On the second floor of the gymnasium, a restaurant.

Wang Guangyu was quietly eating in a corner of the restaurant at this time.

As the main person in charge of this martial arts conference, Wang Guangyu is very busy every day.

His meal times are almost always squeezed out.

"Boss Wang! ~" Just as he was eating quietly, a voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing this sudden sound, Wang Guangyu's brows directly wrinkled.

He knew that the owner of this voice was Liu Cong.

Let's be honest.

He didn't like Liu Cong as a person.

Liu Cong, this person, is really good at drilling camp.

"What's wrong?" Even if he didn't like Liu Cong, he still had to show a very enthusiastic look. "Find a time to come to me, is there something wrong?"

As I said before, the rivers and lakes are not fighting and killing, but human feelings.

"I found a genius." Liu Cong said softly to Wang Guangyu.

Wang Guangyu frowned, very dissatisfied in his heart.

But even so, he suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and asked, "What kind of genius can make you so interested!"

"Nineteen years old, concentrate heavily!" Liu Cong said mysteriously.

"What did you say?" Wang Guangyu, who was originally very calm, suddenly stood up, and he asked very excitedly. "What you said is true?"

The restaurant was originally quiet.

But with Wang Guangyu's loud shout, everyone's eyes were all focused on Wang Guangyu.

Wang Guangyu reacted and hurriedly said to the surroundings with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry, some excited, some gaffe."

He suppressed the shock in his heart and sat down.

He asked Liu Cong softly: "What you said, is it true?"

Liu Cong nodded and directly handed Su Mu's registration form to Wang Guangyu.

"Look, this is a copy of the registration form!"

After Wang Guangyu took the registration form, the form looked at it very seriously.

After reading it, he said with a sneer on his face: "That's it? What can an entry form say? "


An entry form really doesn't say anything.

Wang Guangyu couldn't have passed a registration form and believed that at this time, there was a nineteen-year-old Condensation Realm alien.

"Look at this again!"

Liu Cong seemed to have known for a long time that Wang Guangyu would be like this.

He took out his mobile phone and handed it to Wang Guangyu.

On the phone, is a video.

The video is now in a tentative state.

Wang Guangyu pressed the play button.

The video starts playing.

It may be because of secretly shooting, so the picture of the video is very shaky.

But even if it was shaking, Wang Guangyu still saw a lot of key information.

"Nineteen-year-old Concentration Realm alien, this is also incredible!" Wang Guangyu's eyes widened and his mouth grew.

But soon, the expression on his face returned to normal.

He patted Liu Cong's shoulder and said with a smile: "After this incident, I will definitely reward you well!"

"Thank you, Boss Wang!"

Liu Cong thanked Wang Guangyu.

After expressing his thanks, Liu Cong looked at Wang Guangyu and hurriedly said, "You continue, I'll leave first." The

voice fell, and Liu Cong took his leave and left.

After Liu Cong left, Wang Guangyu had no idea of eating.

He picked up his plate and walked towards the plate recycling area.

A few minutes later, he returned to his office.

Once inside, he locked the office door directly.

Then close the curtains and keep your office absolutely dark.

Immediately afterwards, he began to search the office.

He's looking for pins, holes, cameras.

After making sure there were no pins and holes for the camera, he turned on the lights in the room.

At his desk, he turned on his computer.

As the display lights lit up, Wang Guangyu's face also looked a little gloomy.

After the computer was turned on, Wang Guangyu began to operate on the computer.

After some operation, he entered a website full of small advertisements.

He clicked on small ads with ease.

Dozens of web pages have popped up on the taskbar of his computer.

Needless to say, his computer performance is really good.

Even with dozens of pages full of websites, his computer still runs smoothly.

When he opened the fiftieth web page, his computer suddenly froze.

Then the computer completely went black.

On the black screen, a line of words appears at this time.

[Find me something! ] To

be honest, this scene seems really weird.

Wang Guangyu began to type skillfully on the keyboard.

[Nineteen-year-old Condensation is a different person! ]

After typing this, he hit enter.

He was waiting for a reply from the black screen.

This waited for a long time, did not wait.

"What's going on?" Just as Wang Guangyu was puzzled, words appeared on the black screen again.

[Send all the information to that place!]

After Wang Guangyu finished reading this line, the computer screen returned to normal again.

He looked at the registration form in his hand and slowly stood up.

He went to his room and put the registration form on the photocopier.

Soon, a copy of the registration form appeared in his hand.

Putting the registration form Liu Cong gave him on the table, Wang Guangyu left his office.

Hotel, Su Mu room.

Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master were eating skewers, drinking beer and watching football.

"It's so smelly, even Vietnam can't kick it, it's really better to go home and grow sweet potatoes!"

God Master was angry.

"I think so too." For the words of the old heavenly master, Su Mu agreed very much.

"In other words, do you say that person will take the bait?" Old Heavenly Master asked Su Mu while eating.

Su Mu did not directly answer the old Heavenly Master, but asked rhetorically: "If it were you, would you take the bait?"

"Absolutely!" Old Heavenly Master looked at Su Mu and couldn't help but say. "Nineteen-year-old concentrated heavily, and no one who came after him did not know. But in front, there are absolutely no ancients.

"By the way, are you interested in joining the Heavenly Master Mansion? If there is, I can give you the position of Heavenly Master. If it really doesn't work, I can even add another Heavenly Master position!"

"No, what are you doing?" Su Mu waved his hand at the old Heavenly Master, and said helplessly. "I don't like to be bound, so I haven't joined the forces!"

In order not to dwell on this issue, Su Mu hurriedly changed the topic: "If this Inhuman Competition has the shadow of that group of Dongying people." Well, they will definitely come to me in the recent period.

In this regard, the old master also nodded in agreement.


Just as the two were chatting vigorously, Su Mu's room door was suddenly knocked.

"Who?" Su Mu asked in a lazy tone.

"Wang Guangyu!" Wang Guangyu's voice came from outside the door.

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