"Formation flag? If I'm not mistaken, what Su Mu is holding in his hand seems to be a formation flag!

"Who is this Su Mu, and why is there a formation flag?"

"My God, this person is not only terrifying in strength that makes people despair, but also has the legendary formation flag!"

"I really did, and I thought we would have some hope. But after this formation appeared, I knew that I had no hope. "


When everyone saw the formation flag, they all cried bitterly.

Since they can recognize the formation flag, it means that they know the role of the formation flag.

"Formation flag? What is a formation flag? "

Lin Feng, as the sect master of the sect, doesn't even know what the formation banner is.

"A chess piece that can directly arrange the formation!"

In order to prevent his master from being embarrassed, Chu Xi explained softly on the side.

Before everyone could react.

Su Mu's right hand trembled slightly.

The formation flag flew directly towards the front.

After flying out, the formation flag directly began to grow larger when it landed.

Soon, it became a big flag.

With this big banner as the center of the circle, a formation is slowly forming.

After the formation was fully formed, Su Mu smiled and waved his hand to the scholar, "I hope your luck will be better!"

After speaking, Su Mu walked towards Lin Feng.

"Let's go!"

Su Mu said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded and waved his hand at everyone from the Jing'an faction.

Then everyone walked in the direction of the crack.

Stand on the edge and look inside.

I saw that inside it, it was a deep hole.

The darkness in the big hole is incomparable.

Lin Feng seemed to have been prepared.

I saw that he took out a cold firework directly from his backpack.

Pulled away the cold fireworks and threw them directly into the cave.

As the cold fireworks continue to go down.

Everyone clearly saw that underneath, there was a very deep hole.

"The height from the ground, about 50 meters!" Su Mu estimated slightly, turned his head and said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng turned to the people of the Jing'an faction: "If it is 50 meters, you guys are okay, right?"

"No problem!"

Everyone in the Jing'an faction nodded in unison.

"Okay, then let's go together!"

Lin Feng said and jumped in first.

After that, Su Mu, followed by the Jing'an faction.

The crowd quickly landed.

In the depths of this big hole, there is a very huge space.

After landing on the ground, Su Mu began to look around.

It was as if he was looking for something.

"What's over there?"

At this time, a disciple of the Jing'an Sect shouted.

Everyone looked towards the direction pointed by the disciples of the Jing'an Sect.

I saw that in the middle of this underground space, there was a pagoda.

Su Mu roughly counted that this pagoda had a total of seven floors.

"Seven-story pagoda?"

Looking at this seven-story pagoda, Su Mu felt very strange.

This seven-story pagoda looks very luxurious.

Its body exudes a golden radiance, as if it was forged from gold.

Above the eaves of each floor of the pagoda, there are bells.

The style of the bell looks very old.

But the appearance of the bell seems to be a new work.

The strangest thing is.

The color of each layer of bells is different.

"The bells on the first floor are black. The bells on the second layer are bronze. The bell on the third layer is silver. The bells on the fourth floor are gold-colored. "

The bell on the fifth floor is sky blue. The bells on the sixth floor are orange. The bells on the seventh floor are red. Someone

said the colors of these seven layers of bells.

"It's kind of interesting."

Su Mu looked at the bell on the pagoda, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing an interested expression.

Seeing that Su Mu's expression changed, Lin Feng asked curiously, "Did you discover anything?"

Su Mu pointed in the direction of the pagoda and said to Lin Feng: "Black iron, bronze, silver, gold, diamond, orange agate, red jadeite."

"Didn't you find something?"

After Lin Feng observed it, he suddenly showed a stunned expression: "The materials used in each layer have different values. The lowest value is black iron. The highest value is red jadeite.

Su Mu nodded.

"Therefore, the value of the things in each layer is also different." Chu Xi answered on the side.

Lin Feng rubbed his hands a little impatiently and said, "Then let's go in!"

"Let's go! Go and see what the situation is in this pagoda!

Su Mu took the lead in walking in the direction of the pagoda.

Lin Feng, Chu Xi, and Jing'an faction followed.

Soon, the group came to the entrance of the pagoda.

As soon as the group approached the pagoda, they found a stone tablet on the right side of the entrance to the pagoda.

On the stone tablet, some words are engraved.

"This pagoda is a delicate pagoda! The pagoda has seven floors. Inside each floor, there is a space of its own!

"Pass every layer of the test, you can get a reward!" But if you die in the pagoda, you are completely dead. "

The text on the stone tablet is to introduce the pagoda in front of you.

"Game?" Su Mu was a little disappointed.

"No, no, no!" At this time, Lin Feng seemed to have discovered what to say. He pointed to the back of the stone tablet and said to Su Mu. "If a disciple of the Jing'an Sect breaks through, he can get double the reward!"

"Good fellow." When Su Mu heard this, his eyes immediately lit up.

However, after the light, Su Mu's eyes darkened again.

Even the disciples of the Jing'an Sect have double the reward.

But to Su Mu, it didn't seem to mean much.

"Mr. Su." Seeing that Su Mu was a little disappointed, Lin Feng said with a smile. "I know you're disappointed! But this stone tablet also says later! Whoever can completely break through this exquisite pagoda will get the ultimate reward!

As soon as he heard that there was the ultimate reward, Su Mu was immediately moved.

"Don't hesitate, everyone rush!"

After Su Mu finished shouting, he rushed into the Linglong Pagoda first.

The others, too, rushed in.

But when Su Mu entered the Linglong Pagoda, the scene in front of him made him dumbfounded.

At this time, he was standing in an endless grassland.

Twitch your nose slightly, and you can even smell the fragrance of grass in the air.

At this time, a voice sounded in Su Mu's ears.

"The first level, kill 100 steel-toothed iron pigs!"

"Pass! You can get rewards, after all, enter the second tier!

"Failure! It will be eliminated directly, and it will also be directly teleported out of the Linglong Pagoda.

A voice that was like a mechanical synthesis sounded in Su Mu's mind.

Su Mu did not speak, he looked around, as if waiting for something.

But after waiting for a long time, nothing was waited.

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