"Mr. Ma, save me!"

Wang Chu shouted loudly in the direction of Ma Wang Li.

In the game against the old Heavenly Master, Ma Wangli has fallen behind.

He is now a little overwhelmed, and he definitely doesn't have the kung fu to manage Wang Chu.

"I can't save you now, figure it out yourself!" Ma Wangli shouted madly in Wang Chu's direction.

At this time, Ma Wang Li was already covered in blood.

There was still a smear of dried blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Please." Seeing that Ma Wangli could not save himself, Wang Chu knelt directly in front of Su Mu and burst into tears. "I really know it's wrong this time, please spare me! As long as you spare me, I will do whatever you let me do! "

Wang Chu is really scared.

Su Mu could even see panic and fear in his eyes.

"If I say, you kneel down

and kowtow to call my grandfather..." Before Su Mu finished speaking, Wang Chu knelt directly in front of Su Mu and began to kowtow and call grandpa.

Su Mu watched quietly like this.

Wang Chu stumbled for about five minutes, and suddenly raised his head to look at Su Mu.

Probably because he kowtowed too hard, his forehead was already blurred with blood and flesh.

"Okay? Can you spare me?

Wang Chu looked at Su Mu pitifully.

Su Mu looked at Wang Chu with a surprised look and said, "What I said just now, it seems that I haven't finished speaking." I mean, if you kowtow to me and call Grandpa, I might let you go, please search for which one!

Upon hearing this, Wang Chu was completely furious.

He stood up and pointed at Su Mu and cursed: "Bastard! Are you fooling me?

Su Mu nodded very sincerely, "That's right, I'm just kidding you!"

"I fought with you!"

Wang Chu roared and summoned his weapon.

His eyes were blood-red, and he rushed straight towards Su Mu.

Su Mu looked at Wang Chu, whose eyes were blood-red, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Since you are so anxious to die, then I will fulfill you!"

With that, Su Mu took a step forward.

The Chaos Sword Fetus in his hand pointed at Wang Chu.

Wang Chu's speed was extremely fast, and he rushed to Su Mu's approach in an instant.

The weapon in his hand was even more cold.


Su Mu let out a low roar.

The Chaos Sword Fetus in his hand slowly slashed through Wang Chu's throat.

Wang Chu died.

A generation of Tianjiao died in the hands of Su Mu just like that.

Not long after Wang Chu died, the battle between Ma Tianshi and Ma Wangli was over.

No doubt.

Ma Wangli was easily killed by the old Heavenly Master.

"Are you hurt?" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master who was covered in blood, and ridiculed with contempt on his face. "Is it shameful to deal with such people being injured?"

"Fuck off!" The old Heavenly Master glanced at the blood on his body, wiped it and scolded with a smile. "All this blood belongs to the old king of Mawanglina. To deal with such a bastard, if Lao Tzu is still injured, then how will Lao Tzu mess around in the future! "


Now that the battle is over, there is definitely no need to stay here.


Without saying a word, the old Heavenly Master turned his head and walked in the direction of the car.

When the two returned to the hotel, it was already early in the morning.

After cleaning up simply, Su Mu lay down on the bed and went to sleep.

When I woke up again, it was early in the morning of the next day.


As soon as Su Mu woke up, the voice of the old Heavenly Master came from outside the door.

"Right away!"

After Su Mu got dressed, he walked out of the room.

City by the Sea, gymnasium.

Today, it's the Final Four.

Although there are only four contestants left in the Inhuman Tournament.

But today's stadium is still livelier than before.

After all, the young aliens who participated in the Final Four were the strongest among the young aliens.

"Who is my opponent today?"

Before entering inside, Su Mu asked the old heavenly master with a smile.

Old Heavenly Master thought for a while, and said slowly: "It seems to be Meng Bolong!" "

Meng Bolong?" Hearing this name, Su Mu fell into deep thought.

After pondering for a long time, he asked the Heavenly Master. "Who is this Meng Bolong? It seems that there is no such person on the Hidden Dragon List and the Phoenix List! "

During this time, Su Mu has already remembered all the aliens on the Hidden Dragon List and the Phoenix List in his heart.

But this Meng Bolong does not seem to be the person on the list.

"This Meng Bolong is a dark horse in this Inhuman Competition."

"No one knows who this Meng Bolong is. But from its appearance until now, as long as it is a competition he participates, it will end at an incredibly fast speed! "

From the side, it can be shown that this Meng Bolong's strength is indeed not to be underestimated.

"So, this Meng Bolong is still a fierce rival to me?" Su Mu thought about it and said with a smile.

Old Heavenly Master shook his head: "To be honest, even Tang Hu is not your fierce enemy. Although this Meng Bolong is not bad, but compared with you, it is far behind! "

Heavenly Master is not complimenting Su Mu, but telling the truth.

Not to mention Meng Bolong, even if it is his Heavenly Master, he is not necessarily Su Mu's opponent now.

"What about the realm?" Su Mu is still more concerned about this.

"Nourish the qi fivefold!" Old Heavenly Master said to Su Mu.

When Su Mu heard this, he was directly stunned: "Is it such a high realm?" Nourishing qi fivefold? "

You know, among the young aliens now, there are very few who can reach the realm of nourishing qi.

And the only one who has reached this five-fold qi cultivation seems to be this Meng Bolong!

"You may not believe it when you say it." After glancing left and right, the old Heavenly Master said mysteriously to Su Mu. "Tang Long's realm is also a fivefold qi cultivation!"

"What? Has it broken through? Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master in surprise.

The old Heavenly Master shook his head and said, "I'm not sure!" It is also possible that this realm when Tang Long signed up before is fake! Hearing

the old Heavenly Master's Su Mu, Su Mu nodded thoughtfully.

"I've seen the Heavenly Master!"

Just as Su Mu was chatting with the old Heavenly Master, a person suddenly greeted him.

This is a very tall, majestic young man.

He has a very standard national character face.

Between the eyebrows, there is also an air of justice.

It was really the first time that Su Mu had seen such a good-looking person.

"Meng Bolong?" The old Heavenly Master looked at Meng Bolong and nodded with a smile.

Su Mu could see that the old Heavenly Master was still quite satisfied with Meng Bolong, a junior.

"Brother Su Mu, long admired daimyo!" After Meng Bolong saw the old Heavenly Master, he turned his head to look at Su Mu.

The corners of his mouth had a very kind smile.

This kind smile makes people feel very comfortable.

"Brother Meng Bolong, long admired the daimyo!"

Unlike Meng Bolong's gentle smile, the smile on Su Mu's face looked more or less fake.

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