Don't say it's Ye Liumang's side.

Even the people on the Jing'an faction side did not expect that Su Mu would directly kill the night knower.

"Isn't this Su Mu's boldness a little too big?" "

It's not just bold, it's just very bold!

That's a formation mage!" "Doesn't he know what the status of a formation mage is in the Inhuman Realm?"

"This person is not only strong, but also very ruthless. The future must be a terrifying existence. "


After killing the night returnees.

Su Mu set his gaze on Ye Liumang's body.

Ye Liumang, who was fighting with Lin Feng, somehow got his body at this time, and he snorted inappropriately.

It felt as if I had been targeted by a very terrifying beast.

While fighting with Lin Feng, he looked for those eyes.

After some searching, he saw Su Mu who was staring at him.

I don't know why.

When he saw Su Mu's eyes, Ye Liumang actually felt a fear from the depths of his heart.

This fear made Ye Liumang very uncomfortable.

Taking advantage of Ye Liumang's distraction, Lin Feng took Ye Liumang in one fell swoop.

Lin Feng put his weapon across Ye Liumang's neck and shouted loudly: "Ye Liumang has been captured by me, you all stop." As

more and more people heard Lin Feng's voice.

The disciples of the Moon Open Gate put down their weapons one after another.

This battle.

Except for the death of the night informant, most of them suffered some minor injuries.

Only a very small percentage of unlucky people were seriously injured.

But the dead, there was none.

Night knowers, it's really unlucky.

"Sect Master Ye. After capturing Ye Liumang, Lin Feng said with a smile. "Next, what

are you going to do?" Ye Liumang began to pretend to be stupid: "What to do? What to do, why don't I quite understand, what do you mean!" "I

said Sect Master Ye, you are pretending to be stupid at this time, isn't it a little too boring?" Su Muxiao looked at Ye Liumang and said very seriously. "At this time, continue to fight, or you take people away. You always have to show an attitude.

"I'm bound to keep fighting." Ye Liumang's attitude is very tough.

Ye Liumang's words were more or less beyond Lin Feng's expectations.

However, it was expected by Su Mu.

Su Mu said to Lin Feng lightly, "Since Sect Master Ye has plans to continue fighting, then let's try to satisfy him." "

Lin Feng is not a fool either.

As Su Mu's voice fell.

Lin Feng directly moved the weapon across Ye Liumang's neck.

On Ye Liumang's neck, an extraordinary wound directly appeared.

Yin Hong's blood gushed out directly from the huge wound.

The dead Ye Liumang's eyes were full of shock.

He didn't seem to understand why Lin Feng dared to kill himself.

"What do you say?" After killing Ye Liumang, Lin Feng directly threw his body on the ground, and then looked at the people who opened the door of the moon.

The people who opened the door began to hesitate.

The suzerainty is dead.

Their first thought was not to avenge their sect master, but how to save their lives.

Seeing that the people who opened the door of the moon were a little hesitant, Lin Feng said directly: "You only have one choice now, that is, hurry up and roll down from my Jing'an Mountain." "

Follow normal plot logic.

The Jing'an faction, which is very short of people, will take in this group of people at this time.

This Lin Feng didn't think so.

The strength of this group of people is quite reasonable.

However, Lin Feng couldn't be sure if there was Ye Liumang's diehard loyalist among them.

So at this time, the best choice is to let them leave Jing'an Mountain.

But some of the disciples of Yue Kaimen did not think so.

"Sect Master Lin, since Ye Liumang is dead, and you are still so short of people, let us join you temporarily.

"That's it, Sect Master Lin, the next Jing'an faction will face a lot of threats, and multiple helpers will only be beneficial to you, not harmful.

"Our sect master has already let you kill. We are also homeless. It's really better to just let us join the Jing'an faction. "


If it had been before, Lin Feng would definitely accept them without hesitation.

After all, this group of people is not bad in terms of realm or strength.

But today, the situation is very complicated.

Who knows if this group of people is pregnant with ghosts.

Therefore, their joining is only bad for the Jing'an faction, without the slightest benefit.

"Your time is running out. Lin Feng looked at them and warned loudly. If in five minutes, I can still see you on Jing'an Mountain. Then rest assured, I will definitely kill you without hesitation.

Lin Feng's tone at this time sounded very tough.

If the attitude is tough, it is more or less beyond Su Mu's expectations.


the disciples who had opened the door began to retreat one after another.

Some people are still a little unwilling.

But after seeing Lin Feng's eyes, he finally chose to go down the mountain.

"Guys, get back to your shape. If I'm not mistaken, it won't be long before we're going to have our second battle. "

At this time, Lin Feng is like a veteran who has been in the battlefield for a long time.

Everyone nodded and recovered cross-kneeled.

Su Mu's words stood beside Lin Feng and said with a smile: "What is your attitude towards the next situation."

Su Mu asked this very lightly.

Plus the blessing of Qiao.

Therefore, what he said, except for Lin Feng, no one else could hear it.

After Lin Feng glanced left and right, he whispered to Su Mu: "Pessimistic attitude!" "

If the moon opens the door, it is just a small sect, but it can invite the formation mage to help. The sects that appear next are probably even more difficult to deal with than this Jing'an faction. "

So, hey..."

Lin Feng lowered his head after saying this.

Fortunately, all the disciples of the Jing'an Sect were recovering cross-kneeled, so they did not see this scene.

If you let them see this scene.

The momentum that was hard to come up will disappear in an instant.

"Don't worry. Su Mu stood beside Lin Feng and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, as long as I am here, no one will be able to hurt the Jing'an faction. "

What Su Mu said is good.

But in fact, the reason why he did this was to prevent others from getting the opportunity of the Jing'an faction.

"Thank you Brother Su Mu. "

Let's be honest.

Lin Feng was still a little moved by what Su Mu did.

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