Because there are too many enemies.

So Ma Wangli went to a certain kimchi country many years ago and did a full-face plastic surgery.

Not to mention a stranger, even some old acquaintances may not be able to recognize him.

"Who am I, I'm your daddy!" Old Heavenly Master's body suddenly erupted with an aura that made everyone present palpitate.

Of course, this person does not include Su Mu.

"This Ma Wang Li, how did he offend the old Heavenly Master, why was the Old Heavenly Master so angry when he saw him?" Su Mu scratched, his face full of puzzlement.

Feeling the powerful momentum on the old Heavenly Master, Ma Wangli's face changed.

"You are the Heavenly Master!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Wang Chu's eyes widened and he looked in the direction of the old Heavenly Master: "Old... Old...... God, how is this possible!

Wang Chu originally thought that the old man in front of him was an ordinary person.

But what he didn't expect was that the old man in front of him was actually the legendary old heavenly master.

"Grandson!" The old Heavenly Master stared at Ma Wangli with anger in his eyes and roared. "I didn't expect that you would still recognize Grandpa and me!"

"Good fellow." Su Mu stood behind the old Heavenly Master and couldn't help but complain. "This is less than a minute, and the generation has directly come to a double!"

After all, he was a father before, and now he is a grandfather.

"I said Heavenly Master, are you talking like this, is it a bit of a deception?" Ma Wang Li looked at the old Heavenly Master coldly, and said in a low voice.

"Excessive?" The old Heavenly Master stared at Ma Wang Li and gritted his teeth. "You don't really think I don't know how those disciples of mine died back then!"

"Hahaha!" As soon as he heard this, Ma Wangli directly removed his disguise. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he said with disdain. "The deaths of those disciples are all remnants of death. Who let them block my way of wealth!

"Today, if I don't kill you, I'll take your last name!"

When Old Heavenly Master's words fell, his right hand trembled slightly.

The rune long sword appeared directly in the hands of the old heavenly master.

And in the blink of an eye, the old heavenly master had already rushed to Ma Wang Li's approach.

"Three deadly swords!"

At this time, the old Heavenly Master actually used a strange technique that was not the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master's Mansion.

I saw that above the rune long sword, blood light flashed.

The entire rune long sword seemed to be covered in blood.

Near Mawangli.

Rune longswords attack continuously.

As soon as he first made contact, Ma Wangli was defeated by the old heavenly master.

"How can you be so strong?"

Ma Wangli's eyes widened.

He seemed to be very unaware of why the Heavenly Master had such strong strength.

Su Mu looked at Wang Chu strangely and said, "This person, from which horn did you find it?" Why was he so shocked by the fact that the Heavenly Master had great strength? "

Su Mu really can't speak.

Wang Chu glanced at Su Mu and said with a frown: "Can you shut up?"

"Why should I shut up?" Su Mu looked at Wang Chu with a puzzled face and said with a smile. "Did my words affect you?"

"Su Mu, don't fool people too much." Wang Chu gritted his teeth.

"I said Wang Chu, are you considered an evil person to sue first!? It is clear that you caused trouble first, why did I deceive people too much? "

What Su Mu showed at this time, that is called an innocent.

"You will die here today, I said!" Wang Chu roared very arrogantly.

At least he believes that Ma Wangli should have the power to fight against the Heavenly Master.

"By what?" Su Mu looked at Wang Chu and said very puzzled. "Because you're ugly? Or is it because of the beauty you want? "

Don't say it's Wang Chu.

Even if it was Ma Wangli, he was definitely not Su Mu's opponent.

Therefore, Su Mu didn't quite understand who gave Ma Wangli's confidence to say such words.

"Huh!" The corners of Wang Chu's mouth rose, and he said to Su Mu with a sneer. "Since I dare to ambush you, then I must have made complete preparations."

After speaking, Wang Chu shouted in one direction: "Give me all out!"

As Wang Chu's voice fell, a car door not far away slowly opened.

Three strangers walked out of the car.

"Good fellow." Seeing these three people, Su Mu smiled directly. "Who should I be, aren't these the three brothers of the Li family? I said Wang Chu, you said who are you looking for?

"Ma Wang Li, do all evil. Although the three brothers of the Li family are a little better than him, they are only a little better. "

The three brothers of the Li family.

The eldest Li Wei, the second Li Song, and the third Li Xiang.

These three brothers also belong to the existence of not doing good things and doing bad things.

What kicking the widow's door, digging the grave of the house....

Anyway, as long as it is a bad thing, they continue to do it.

But it's not the same as Ma Wangli.

The purpose of Ma Wangli's unconscionable deeds is for his own benefit.

But these three brothers did bad things, but there was no logic at all.

They do bad things simply because they want to do bad things.

Su Mu really couldn't understand this behavior.

After all, in the adult world, everything is reliable, and only profit is the most important.

"Su Mu, I've heard of you." Li Wei walked to the front and looked at Su Mu with an inspecting eye. "I feel that you are qualified to be the opponent of our three brothers!"

Li Wei's proud look looked very bad.

"That's right." Li Song also looked at Su Mu with an inspecting gaze, and then nodded. "I feel that you are also qualified to be our opponent."

"At this time, you should feel very honored, right?" Li Xiang looked at Su Mu and said as a matter of course. "After all, there are very few people in this world who can make our brothers call opponents."

"Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Su Mu really couldn't see this three brothers of the Li family filling the cup.

As a master cupper.

Su Mu felt that the appearance of these three brothers when they filled the cup was very greasy.

"Who do you say has a brain problem?" Upon hearing Su Mu's words, Li Wei was immediately unhappy. He pointed at Su Mu and scolded. "Hurry up and apologize to us, otherwise, I will break your legs and make it impossible for you to continue cultivating in the future!"

"Big brother." Su Mu really didn't want to continue the conversation with Li Wei anymore, and he begged for mercy. "Can you say two less nonsense? I really can't stand it, that mentally retarded eyes! "

Let's be honest.

These three brothers of the Li family, no matter from any point of view, are particularly mentally handicapped.

"Big brother." Li Xiang asked in a low voice. "This kid, is he scolding us?"

"That's right." Without waiting for Li Wei to speak, Su Mu took the lead in speaking. "I'm just scolding you!"

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