu's expression began to become serious.

"Come on!"

He roared, and his right hand shook slightly.

The Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword appeared in Su Mu's hand.

Su Mu felt a huge threat on this magma ball.

Therefore, he must use the Falling Sunset Soul Sword to resist this magma ball.

Looking at the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand, Su Mu patted it and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I endured it at that time and didn't devour you." Otherwise, there really would be no weapons! With

the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in hand, Su Mu suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

"Extreme Fall Sword Rain!"

Su Mu was ready to attack the magma ball first.

The blazing sword began to take shape in the back of Su Mu's head.

I don't know if it's because of Su Mu's realm improvement, or some other reason.

The blazing sword summoned by Su Mu actually became a lot bigger.

The length of the previous sword was equivalent to an adult's arm.

But now, the length is equivalent to an adult's leg.

Not only has the length increased, but even the quantity seems to have increased a lot.


Su Muyao pointed to the magma ball.





The blazing sword flew towards the magma ball like an off-string arrow.

But Magma Ball, but didn't care about the sword at all.

It directly ignored the Flame Sword and flew straight towards Su Mu.





The blazing sword hit the magma ball, making the sound of metal colliding.

The magma ball was unharmed, and the blazing sword was completely destroyed.

"It's really strong!"

Su Mu looked at the blazing sword and rubbed his chin and said to himself.

At this time, the magma ball had also rushed to less than five meters away from Su Mu.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

Su Mu's right hand trembled slightly.

On the Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword, it was instantly covered with purple flames.

Su Mu wielded the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

What he didn't expect was that this swing directly swung a sword qi with purple flames.


The sword qi and magma balls collided in the air, once again blooming with a dazzling light.

Wait for the light to dissipate.

Old Heavenly Master and Su Mu both widened their eyes.

With such a blow, the magma ball was already not damaged at all.

"This magma ball is really strong!"

Su Mu had to admit at this time that this magma ball was powerful.

"Weak click break!"

Acknowledge that the other person is strong, but will never be defeated by the other party.

As Su Mu's eyes changed, some small red dots began to appear on the body of the magma ball.

"Three weaknesses!"

Su Mu found that there were actually three weaknesses in this magma ball.

"Then attack at the place of these three weak points!"

Su Mu already had a plan in his heart.

He holds a sword in his left hand and a sword in his right hand.



Su Mu's right hand pointed to one of the weak points on the magma ball.

A thunderbolt the thickness of an adult's finger, carrying infinite momentum, flew towards the magma ball.


Lightning strikes one of the three weak points of the magma ball.

This blow directly caused a crack to appear on the body of the magma ball.

"There is a play!"

Seeing this, Su Mu was overjoyed in his heart.

He pinched the sword technique in his right hand again, and the thunder and lightning appeared again.


This time, the lightning still accurately struck one of the weak points on the magma ball.

Gao Mu smiled, smiling very happily.

He knew that as long as the last lightning could concentrate the last weak point of the magma ball, then he could shatter this magma ball.

Thunder and lightning again.


Still hit the magma ball accurately.

Magma balls, completely shattered.

Su Mu smiled.

Seeing this, the old Heavenly Master couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But what the two did not expect was that at this time, the magma pool rolled again.

The same magma ball as the previous one reappeared.

"Play with me?"

Su Mu looked at the magma ball, and his face was full of unhappy expressions.

"Since I can shatter you once, then I can smash you a second time!"

Su Mu's right hand had already pinched the sword technique.

But what Su Mu never expected was that this magma ball began to split in the air.

One point two, two points four.

After classification, the volume did not become smaller, but the number increased.

"My mother, is this playing with me!?"

Against a magma ball, Su Mu had no problem at all.

If you can deal with four magma balls, then Su Mu will definitely not be able to do it.


At this time, Su Mu no longer planned to confront the magma ball head-on.

In this case, dodging is the best option.

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