Hei Wuxian Su Mu did not listen to the advice, and said in a soft voice: "Mr. Su, you and my Hades Mansion have not yet clashed. But if you insist on making a move today, it doesn't matter if you hurt the two of us.

"Our Hades and your beams are settled." When

Hei Impermanence said this, his demeanor and tone were very playful.

"Threaten me?" said Su Mu's eyes slightly narrowed, and he said very dissatisfied. "You know what, the thing I hate the most is when people threaten me.

"No, no, no!" Bai Impermanence shook his head as usual. "I didn't mean to threaten you, we said this just to warn you!" In

fact, after Su Mu won the championship.

Hades conducted an analysis of Su Mu.

The analysis results are displayed.

Su Mu's current realm is probably around concentration.

At such an age and such a realm, this really shocked the people of Hades.

Because as long as it is a different person, you can see it.

Su Mu's future will definitely become a very bullish alien.

His realm and achievements will even be above the Heavenly Master.

But now, Su Mu is just a small stranger with a heavy focus.

Although Hades attaches importance to Su Mu.

But Su Mu has not yet reached the point where the Hades government pays attention.

"Warn me?" said Su Mu with a slight cold look at the black and white impermanence, and said with a sneer. "I just feel like you're threatening me."

"When you say a threat, it's a threat." Bai Impermanence had run out of patience with Su Mu. "Since you think I'm threatening you, what are you going to do?"

"Su Mu is very direct.

"Hahaha!" Hearing Su Mu's words, Black and White Impermanence laughed directly. "

If it's ten years from now, or even five years from now." If you say this, we may believe it. But when you say this now, we don't

believe it at all!" "Don't believe it?" said Su Mu with a playful look at the black and white impermanence, with a smile on his face. "I'm a person who has always liked to convince people with reason.

"Since you don't believe it, then I'll beat you to believe it!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, his right hand shook slightly.

The Chaos Sword Fetus appeared directly in Su Mu's hand.

Black and white impermanence is also not ambiguous at all.

In Bai Impermanence's hand, an iron token appeared.

In the hands of black impermanence, a chain like snow appeared.

These two weapons, if you just look at the luster, are absolutely extraordinary.

On the contrary, the Chaos Sword Fetus in Su Mu's hand always felt almost interesting compared to their weapons.

The champion of the younger generation of Inhuman Competition, the weapon turned out to be a sword fetus.

This made black and white impermanence, and laugh again.

"I said Mr. Su!" Bai Impermanence looked at Su Mu's Chaos Sword Fetus playfully and mocked. "As the champion of the Inhuman Tournament, the weapon turned out to be a sword fetus. It's too humiliating to say this

!" "That's it!" "If you don't have money, you can talk to us." If you don't have more, millions can still be lent to you. These

two people sounded like they wanted to help Su Mu.

But in fact, they were mocking Su Mu.

The taunt before the battle is actually one of the means in the battle.

Su Mu put the Chaos Sword Fetus in front of his eyes and gently stroked it.

"This sword fetus is much better than your weapons. Su Mu told the truth.

"Poor is poor, don't make excuses. Bai Wuxian said with disdain.

After hearing Bai Impermanence's words, everyone in the Jing'an faction showed a black question mark expression on their faces.

They really couldn't connect the word Su Mu and poverty.

"Do they have any misunderstanding of the word poor?" "

I feel that Mr. Su's use of the sword fetus must have his own ideas."

"Don't look at this Chaos Sword Fetus, but I always feel that this Chaos Sword Fetus is not an ordinary product. "


The discussion among the Jing'an faction was not loud.

But it is still accurate, and it reaches the ears of black and white impermanence.

But even if it reached their ears, they didn't care at all.

After all, Su Mu was on the side of the Jing'an faction.

They have reason to doubt.

Jing'an sent everyone to say these words just to give Su Mu a stinky foot.

They don't believe it even more.

The plain-looking sword fetus in Su Mu's hand was actually an artifact.

"Let's do it!" said

Su Mu to the black and white impermanence.

Black and white impermanence glanced at each other.

Then the two of them rushed towards Su Mu in a very strange way.

On the way of the two of them, they kept changing directions, which made people unpredictable.

"This seems to be a ghost shadow, but it doesn't seem to be like it!" Su Mu's

face was full of doubt.

The strange technique used by the two looks very similar to the ghost shadow trace.

But if you look closely, you will find that the magic they use is less charm than the ghost shadow trace.

"Castrated version of the ghost shadow trail!" Su

Mu shook his head.

"Ghost Shadow Trail!" Su

Mu used the genuine Ghost Shadow Trail at this time.

Although Su Mu's figure began to become psychedelic.

In the black and white impermanent eyes, there was a shocked expression.

"How did he get ghostly?" asked Black Impermanence.

Hei Impermanence shook his head in shock, "And it seems that the ghost shadow trail he cast seems to be a complete version of the ghost shadow trail."

Upon hearing this, Bai Wuxian actually became excited: "If it's true, then we really can't kill him."

"That's right. "Black impermanence is very much in agreement with the view of white impermanence. "This man is very valuable to us in Hades.

"So no matter what, we must capture him alive." "

Since it has been decided to capture Su Mu alive.

Then they can't kill each other.

"As much as I can, the chains trap him!" said Black Impermanence slowly.

"Then I'll cooperate with you. "

The two have worked together countless times.

The degree of tacit understanding must not be said.

The idea of two people is good.

But the reality gave them a headache.

The complete version of the ghost shadow trail made them unable to capture Su Mu's trace at all.

Therefore, neither the chain nor the token could attack Su Mu.

"You two, it's not easy to attack me, and you still want to capture me alive?

After Su Mu finished speaking, he came directly to Bai Impermanence's back.

The Chaos Sword Fetus in his hand was also across Bai Impermanence's throat at this time.

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