If someone else had said this, Tu Cang's mother would have gone to greet the other party's mother long ago.

But when Su Mu said this, Tu Cang was not only not angry, but even felt that Su Mu was protecting himself.

"Brother Mu. Tu Cang looked at Su Mu very seriously and seriously, and said in a very firm voice. If you really beat me to death, I won't blame

you!" "Otherwise, I'll use 70% of my force first, you give it a try! If you can withstand my 70% force, I'll slowly increase it!"

Su Mu discussed with Tu Cannon very friendly.

When the audience heard the conversation between the two, they also laughed.

"Good guys, people who know know they're playing. People who don't know think they're buying and selling things. "

After watching so many games, such a harmonious scene, it was really the first time I saw it.

"This is a typical meeting between fans and idols!"

"If every game is so harmonious, there is no need to fight lip service." It is estimated that today's game will go very smoothly!"

Su Mu and Tuesday Cannon's bargaining not only did not bore the people in the audience.

Even the people in the audience thought it was very interesting.

"Okay. "Since Su Mudu said so, then it's not good to say anything more.

At this time, his expression began to become serious: "Come on!" "


Su Mu asked Tuesday Cannon.

Tuesday Cannon nodded.


Su Mu walked slowly in the direction of the Tuesday Cannon.

When there was still less than a meter away from the Tuesday Cannon, Su Mu suddenly stopped.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!" Su

Mu's right hand clenched, and the golden fist began to form on his fist.

After the golden fists were all formed, Su Mu shot straight in the direction of the Tuesday Cannon.

"Earth wall defense!" Looking

at Su Mu's golden fist, Tuesday Cannon's face changed slightly.

I saw his right foot stomp violently.

A wall of earth appeared directly in front of the Tuesday Cannon.

"Bang!" Su

Mu's golden fist hit the earthen wall.

The earthen wall fell apart in an instant.

After shattering the earthen wall, the momentum of the golden fist did not stop.

It went straight in the direction of the Tuesday gun.

"Bang!" The

golden fist hit the body of the Tuesday Cannon, directly flying the Tuesday Cannon upside down.

"I know Su Muqiang, I really didn't expect Su Mu to be so strong!"

"This person's strength has exceeded my expectations.

"I feel like he's the same age as us, but he's much stronger than us." "

Why do you feel that this battle between Tuesday Cannon and Su Mu is Su Mu's unilateral abuse."

"Su Mu is like the summoner of the king rank in a certain game, and we are only bronze ranks. "


The Tuesday cannon, which flew out upside down, flew directly out of the ring.

In order to prevent the Tuesday cannon from being injured too much, Su Mu rushed out with an arrow, and then caught the Tuesday cannon steadily.

After catching it, Su Mu put it on the ground.

This punch, the Tuesday cannon that hit directly fainted.

Su Mu put his finger in front of his snort.

Determining that he still had a snort, Su Mu was obviously relieved.

And at this time, Tuesday Cannon slowly woke up.

When he saw Su Mu, he asked in a weak voice: "Brother Mu, how much strength did you use just now?"

Tuesday Cannon nodded weakly, "I want to hear the truth!" "Sicheng!"

"I..." When Tu Cang's hearing that Su Mu only exerted four percent of his strength, he was suddenly speechless.

He slowly gave his thumbs up and said to Su Mu: "You really are this

!" "Low-key! Low-key!" Su

Mu smiled and waved his hand.

While the two were chatting, the medical staff also arrived.

With the victory of this battle, Su Mu's points also came to 3 points.

After a brief rest, a new battle began.

In the next few battles, Su Mu's opponents were still IQ online, and did not say many stupid things.

Su Mu also defeated all his opponents very easily.

In terms of points, the tide also rose to 8 points.

Other words.

Su Mu fought two more battles, and he would be able to get full points.

Follow the rules of the audition.

If everyone has the same points, then whoever fights with the shortest total market will have a higher ranking.

The reason why there is such a rule is that I am afraid that many people will have 10 points.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Mu ushered in his ninth game.

His opponent in the ninth game is very interesting.

Tang Leopard, also a person in the Tang Gate.

Like Tang Hu, he is also a leading figure in the younger generation of the Tang Gate.

However, because Tang Hu's light was too dazzling, Tang Leopard could only live in Tang Hu's shadow all the time.

The latest ranking of the hidden dragon list, this Tang Hu ranked ninth.

Let's be honest.

This ranking is already very good.

"Su Mu, I know you. After Tang Leopard came to power, he looked at Su Mu with tiger-eyed eyes.

Su Mu looked at Tang Leopard with a smile and said, "So?

"I want to say that your winning streak is coming to an end. Tang Leopard said with a confident look.

This Tang Leopard's figure looks very burly.

The eyes are wide, and it is similar to a copper bell.

"Your realm is innate ninefold, why do you think that you will be my opponent?"

In fact, during the break, Su Mu also specially checked some hidden dragon lists.

The list of hidden dragons is very interesting.

The person with the highest realm is Tang Hu.

Moreover, his realm is much ahead of the first place.

Tang Hu is a fivefold qi nourisher.

But the second place, the realm is only nourishing qi double.

Most of the rest, the realm is around the innate ninefold.

"Is your realm very high?" said Tang Leopard looking at Su Mu with great disdain. "Your previous opponents were too weak!" "

Is Ye Nian still weak?" Su Mu looked at Tang Leopard and asked puzzled. "His ranking, isn't it before you?"

Tang Bao did not deny this. "This Ye Nian's strength is indeed above me. But his strength is not as strong as mine

!" "Okay!" Su

Mu didn't know what to say at this time.

"So, are you done with your words, and when you're done, let's hurry up!" Su Mu really didn't want to talk nonsense.

He now felt that his stomach was a little hungry.

So he didn't want to waste too much time in this ring.

"Look down on me?" Su Mu's words made Tang Bao's face very ugly. "Believe it or not, I'll just burst your dog's head and let you spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair!"

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