For Su Mu to say that he wanted to invest in this matter, in fact, Lin Feng was not resistant.

However, there were some worries in his heart.

After he pondered for a moment, he asked Su Mu, "Brother Su Mu, what do you want to get in this investment?"

Moreover, the time to take charge of the Jing'an faction is not short.

Therefore, he did not think that Su Mu's so-called investment was a simple investment.

After all, investment requires a return.

Su Mu thought about it and said with a smile: "It's just that I don't want the Jing'an Sect to disappear."

When he said this, Su Mu's face was full of sincere expressions.

But let's be honest.

This reason of Su Mu is untenable here in Lin Feng.

Seeing the concern in Lin Feng's eyes, Su Mu said with a smile: "Brother Lin, you may not believe it when you say it. "

Recently, I've been thinking about how to support some small sects.

"The Inhuman world looks huge, but it's actually very small.

"It's good to say that the bigger sects are good to say, after all, they occupy scenic spots." There is also a lot of support for them.

"But like you, there is almost no support from above.

"Is your generation okay, the next generation, what about the next generation?" "

Under such a vicious circle, it is only a matter of time before the Jing'an Sect disappears into the Inhuman World."

Listening to Su Mu's words, Lin Feng fell into deep thought.

He knew that Su Mu was right.

Because he had also seen with his own eyes the collapse of a sect.

Modern not as before.

Most of the reasons for the collapse of previous sects were to provoke enemies that should not be provoked.

But now that the sect has collapsed, the most likely reason is that the sect has no money and has fed no people.

In fact, the Jing'an faction has reached the point of being stretched.

The disciples can almost be regarded as generating electricity for love.

But even if this was the case, Lin Feng felt powerless.

"Your scenery here is good, and if you trim it a little, you may be able to become a good scenic spot."

Su Mu said to Lin Feng very seriously.

Lin Feng continued to hesitate.

Su Mu invested in the Jing'an faction.

Except for a while, I wanted to take something from the Jing'an faction.

Actually, he has another reason.

After this chance, even if Su Mu took away the opportunity of the biggest head. The remaining opportunities are also enough to make the Jing'an faction famous in the entire Inhuman world.

If Su Mu was not mistaken.

After this major event, the Jing'an faction entered a very high-speed period of development.

During this period, the Jing'an school was very beautifully renovated. Even all the buildings within the Jing'an sect have been renovated and repaired.

But after this period, the Jing'an school entered a very abnormal development.

Although the Jing'an Sect later became a well-known sect in the Chinese Inhuman World.

But this deformed period of development has caused the strength of the Jing'an faction to lose a lot.

Su Mu didn't want to see such a thing happen.

Therefore, he plans to invest in the Jing'an faction in advance.

In this way, the Jing'an school should be able to smoothly pass that period of abnormal development.

Once smoothly passed.

That Jing'an Sect will definitely become one of the top gate sects in the Huaxia Inhuman Realm.

"If you say. Lin Feng, who was thinking about it, suddenly spoke. "I mean, if you want to invest, how much can you invest?" When

he asked this, Lin Feng began to get nervous.

Su Mu's age did not seem to be very old.

Lin Feng wanted him to invest, but he was afraid that he didn't have much money.

So Lin Feng is also particularly entangled now.

"It's not how much money I can invest, it's how much money you lack!"

said Su Mu flatly.

However, it gives people a feeling of deep pockets.

"It is estimated that it will be about 2 million!"

Lin Feng said was really conservative.

After saying this offer, he also looked at Su Mu cautiously.

I was afraid that the number I said would make Su Mu disgusted.

Su Mu shook his head slightly.

Seeing Su Mu shaking his head, the breath in Lin Feng's heart immediately relaxed.

"Still can't do it?" said Lin Feng with great regret in his heart. "It seems that this 2 million is too much for him.

Su Mu's next words made Lin Feng see hope again.

"2 million words, isn't it a little too little?" As

soon as these words came out, Lin Feng's eyes widened.

He asked Su Mu with some apprehension: "Then how much money do you think is appropriate?"

Su Mu thought about it, and after thinking for a long time, he said to Lin Feng: "100 million!" When Su Mu said

this number, Lin Feng even thought that he was hallucinating.

"You mean 100 million?" Lin Feng still felt a little unbelievable.

After all, this number is a huge number that Lin Feng never thought of.

"Isn't it enough?" said Su Mu looking at Lin Feng and thinking about it. "If it's not enough, I can add another 100 million."

100 million is enough. Lin Feng was ecstatic.

Su Mu nodded, and then said to Lin Feng: "But of this 100 million, I will give out 50 million, and the remaining 50 million will come from the Yuelu Group, do you see a problem with this?"

So with this kind of good thing, Su Mu must be thinking about the Yuelu Group.

"Of course it's no problem. Lin Feng didn't even have to think about it, so he nodded directly.

"Good. Su Mu said to Lin Feng with a smile. "At that moment, I will contact the Yuelu Group. Lin

Feng didn't know about the relationship between Su Mu and the Yuelu Group.

Then, Lin Feng got up excitedly and left.

After Lin Feng left, Su Mu took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Tianfeng's number.

Now Lu Tianfeng is already the general manager of Yuelu Group.

He is responsible for all the big and small things in the group.

The top management within the group also knew.

This is Lu Zhenghao's signal to let Lu Tianfeng catch the wind.

At first, the crowd was more or less unconvinced by this.

But as Lu Tianfeng showed his ability, everyone became more and more convinced of him.

At this time, Lu Tianfeng was holding a meeting with the senior management of the group in the group.

At this time, the secretary pushed the door and walked in.

Seeing the secretary walking up, Lu Tianfeng's face suddenly became gloomy.

"Did I say that no one can disturb me when I have a meeting?" Lu Tianfeng scolded the secretary.

Seeing Lu Tianfeng like this, the secretary's heart also trembled suddenly.

However, as the secretary of the general manager, the psychology of this secretary is still very strong.

When she took Lu Tianfeng, she said softly: "There is a phone number from you

!" "The phone shows that it is a gentleman named Su Mu!"

Lu Tianfeng has a total of three mobile phones.

One is for work, and the other is for life. The other one has a special role.

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