
Su Mu quietly opened the Tongyu.

As Su Mu's eyes began to change, everything in front of him also began to change.

Su Mu saw that in the box in front of him, there was indeed something the size of a pill.

But after careful observation, Su Mu could be very sure that the contents of this box were definitely not pills.

Even when looking at this elixir-like thing, an indescribable sense of fear rose in Su Mu's heart.

It was as if this pill-like thing was very terrifying.

Su Mu lifted the ghost.

Then slowly open the box.

After the box was opened, Su Mu first smelled a very fragrant aroma.

This aroma is very peculiar.

Just sniffing it made Su Mu have a fluttering feeling.

It was as if this was something similar to an elixir, like an elixir.

Su Mu stared at it for a while.

A strong sense of crisis reappeared.

Su Mu knew.

This thing in front of you that resembles a pill is a very dangerous thing.

Su Mu carefully took it out of the box.

When Mr. Sui saw Su Mu and took the pill out of the box, his face showed a nervous expression.

At this time, Su Mu secretly glanced at Mr. Sui.

He saw very clearly the nervous expression on Mr. Sui's face.

"Sure enough, you are definitely a very dangerous thing!"

Before Su Mu, he was more or less unsure.

But at this time, he can already be very sure.

Holding that pill in his hand, Su Mu observed it a little.

Then Su Mu's right hand shook slightly.

The pill-like thing flew straight towards Mr. Sui.

Seeing this thing, Mr. Sui flew towards his side, his face full of panicked expressions.

He wanted to hide from this thing.

However, the speed of this thing was too fast, and it didn't give him time to dodge at all.

Something similar to a pill burst directly when it was less than a meter away from Mr. Sui.

A cloud of red smoke, at this time, directly enveloped Mr. Sui in it.

Mr. Sui wants to break free from the red smoke.

But this red smoke is like a tarsal maggot.

No matter what method Mr. Sui used, he could not break free from the red smoke covering Mr. Sui.

Su Mu saw that some parts of Mr. Sui's body had begun to fester.

Moreover, those festering places were spreading towards Mr. Sui's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, Mr. Sui's body festered.


Mr. Sui let out a scream of pain.

His current body is decayed.

The screams continued.

However, this scream did not last long.

Not long after Mr. Sui's screams disappeared, the red mist began to gradually dissipate.

The way this red mist dissipates is very strange.

It does not dissipate gradually, but suddenly.

As the red mist dissipates.

Where Mr. Sui used to stand, now only a pool of thick water remains.

Mr. Sui disappeared.

But strangely.

Even if it was Su Mu's words, because it was impossible to determine whether this Mr. Sui was really dead.

"It's over!"

The battle between Su Mu and Mr. Sui is now over.

He returned to the ranks of the Jing'an faction.

Once back in the team, he began to recover.

Mr. Sui's death made the rest of the people more cautious.

After many temptations, everyone also had a simple understanding of Su Mu's strength.

In everyone's hearts, there are only two words for Su Mu's realm, that is: invincible!

Just when everyone was hesitating about what to do next, a strange voice sounded at this time.


A very clear cracking sound, at this time, resounded in the ears of everyone present.

Everyone looked towards where the sound sounded.

Su Mu, who was sitting in place and recovering, also opened his eyes.

The place where this sound sounded was below the glow.

That rift is already very big.

If nothing else, this place should be completely broken tonight.


Just as Su Mu was observing the crack, another cracking sound sounded.

The rift widened further.

Just when everyone was expecting the next cracking sound, there was no movement below the glow.

It may be because of the fear of Su Mu's strength, or it may be other reasons for Su Mu.

Now there is no one who dares to step forward anymore.

At this time, everyone was recuperating and waiting for the space below the glow to open.


Endless silence.

The originally noisy Jing'an faction back mountain, now the quiet drop of needles can be heard.

No one spoke.

Even, the sound of breathing is not heard.

This eerie silence is very uncomfortable.

Su Mu's eyes were glued to the rift.

The rift is widening.

Although the expansion is not obvious.

But as Su Mu, who was closest to the rift, he could still clearly feel the changes in the rift.

Time goes by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, it was around five o'clock in the morning.

At this time in the sky, a glimmer of light can already be seen.

Now there are less than a few hours before complete dawn.

Everyone in the Jing'an faction recovered very well on this night.

Almost all of them have restored their state to their peak state.

Because whether it is the people of the Jing'an faction or everyone else present, they know.

This place under the light will soon be opened.

"Why did Xia Guang suddenly disappear?"

At this time, an alien said loudly.

Everyone from the Jing'an Sect also turned back in unison at this time.

"That's right, the glow is gone! Are we about to enter that place?

"Then I must be ready, I hope that this chance can make me go further!"

"For some reason, I feel an indescribable sense of crisis in my heart. This sense of crisis makes me feel very uncomfortable.

"I think this place under the light should not be so simple."


At this time, Su Mu also discovered the disappearance of Xiaguang.

He squinted and looked in the direction of the crack.

The crack is still widening.

Su Mu felt that in less than an hour, the ground of this place would completely collapse.

"Let everyone be vigilant!"

Su Mu said to Lin Feng who was not far away.

Although Lin Feng didn't know what happened, he still nodded.

Then he turned his head and looked at the people of the Jing'an faction.

Without waiting for Lin Feng to speak, everyone in the Jing'an faction nodded one after another.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and began to adjust his state as well.

An hour later.


The sound of shattering sounded again.

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