Su Mu rushed to the polar war bear again.

The Chaos Sword Fetus in his hand swung and stabbed straight towards the chest of the polar war bear.

This place is also one of several weak points of polar war bears.

It's different from before.

This time, the Chaos Sword Fetus actually pierced directly into the body of the polar war bear.

When Gao Mu pulled out the Chaos Sword Fetus again, blood flowed directly down the wound.

The pain made the polar war bear look very angry.

Its mouth opened, and a mouthful of fangs bit straight in Su Mu's direction.

The corners of Su Mu's mouth rose slightly, and his right foot stomped on the ground.

"Golden Light Spell!"

The golden light instantly covered Su Mu's body.


The mouth of the polar war bear bit into the shell of the golden light spell.

The Golden Light Curse was teetering by the bite of the polar war bear.

"This little bear's teeth are really good!" Su Mu teased with a playful smile.

At the same time, his right hand waved again.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

Above the Chaos Sword Fetus, it was instantly covered with purple flames.


This time, the Chaos Sword Fetus with the blazing flame directly pierced into the body of the polar war bear.

The purple flames instantly covered the polar war bear.

The polar war bear, covered in flames, let out a howl of pain.

Not long after, the polar war bear was burned into ashes by this blazing flame.

Su Mu stood in place, waiting for the system prompt.

But what he didn't expect was that although he killed the polar war bear. However, no system prompts were heard.


Su Mu scratched his head, feeling very strange.

When he encountered a strange beast in the tower before, he almost always had a system prompt.

But this time, there was no system prompt.

"Pass the test of the fifth layer, please ask if you want to go to the sixth layer!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Mu chose to teleport.

In the next second, Su Mu's eyes fell into darkness again.

When the light reappears.

Su Mu was in a palace at this time.

The palace looks very grand, and some of the surrounding decorations also look very luxurious.

Su Mu looked around, looking for some clues on this layer.

But after looking around, I found nothing.

Just when Su Mu felt strange, a strange thing suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Human, here you are!"

The strange thing not far in front of Su Mu's body opened its mouth slightly.

It's something that looks like a doll.

But if you look closely, you feel that this thing is a little different from the doll.

Its height is probably only a dozen centimeters.

On the miserable white face, there are a pair of blood-red eyes.

This blood red is not an adjective.

It's the eyes of this thing, as if they were condensed with blood.


[Doom Doom Doll]


: Unknown introduction: Life encounters are different. From birth, he carried bad luck.


Looking at the introduction of the doom doll, Su Mu fell into deep thought.

The feeling that this thing gave Su Mu was really too strange.

Especially in its introduction, it made Su Mu scratch his head.

Because in the introduction, "he" is used instead of "it".

Other words.

This so-called doom doll is most likely a living thing.

This thought makes people feel very strange.

"What are you?" Su Mu asked the doll curiously.

The doom doll's mouth opened slightly, revealing a very strange-looking smile.

"I'm called Doom Doll. From the time I was born, I carried bad luck! "

The sound of the doom doll sounds very unreal.

It felt like several people were talking together.

These people speak to young and old, men and women.

"So, you're alive?" Su Mu looked at the doom doll with curiosity on his face.

After being reborn, Su Mu encountered countless strange things.

But like doom dolls, he really encountered it for the first time.

"Yes." The head of the doom doll nodded very mechanically and said slowly to Su Mu. "Not only do I have life, but I can also think independently!"

"So weird?" Su Mu frowned.

"Is it weird?" The corners of the doom doll's mouth rose again, revealing a very strange-looking smile. "Why do I think it's not weird at all?"

"I think I'm a normal human child!"

When he said this, tears began to drip from the eyes of the doom doll.

That's right, tears.

But it's different from normal human tears.

The tears of this doom doll look like blood.

Tears like blood slipped from the doom doll's face.

Blood and tears also left blood stains on the face of the doom doll.

This doom doll is weird enough in itself.

Such blood and tears add a little to the weirdness of the doom doll.

After shedding blood and tears for a while, the doom doll began to say in a crying voice: "I am obviously a normal human child, but why, my parents don't want me!" The

cry of the doom doll made Su Mu feel upset.

"Can you stop crying?" Su Mu glared at the doom doll and shouted loudly. "Don't you know? Your crying sounds really disgusting!

As soon as Su Mu's words came out, the doom doll directly stopped crying.

It stared at Su Mu with those strange eyes and roared loudly: "Human, you actually say that my crying is disgusting, you actually say that my crying is disgusting!"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

The doom doll roared and rushed in the direction of Su Mu.

This thing in front of you, although it is just a doll.

But Su Mu did not despise it.

After all, the weirdness of this thing is more or less beyond Su Mu's cognition.

But even if Su Mu didn't despise this thing, this thing still made Su Mu feel more or less incredible.

Because when rushing towards Su Mu.

The body of this doom doll actually began to fill with black smoke.

The black smoke that permeated formed a very strange-looking shadow behind the doom doll's body.

This shadow looks like a big bear.

It's different from ordinary big bears.

This big bear condensed by black shadows is very hideous and terrifying.

The corner of the big bear's mouth split and split directly to the root of the ear.

Not only that.

In the eye socket of this big bear, there is no eyeball, only a thing that looks like a steel nail.

"What the hell is this TM!"

Looking at the big bear condensed by the black mist, Su Mu couldn't help but gasp.

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