Ye Nian felt a very strong sense of oppression on Su Mu's body.

As Su Mu approached, this powerful sense of oppression also made Ye Nian a little breathless for a while.

"What's going on?"

Ye Nian had a gloomy face and looked at Su Mu with an ugly expression.

"Why is there such a strong sense of oppression in this person?"

Ye Nian even felt that this sense of oppression was stronger than the oppression of his parents.

"Who the hell are you?" Ye Nian pointed at Su Mu and shouted.

Su Mu smiled slightly, "My name is Su Mu, and I'm just a scattered person."

"What's going on?" Why did I see a terrified expression on Ye Nian's face.

"Could it be that the hillbilly opposite him is very strong?"

"For Ye Nian to show such an expression, I estimate that this person's strength should be very terrifying."

"Horror? How scary can it be? You know, Ye Nian is a super master on the hidden dragon list! "


While everyone was discussing, Su Mu was less than five meters away from Ye Nian.

This is a very delicate distance.

"Nope." After Ye Nian, if he stood here and did not move, he would definitely be defeated by Ye Nian. "No matter how much it is, let's go first!"

Ye Nian's right hand shook slightly, and a long spear appeared in Ye Nian's hand.

With the spear in hand, Ye Nian's momentum rose sharply in an instant.

A momentum, also centered on Ye Nian, began to stir towards the periphery.

Needless to say, Ye Nian's momentum is really good.

In the same realm, Ye Nianguang's momentum is overwhelming.

However, he met Su Mu.

Ye Nian's momentum was terrifying.

But for Su Mu, this Ye Nian's momentum was nothing.

"That's it?" Su Mu looked at Ye Nian with disdain, and his mouth was full of mocking words. "I think how powerful you are, I didn't expect it to be like this!"


Su Mu's mockery made Ye Nian's teeth itch.

"Here it comes!"

Su Mu smiled slightly, squeezed his fist with his right hand, and went straight in the direction of Ye Nian.

This punch seems to be very ordinary.

However, Ye Nian felt that Gao Mu's punch was very difficult.

"One shot breaks dawn!"

Ye Nian roared.

A golden flame began to spread on Ye Nian's spear.

It didn't take long for the golden flame to wrap Ye Nian's spear.

Ye Nian held the gun in his hand and stabbed it in Su Mu's direction.

A golden snake burst out from the spear and moved towards Su Mu's very rapid progress.

"That's it?" Su Mu shook his head with contempt.

His fist is still moving forward.

Not long after, Su Mu's fist collided with the golden snake.


A loud bang sounded, and then everyone felt a burst of white light in front of them.

The collision of Su Mu's fist and the golden snake bloomed with dazzling light.

This light made some low-realm aliens unable to open their eyes.

On the rostrum, the old Heavenly Master had been looking for Su Mu's figure.

This dazzling light that suddenly lit up attracted the attention of the old Heavenly Master.

The old Heavenly Master looked towards the light, and a smile appeared on his face.

"This kid is really bullying the small!" The Heavenly Master smiled and shook his head.

In the subconscious of the old Heavenly Master, Su Mu was already considered to be a peer of the same generation.

Ye Nian opposite Su Mu was an apprentice and grandchild to the old Heavenly Master.

Therefore, the old Heavenly Master felt that the battle between Su Mu and Ye Nian was to bully the small with the big.

That dazzling light not only attracted the attention of the Heavenly Master, but also attracted the attention of others on the rostrum.

"Heavenly Master." Jiang Jun, who was next to the old Heavenly Master, asked the Old Heavenly Master with a smile. "Who do you think is in the fifth ring?"

After taking a look at Jiang Jun, the old Heavenly Master shook his head with a smile and said, "I don't know!" I just think this kid's strength is good, so I took a look at it more.

"Not bad indeed." Jiang Jun nodded in agreement on the side. "Being able to force Ye Nian to use 'One Shot to Break the Dawn' is enough to show how extraordinary his strength is!"

Jiang Jun obviously knew Ye Nian.

Otherwise, he would not have said such a thing.

When the light dissipated, everyone looked at the ring in unison.

The scene in the ring made everyone's eyes widen in shock.

"Ye Nian was defeated? How is this possible?

"Am I mistaken?" Ye Nian was actually defeated by a hillbilly?

"What about returning hillbillies? The person who can defeat Ye Nian, if it is a hillbilly. So what are people like us?

"Who is this man, and why haven't we heard his name before?"


At this time, everyone present became curious about Su Mu's identity.

After defeating Ye Nian, Su Mu looked at the referee who was in a daze next to him and said, "Can you announce the result of the match?" "

The referee has been in shock just now.

"Oh." After Su Muyi's reminder, the referee reacted instantly. "I declare that the 94th wins!"

As the referee's voice fell, Su Mu's mobile phone also rang.

While walking off the ring, Su Mu curiously took out his mobile phone.

The information on the mobile phone was sent by the Inhuman Contest APP.

[Congratulations, defeated your current opponent! ] Beat your opponent and earn +1 points. Current Points: 1. Seeing

this message, Su Mu was obviously stunned.

"This system is also so interesting!"

Su Mu smiled and turned off his mobile phone.

Ye Nian in the ring was struggling to get up at this time.

But no matter how much he struggled, his body just couldn't stand up.

The battle between him and Su Mu just now made him consume too much physical strength, and there were still many scars on his body.

"Who the hell is this man? Why is there such great power? Ye

Nian really didn't understand.

At the same time, his heart was also very unhappy.

This young genius was defeated by a person who didn't even know the Hidden Dragon List and the Phoenix List.

This was a very humiliating thing for Ye Nian.

After stepping off the ring, Su Mu went directly to the rest area of the Inhuman Tournament.

As soon as he arrived at the rest area, a middle-aged man greeted him.

"Mr. Su." After glancing left and right, the middle-aged man whispered to Su Mu. "My name is Wu Xiao, and I am the person in charge of the rest area of this Inhuman Competition."

Su Mu glanced at Wu Xiao strangely and asked, "Something?" "

It's okay." Wu Xiao smiled slightly, and then said. "I came to greet you on the order of the head of Wang Guangyu."

If someone else heard Wu Xiao's words, they would definitely be at a loss.

But Su Mu understood what Wu Xiao meant by this.

"Own people?" Su Mu asked Wu Xiao.

Wu Xiao said respectfully: "It's not your own!" After you, you will be 100% my boss! "

Can you get me something to eat?"

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