Ma Yinglong looked at the other party and said with disdain: "Just like you, you are also worthy of singling out with

me?" "Do you look down on me, or do you think too much of yourself?"

"Young man. Ma Yinglong's words made the outlaw boss's face already black into the bottom of the pot. "Young man, don't you understand the principle of leaving a line in doing things and seeing each other well in the future?"

Ma Yinglong looked at the outlaw boss and said with disdain. "People like you, even if I really left you a line today. Then in the future, when you meet me, you will definitely hurt the killer. "

These people are all outlaws.

As long as their eyes are red, they can definitely do anything.

"Don't single it out. Ma Yinglong looked at the outlaw boss and said with a smile. "It's a waste of time to single out. If you want me to see it, you better go together! In this way, it will save time. "

The gap in strength between the two sides is too big.

As big as Ma Yinglong, they even looked down on them.

"Since you said everything, then we will go together!" The

outlaw boss is not the kind of person with moral purity.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a cruel expression appeared on his face.

Su Mu's brows frowned at this time.

"I said Ma Yinglong. Su Mu looked at Ma Yinglong and slowly spoke.

Ma Yinglong heard Su Mu calling for himself and hurriedly turned around.

Ma Yinglong looked back at Su Mu and asked curiously, "Mr. Su, do you have anything else to order?"

With the opening of Tongyu.

Su Mu found that this group of outlaws, although they were ordinary people.

But there are some things in their bodies that can kill aliens.

"They saw something on their bodies that was enough to kill an alien. These things look very much like pistols.

"So when you fight, you must be careful." Su Mu said to Ma Yinglong very seriously.

Originally, Ma Yinglong's face still had a very disdainful expression.

But after hearing Su Mu's instructions, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

When he looked at the outlaws again, the contempt and disdain in his eyes disappeared. Instead, there is a kind of caution and caution that will be seen in the face of different people in the same realm.

"Come on, I'm going to see how powerful you guys really are!"

Ma Yinglong said to the outlaws after being instructed by Su Mu.

The outlaw boss's right hand trembled slightly, and a dagger appeared directly in his hand.

"Be careful. Su Mu's voice once again fluttered into Ma Yinglong's ears. "The dagger in his hand can also be deadly.

"If you can, it's best to do it quickly and without delay." The longer you delay, the less good it will be for you!" Su

Mu directly transformed into a good mentor and friend, and began to give a simple explanation to Ma Yinglong.

Su Mu found that at this time, a trace of impatience flashed in Ma Yinglong's eyes.

Although it was only fleeting.

But it was still keenly captured by Su Mu.

"Hey. Su Mu sighed slightly in his heart, and he secretly said in his heart. "Sure enough, I still said too much. "

A lot of the time.

You think you're talking too much and you're being nice to others.

But more often than not, others don't want to listen to your nonsense.

Ma Yinglong forcibly endured the impatience in his heart and arched his hand to Su Mu: "Thank you Mr. Su for reminding." While

Ma Yinglong was talking to Su Mu.

The outlaws had already rushed to the front of Ma Yinglong.

They surrounded Ma Yinglong in groups and did not talk nonsense.

Directly draw your own weapon and make a move on Ma Yinglong.

Ma Yinglong's reaction is also really fast.

I saw that his right hand stretched out slightly, and he took the weapon in the hand of one of them.

After taking away the other party's weapon, Ma Yinglong also looked at the other party with a mocking look and said, "Just like you, what about being an outlaw?"

Ma Yinglong's behavior aroused the anger in the other party's heart.

But the other party was desperate to find out.

The young man in front of him, who was madly mocking himself, couldn't do anything about him.

Ma Yinglong is too powerful.

After dodging the weapon in the hands of this outlaw, Ma Yinglong directly returned the weapon to the other party.

However, the way Ma Yinglong returned the weapon was somewhat uncomfortable.

Ma Yinglong directly inserted the captured weapon into the chest of the opponent.

That man, directly killed.

It should be said that Ma Yinglong is really ruthless.

As soon as the battle began, his side damaged the face of an

outlaw boss, which was very ugly.

Not long after, the second outlaw also died at the hands of Ma Yinglong.

In less than five minutes.

On the field, only the outlaw boss himself was left.

The reason why Ma Yinglong did not kill the outlaw boss was not because Ma Yinglong was soft-hearted.

But Ma Yinglong felt that it should be very interesting to leave this outlaw boss.

"You outlaws, that's all it is!" Ma Yinglong had a mocking smile on his face.

The outlaw boss was angry, very angry.

But now, he can't do anything about it.

Because he also knew that Ma Yinglong was telling the truth.

"Young man, you better not deceive people too much. "The outlaw boss began to get fierce.

Ma Yinglong's face still had a disdainful expression: "How can I deceive people too much?" Ma

Yinglong's aggressiveness made the outlaw boss tremble.

He was trembling, most likely because of anger.

I saw that at this time, the outlaw boss directly touched his hand to his lower back.

A very old-looking revolver appeared in the hands of the outlaw boss.

Looking at the revolver in the hands of the outlaw boss, Ma Yinglong couldn't help but mock: "Even a desert eagle can't cause me harm."

"Do you think a broken revolver can hurt me?" the

outlaw boss did not speak.

I saw that the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a very evil smile appeared on his face.

Looking at the evil smile on the face of the outlaw boss, Ma Yinglong seemed to realize something.

Before Ma Yinglong could react, the outlaw boss pulled the trigger.

I saw a bullet flying straight in the direction of Ma Yinglong.

The speed of the bullet is very fast.

Even exceeded the rate of fire of bullets from ordinary machine guns.

In the blink of an eye, the bullet came to Ma Yinglong.

Ma Yinglong picked up a weapon at random and wanted to defend.

But the bullet directly shattered the weapon he copied.

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