After the battle, Tang Hu was not in a hurry to get off the ring.

He looked at Su Mu, who was watching the battle under the ring, and shouted loudly: "You, dare to come up and fight me?"

For a while, the eyes of everyone present were focused on Su Mu's body.

"Good fellow, what does this Tang Hu want to do, is he trying to humiliate Su Mu in front of so many years?"

"To be honest, I have always felt that Tang Hu is not necessarily Su Mu's opponent.

In my heart, none of the young aliens here are Tang Hu's opponents.

Although I don't know who will win in the end. But what I'm sure of is that the fight between the two of them will be absolutely exciting!"

At this time, everyone was waiting for how Su Mu would respond to Tang Hu.

"Why didn't you come up?" At this time, Tang Hu looked at Su Mu motionless, frowned, and said very dissatisfied. "Do you think you're not my opponent?" "

If you're a man, come up and fight me." But if you're not a man, then you're staying below!" Tang Hu's

agitation method is very low-level.

But such a low-level agitation method can always make people very angry.

However, Su Mu, who had regained his life, was not angry at all.

He just looked at Tang Hu in the ring with indifferent eyes.

"You really want to fight me?" Su Mu's tone was very flat.

"You really have a lot of nonsense!" Tang Hu looked at Su Mu with a look of dissatisfaction on his face, and said with a frown. "If you're a man, come up and fight me.

"Su Mu, are you a man? If you are a man, hurry up and go up!" "

Yes, you are a man, you are really intimidating! I really don't understand, how did you get to where you are today!"

Coward, I really look down on you. "


Just like Su Mu had supporters.

Tang Hu also has a lot of adherents.

Plus, this place is Tang Hu's battle ring.

So in this vicinity, seventy or eighty percent are Tang Hu's supporters.

Whether people want to go up or not is people's business, what does it have to do with you?"

"You guys are so nice to say, you kind of go up!"

Since there are Tang Hu's supporters here, there must be Su Mu's supporters as well.

At this time, the supporters of both sides quarreled.

Su Mu didn't speak, just quietly looked at Tang Hu in the ring.

"Okay. At

this time, a very old voice sounded.

The owner of this voice is Tang Xian.

He jumped to the ring, stood beside Tang Hu, and said coldly: "Hu'er, this is an Inhuman Competition. Inhuman competition, there are rules of Inhuman competition.

"If you're doing this, you're breaking the rules." "

Don't look at Tang Hu is very arrogant.

But in front of Tang Xian, he looked very well-behaved.

"I was wrong, Grandpa!"

Tang Hu hurriedly apologized to Tang Xian.

Tang Xian nodded, and then turned to look at Su Mu: "At this time, not fighting with you, it's not that we're afraid, but we don't want to break the rules!"

After Tang Xian said, he pulled Tang Hu and left.

Tang Xian really didn't want to break the rules?

The reason why Tang Xian didn't let Tang Hu make a move with Su Mu at this time.

It's because he feels that there are too few audiences.

Today is the top 16 to the top eight.

There are eight rings.

The audience's words were also divided by these eight rings on average.

This also leads to the fact that there are not many spectators in a ring.

He felt that at this time, if Tang Long defeated Su Mu, it would not be interesting at all.

He felt that he should defeat Su Mu when there were the most people, which was more interesting.

Before leaving the gymnasium, Tang Xian also looked in the direction of the old Heavenly Master with deep meaning.

He felt that Su Mu should be the junior of the old Heavenly Master.

He wanted to make the junior of the old Heavenly Master ugly in front of many people.

Looking at the backs of Tang Hu and Tang Xian drifting apart, Su Mu's face showed an expression of interest.

"When the finals come, I will definitely give you a big surprise!" The corners of Su Mu's mouth rose slightly, revealing an evil smile.

The realm that Su Mu disguised was a heavy concentration.

From the beginning of the Inhuman Tournament to the present.

He met the strongest opponent, but only let him use fifty percent of his strength.

As long as the opponent does not do too much, Su Mu will more or less leave a little face for the other party.

But he decided at this time.

When facing Tang Hu in the finals, you must let him know what absolute crushing is.

Not long after Tang Hu and Tang Xian left, Su Mu also walked out of the gymnasium.

As soon as he came to the parking lot of the gymnasium, Su Mu saw Wang Chu, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Brother Mu. Wang Chu greeted with a smile on his face and asked Su Mu with a smile. "

Are you in such a hurry?" Su Mu looked at Wang Chu and said with a smile. "Shouldn't you take a shower and change your clothes!?"

Wang Chuyi waved his hand and said to Su Mu with a smile. "Don't bother so much, get in my car directly, a dragon will help you get it all

!" "Okay!" Since

Wang Chu said so, Su Mu had no intention of refusing him again.

Wang Chu's car is a Cullinan.

"Are you the rich second generation?" asked Wang Chu with a smile as Su Mu sat on the co-pilot.

"Not a rich second generation. Wang Chu smiled slightly and said to Su Mu. "It's just family conditions, a little better than the average family. "

Be modest, be modest!" said Su Mu with a smile.

After Wang Chu waited for Su Mu to fasten his seat belt, he stepped on Cullinan's accelerator.

The roar of the engine, instantly.

Half an hour later, Cullinan stopped in a very remote place.

After Su Mu got out of the car, he looked at the barren grass around him and said, "You don't want to quack my waist, if you really want to ga, remember to take anesthetics!" Hearing Su Mu's

joke, Wang Chu laughed.

He said to Su Mu, "I'm not your opponent!" Then

he pointed in a direction and said to Su Mu: "Although this place looks a little desolate, it is definitely the entire coastal city, the place where men know the happiness best."

As soon as Su Mu heard this, he immediately became interested.

"Is it?" Su Mu's eyes lit up.

If not, you can hit me!" Wang Chu was full of confidence.

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