The people on the main and table platforms, half of the people at this time, paid attention to the ring on Su Mu's side.

Half of the people, the pavilion owner Tang Hu's side of the ring.

Seeing that the referee's face on Su Mu's side had changed, the old heavenly master seemed to realize something.

"It's not good, this referee may not be able to withstand the oppression of these two people!"

"You look at the referee's face, they are all red, it seems that the oppression of these two people is really too strong."

"Otherwise, let's send someone to be a temporary referee, right?"

"Okay! I feel like that's okay, but who is right? "


While everyone was discussing, one person took the initiative to stand up.

"I'll go!" The Heavenly Master said to everyone.

Seeing that the old Heavenly Master took the initiative to ask for help, the faces of everyone present became a little unpleasant.

"Heavenly Master." At this time, a person stood up and said with some embarrassment. "If you go, no! After all, everyone present knows the relationship between you and Su Mu..."

Although this person's words were not finished, the meaning was already very obvious.

"You mean, I'll be partial to Su Mu?" The old Heavenly Master looked coldly at the man who spoke.

Seeing the cold eyes of the old heavenly master, the man who spoke unconsciously shrunk his neck.

Let's be honest.

The cold eyes of the Heavenly Master were really too scary.

"I... I...... I don't mean that! The man hurriedly explained.

"I'll go anyway!"

At this time, another person stood up.

Wang Tianfeng.

Among the older generation of aliens, scattered cultivators are relatively rare.

"You go?" Old Heavenly Master looked at Wang Tianfeng and said with a smile. "The oppression of the two of them, even if it is you, may not be able to withstand it!"

"Not necessarily!" Wang Tianfeng said confidently. "After all, my current realm has reached the fifth level of concentration. No matter how powerful the two of them are, it is impossible for me not to withstand their sense of oppression! Since

Wang Tianfeng said so, then the old Heavenly Master didn't say anything more.

"Then there you go!" Old Heavenly Master said to Wang Tianfeng.

Wang Tianfeng nodded, and then jumped directly from the main and seat platforms.

To say or not to say.

Wang Tianfeng, who was dressed in a white robe, jumped off the main and seat platforms, and he was really handsome.

Coming to the ring between Su Mu and Meng Bolong, he patted the referee's shoulder and said, "The rest is left to me, you go first!" The

referee nodded and jumped off the ring.

The referee after jumping off the ring breathes wildly.

When he was in the ring just now, he felt that his breathing was very difficult.

"Two, don't have such a big feud!"

Wang Tianfeng, who went up to the ring, looked at the two with a smile.

Su Mu and Meng Bolong did not speak.

"Aren't you two going to say something?" At this time, Wang Tianfeng asked the two with a smile.

Su Mu looked at Meng Bolong and said with a smile: "What is there to say?" After all, it doesn't take long from the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle. "

The words are bland.

But the domineering in Su Mu's words was also not hidden.

"Hah!" Hearing Gao Mu say this, Meng Bolong laughed directly. "I say young man! Your strength is certainly good! However, I really don't believe that you can defeat me in a short time!

"Yes?" Su Mu looked at Meng Bolong coldly and said with a smile. "Do you want to make a bet?"

"Childish isn't it naïve?" Hearing that Su Mu wanted to bet, Meng Bolong shook his head directly. "Are you still a child? Bet before fighting!

"Also, have you read too many online novels and read the devil?"

Let's be honest.

The conversation between Su Mu and Meng Bolong was more or less stream-of-consciousness.

"Two, are you ready to continue to talk ruthlessly? Or are you ready to fight?

Wang Tianfeng, who was the referee, asked with a smile next to him.

"I said old guy." After Su Mu glanced at Wang Tianfeng very dissatisfied, he said unpleasantly. "At this time, it seems that you are not qualified to interject!"

"Presumptuous!" As soon as Su Mu's words came out, Wang Tianfeng was directly angry. "You know, who are you talking to? Even an alien who is a generation higher than you does not dare to talk to my old man like this.

"You young man, are you really not polite at all?"

"Shut up, okay?"

I don't know why.

From the first time he saw Wang Tianfeng, he was very disgusted with this person.

He didn't know where this feeling of disgust came from.

At this time, Wang Tianfeng really wanted to teach Su Mu a lesson.

But he is now the referee in this ring after all, and he is still a senior.

If you do it at this time, it will be more or less criticized.

So at this time, the only thing Wang Tianfeng can do is to endure.

“MD。" He looked at Su Mu and scolded in his heart. "If Lao Tzu doesn't give you a stuffy stick tonight, Lao Tzu will really be more or less sorry for you."

"Do you have anything else to say?" Wang Tianfeng looked at Meng Bolong very unpleasantly and asked.

Meng Bolong's face shook his head with a smile.

"Since you two are all right, then I announce that the competition has officially begun!"

Wang Tianfeng was really afraid that if he was angry in the ring, he would beat Su Mu violently.

So at this time, he chose to be out of sight and out of mind.

After Wang Tianfeng stepped off the ring, Meng Bolong looked at Su Mu and said with a smile: "Brother Su Mu, no matter which of us won the final victory today, we must congratulate each other!"

"Why?" Hearing Meng Bolong's words, Su Mu froze directly. He thought about it and said to Meng Bolong. "I really don't understand, why do such a stupid thing?"

"You don't think that if you do this, you will make people feel good about you, do you? If that's really the case, that's disgusting, right? Su

Mu's mouth was like a cannon.

After this round of cannon fire, Meng Bolong was a little unable to catch it.

At this time, the reason why he said that.

It is to establish a great image in the hearts of young strangers.

That's right, a great image.

"Brother Su Mu, isn't something wrong with you talking like this!?" Meng Bolong really didn't expect that Su Mu would give him face so badly.

"I feel that Su Mu is right! Why congratulate your opponent? If it were me, I wouldn't be able to do it!

"Don't you think that this is more or less moral kidnapping?"

"Regardless of whether others can accept it or not, anyway, I personally can't accept it!"

"Disgusting! Yes! This behavior is really disgusting! "



Not only Su Mu couldn't accept this brain-dead behavior.

The other people present could not accept it.

"You..." Su

Mu didn't give him face.

He didn't expect that the others present would not give him any face.

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