Inhumans, gymnasium.

The logistics electronics department of the Inhuman Contest is brightly lit at this time.

At this time, they are using big data to rank the top 64 of this competition.

Even with the help of big data and systems, their ranking is still slow.

"What's wrong?" asked Wang Guangyu, who was in charge, while looking at his watch.

The head of the electronics department glanced at his screen and said to Wang Guangyu: "It'll be fine right away, if nothing else, it will be done around 11:40!"

Wang Guangyu nodded, and after nodding, he seemed to think of something, and he said to the person in charge. "When the line is over, let me see first?" "

Yes!" the person in charge nodded.

Time goes by minute by minute.

The staff present are still seriously busy.

It didn't take long for the time to arrive at 11:40.

The person in charge, who was already drowsy, suddenly widened his eyes.

He picked up the laptop on the table and walked towards Wang Guangyu.

"Boss. He pointed his notebook at Wang Guangyu and said. "It's done. "

Good!" Wang

Guangyu took the laptop handed by the person in charge and began to check it.

He looked at them one by one.

After looking at the top ten, his eyes widened.

Because among the top ten, there was no Su Mu.

He continued to look down patiently.

In the first twenty, there was still no Su Mu.

But fortunately, when I saw the twenty-fifth, I saw Su Mu's name.

"This rank..." Wang Guangyu hesitated.

He was wondering if he should help Gao Mu change his ranking.

As he thought about it, he looked at the time on his watch.

It's still some time before the wee hours of the morning.

He returned the notebook to the person in charge and instructed, "Without my order, this ranking can be sent out?"

The person in charge can ignore Wang Guangyu.

Wang Guangyu picked up his mobile phone and came to the corridor.

After some rummaging, he found Su Mu's phone number.

He hesitated for a moment, then chose to dial.

The phone directly called Su Mu.

At this time, Su Mu was lying on the bed watching TV.

When he saw Wang Guangyu's caller ID, the expression on Su Mu's face suddenly became strange.

After a moment's hesitation, he chose to connect the phone.

"Mr. Su. As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Guangyu's respectful voice came from the other end of the phone. "It's so late, I didn't bother you!" Wang

Guangyu at this time, there was still a bit of the person in charge of the Inhuman Competition.

Now he looks like Su Mu's little brother.

"Nope. Su Mu smiled and asked Wang Guangyu. "You called at this time, is there something wrong?"

"The ranking of this audition, you are the 25th. So I want to ask, are you satisfied with this ranking?"

That's right, Wang Guangyu called Su Mu at this time.

I just want to ask Su Mu if he is satisfied with his current ranking.

"Satisfied, why not satisfied!" In

Su Mu's opinion, the ranking of the 25th place is high.

In his opinion.

His best ranking should be in the bottom.

"Are you satisfied with this ranking?" Wang Guangyu didn't understand.

The reason why he did not understand.

It's because he thinks.

Su Mu should want to rank first.

Even if you don't rank first, you should be in the top five.

"Why are you not satisfied?" asked Wang Guangyu with a smile on the phone. "Then how many rankings do you think I should be satisfied with?" "

If not the first, at least the top ten!" blurted out Wang Guangyu.

"Why?" asked Su Mu again.

Wang Guangyu continued: "Young man, shouldn't everything be the first?"

For Wang Guangyu's words, Su Mu denied it. But Su Mu still said with a smile. "But I prefer to put a cup in the face than to crush all the way. "

Huh?" Wang Guangyu didn't understand what Su Mu meant for a while.

Su Mu explained with a smile: "I successfully reached the finals with the bottom ranking and won the championship.

Wang Guangyu thought about it and nodded: "The script you said is indeed cooler!"

The main thing is that Wang Guangyu did not expect that Su Mu would have such a bad taste.

"So, if you can, let me rank as low as possible!" Su Mu pleaded with Wang Guangyu.

"Judging from the current situation, your lowest ranking can only drop to 42!" Wang Guangyu said to Su Mu.

If Su Mu's ranking drops further, it is estimated that others will be suspicious.

"Okay. Su Mu didn't have much objection to this. "


Wang Guangyu responded respectfully.

After finishing the call with Su Mu, Wang Guangyu returned to the place where he worked before.

In the early hours of the morning, the rankings were announced.

It's all the Inhumans who participate in the Inhumans contest and start checking their rankings.

"Advanced, qualified! I advanced to the round of 64!" "It's so cool, it's so cool! I've finally made it

!" "Advance to the round of 64! I'm too


As the saying goes: some people rejoice and some people worry.

If 64 people made the cut, the rest were eliminated.

Old Heavenly Master was in his room, watching the ranking of this promotion match.

When he saw that Su Mu's ranking was 42, his brows furrowed directly.

"Isn't this ranking a little low!" Su

Mu's ranking far exceeded Old Heavenly Master's estimate.

Heavenly Master estimated.

Even if Su Mu can't get the first place, he will definitely be able to enter the top ten.

Available 42 rankings. But it was too different from the Heavenly Master's estimate.

"Could it be that there is a shady scene in this?" thought the Heavenly Master.

"Let's see what Su Mu says tomorrow!"

It's so late, and the Heavenly Master doesn't plan to disturb Su Mu anymore.

One night without a word, the next morning.

Su woke up leisurely from her sleep.

However, there is no Liu Qianqian by his side.

Liu Qianqian wanted to stay overnight last night.

Su Mu refused on the grounds that something happened today.

As soon as Su Mu woke up, before he could go to the bathroom to wash, there was a knock on the door.


Su Mu asked a little impatiently.

"Me!" came the voice of the Heavenly Master outside the door.

Su Mu hurriedly walked to the door and opened the door.

Looking at the old Heavenly Master outside the door, Su Mu asked angrily: "Are you in any hurry this morning?" The old

Heavenly Master hurriedly asked Su Mu: "Why is your ranking so low?"

Hearing this question from the Old Heavenly Master, Su Mu was a little stunned.

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