"It doesn't matter. From Li Qian's words, Su Mu could hear it. This Li Qian may really be a member of the Chinese New Year's Eve.

No matter from his realm, it can be seen that his status in the Chinese New Year's Eve is not very high.

"Then what's important?" asked Su Mu coldly, Li Qian.

Although Su Mu took out the token of the old heavenly master.

However, Li Qian still did not fully trust Su Mu.

"I want to meet with the person in charge of this coastal city Chinese New Year's Eve you!" In

fact, after knowing about the Revival Society, Su Mu wanted to find Chinese New Year's Eve people many times.

The people who Chinese New Year's Eve are very hidden.

Even if Su Mu used the relationship of the Yuelu Group, he still did not investigate the information about the Chinese New Year's Eve.

If it weren't for Su Mu providing the name of this organization Chinese New Year's Eve, even the people of the Yuelu Group would not even be able to investigate a little fur.

"By what?" Li Qian looked at Su Mu and frowned. "Even if you kill Wang Zhenchang, this person from the Revival Society, I still can't be sure whether you are a friend or an enemy.

"Then how do I do it to make people believe that I am your friend?" asked Su Mu Li Qian.

"Unless you can make a video call to the Heavenly Master now." Or rather, you let the old Heavenly Master come here in person!" Compared

to the video call, Li Qian still wanted to see the old Heavenly Master with his own eyes.

"If I bring the Heavenly Master, then will you be able to let me meet the person in charge of your Coastal City?" asked Li Qian.

Li Qian gritted his teeth and nodded, "As long as you can find the Heavenly Master, I can let you see it."

"Okay, a word is a decision!" Su

Mu didn't talk nonsense, directly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the old heavenly master.

"Did you find Li Qian?" As soon as the phone was connected, the voice of the old Heavenly Master came from the other end of the phone.

Although so many years have passed, Li Qian can still hear that the voice of the old Heavenly Master on the other end of the phone.

The moment he heard the voice of the old heavenly master, his body trembled unconsciously.

"Division... Division...... Is Uncle Shi you?" shouted in Su Mu's direction with a trembling voice.

On the other end of the phone, there was silence.

"Where are you, send me the address." The Heavenly Master shouted loudly.

"Good!" After

hanging up the phone, Su Mu sent the address to the old Heavenly Master.

Su Mu put the mobile phone into his pocket and said to Li Qian: "As a guest, should I have a cup of tea?"

"I'll go and pour tea for you!" Li

Qian hurriedly poured tea for Su Mu.

Twenty minutes later, the Heavenly Master appeared in the courtyard.

When Li Qian saw the old Heavenly Master, his face was full of excitement.

"Uncle Shi!" shouted Li Qian.

When the old Heavenly Master heard this, his face also showed a gratifying expression.

Seeing that neither of them moved, Su Mu couldn't help but ridicule: "I said two, we're not filming a TV series, let's get down to business!"

"What business?"

Su Mu thought for a moment and looked at Li Qian.

He felt that it was better for Li Qian to tell the old Heavenly Master personally about the Chinese New Year's Eve.

Li Qian looked at Su Mu and looked at himself.

After hesitating, he finally decided to tell the Heavenly Master about the Chinese New Year's Eve.

"Oh. After the old Heavenly Master listened, his expression did not fluctuate much. "What should I do, Chinese New Year's Eve thing!" Seeing

Old Heavenly Master's indifferent look, Su Mu asked curiously, "Looking at your appearance, you know the existence of Chinese New Year's Eve."

"I must know." The Heavenly Master nodded and said indifferently. Is it strange to know this kind of thing?" "

Now, the decision of the Inhuman world is me, okay?" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master and said in a very flat tone.

"Huh!" Upon hearing Su Mu's words, the old Heavenly Master was immediately unhappy. "Your strength is indeed above me, but on the bright side, I am still the first person in the Inhuman Realm!" Listening

to the conversation between the two like bickering, Li Qian's whole person was stupid.

He originally thought that Su Mu's previous words were more or less bragging.

But now it seems that Su Mu's previous words not only did not have the slightest element of bragging, but even he may have been modest.

"The general manager of the Chinese New Year's Eve seems to be called Chinese New Year's Eve, and one Chinese New Year's Eve a few years ago, he wanted to find me. He wanted me to join Chinese New Year's Eve, and he said that if I joined Chinese New Year's Eve, I would be the boss of the Chinese New Year's Eve.

"But to be honest, just one Heavenly Master's Mansion is enough to give me a headache." If I were to manage an organization again, I really didn't want to do it. So in the end, I declined Chinese New Year's Eve's invitation. "

When the Heavenly Master said this, he had more or less a cup element.

Su Mu frowned when he listened.

If someone else said this, Li Qian might not believe it.

But when the Heavenly Master said this, Li Qian must have believed it.

"Now, take my word for it. Su Mu looked at Li Qian.

Li Qian nodded, indicating that he already believed Su Mu.

It wasn't so much that he believed in Su Mu, but that he believed in the Heavenly Master.

"Since you believe me, can you take me to meet the person in charge of the seaside city?" asked Li Qian, who

smiled mysteriously at this time.

Seeing a mysterious smile on Li Qian's face, Su Mu asked, "Could it be that the person in charge of this coastal city is not you?"

"Not at all, not at all. Su Mu just shook his head.

Li Qian was puzzled: "Why not like."

"You're so dish. Su Mu said bluntly.

Li Qian now had the urge to beat Su Mu violently.

However, he also knew that he was not Su Mu's opponent.

If you ask others, they will definitely answer: No.

But if you ask Su Mu and Heavenly Master, the two will tell you very clearly: dishes, very dishes.

"So, what are you looking for me for?" Li Qian didn't plan to do it, and talked deeply about whether he could cook or not.

Because he knew that if he talked deeply on this topic, then he was likely to choke to death.

"I want to discuss with you how to solve the revival meeting

of this coastal city!" Since Li Qian was the person in charge of this coastal city, then Su Mu was also straight to the point.

"Don't you like the Revival Society so much?" Li Qian's face was full of puzzlement. "As far as I know, in recent times, the Revival Society has not given you any less benefits!" In

this regard, Su Mu did not show any surprised expression.

"Since you know that I have a good relationship with the Revival Society, then why did you help me just now?"

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